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Thread: Castle Story 3/5: The Will O' The Glimmerwisps | event information on page 1

  1. #291
    Rhino Keeper
    Join Date
    Jan 2016
    Quote Originally Posted by ladlasse View Post
    I don't usually install those games either and wish those goals could be deleted, but I was pleasantly surprised when I saw it would give 3 of the much needed fragments and wanted to make sure I shared on the forum.
    Are you on android or iOS if I may ask? I'm on android, and I definitely didn't get any wispies let alone fragments for installing and playing Home Design Makeover, even though I had it as a goal in my game. I only got the gems, which was also the only reward advertised in my case.

  2. #292
    Got my rainbow grove yesterday and I have to say that i truly like the artwork. Today was my first collection and I was ready for the 2 energy punch, but instead it gave me 5 energy. No clue what it will be tomorrow, but if it sticks in the plus 5 range then I am def OK with it.

    Edit: next collection was 3 energy :-(
    Last edited by CelineDragoness; 03-14-20 at 07:21 AM.

  3. #293
    Executive Chef
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    Nov 2016
    Quote Originally Posted by queens_ransom View Post
    Are you on android or iOS if I may ask? I'm on android, and I definitely didn't get any wispies let alone fragments for installing and playing Home Design Makeover, even though I had it as a goal in my game. I only got the gems, which was also the only reward advertised in my case.
    Make sure the reward is advertised. It wasn't a surprise, i noticed it as a reward so downloaded the necessary game.

  4. #294
    Executive Chef
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    Quote Originally Posted by HuckleTown View Post
    Do you have any "install S8 game" goals?
    I did have the game as a goal a while back, installed it, played through until I met the three goals for gems, then the goals for this game were gone. There are still goals for two other games, but they only show gems as rewards. So apparently since I was so prompt earlier, I do not get the wispie opportunity. And those red ones are the ones most likely to be the problem for succeeding in this event.

  5. #295
    Fashion Designer
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    Feb 2014
    How come some people are getting extra goals that give fragments as rewards?? That's pretty unfair on those who are struggling.

  6. #296
    Rhino Keeper
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    Aug 2016
    The mysterious matter has been hard for me the majority of the time I get one. Very rarely two or three but I will keep going because I just have four of each fragment left to make.

  7. #297
    Fashion Designer
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    Jan 2015
    Quote Originally Posted by queens_ransom View Post
    Are you on android or iOS if I may ask? I'm on android, and I definitely didn't get any wispies let alone fragments for installing and playing Home Design Makeover, even though I had it as a goal in my game. I only got the gems, which was also the only reward advertised in my case.
    Queens-ransom - I have iPad so iOS. I saw the rewards and that's the only reason I installed the game. I thought it would just be the red wispies and was really pleased it was the fragment instead.

    For those not seeing the goal, I'm sure it's only for new players of the Home design game. So if you've previously installed and received a prize, they likely won't give you another chance. It's marketing to entice you to try a new game. I haven't installed it until now. I'm sure I missed out on other prizes that might have helped previous CS goals or more energy or gems.

    As everyone else, I'm extremely disappointed with drops from the dead trees. I'm getting one per tree with occasionally a second one. These are terrible drops. If I figured correctly, I might have spent 250,000 coins on buying these trees for the total need.

    Good luck to everyone.
    Last edited by ladlasse; 03-14-20 at 12:09 PM.
    Kingdom is Nancelot. I play regularly and try to be very swift to respond to requests.

  8. #298
    Executive Chef
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    Rocky Mountains USA
    It's not just for new players; I have standing game downloads in my goalbook and the rewards for said games change often, depending on the event. I have had these for a good year I believe. However, I DO watch videos (I am on iOS), have occasionally downloaded a game from said videos, and spend $ on games. I tried doing the "free gem" link stuff but also was one of the people who didn't get the advertised gems for completing the goal, so I don't bother anymore. It's not worth wasting my time/supports' time for a few gems. I have purchased gems on sale or for an event drop prize (last one was mmmm a monster hunt, I believe).
    I didn't get the troll and my drops seem to be OK. I do mass collects/chops of things and maybe that triggers more drops? For example, I will collect from 10-12 farmhouses at a time, or all my towers, or the flamingoes or geese. Or I chop 3-4 trees at a time. Or I use 30 odd energy to go for the pond spawns. I manage to finish most events the past year or so, some have been really close but others I finished several days early. I missed the first few days of this event and will Just finish on Wed AM after the final Ivy collect. And I am not sure if anyone posted earlier, but Peacocks also give yellow wispies. (Been looking for Pile of Seeds to make Vital Extract with all the mushrooms)
    Plz add: SofiaDeo, pinkpresence (Pinks Place), impyLou (Queen Impylou), aaerie (Aaerie)
    Plz ask all 4 or none, thx

  9. #299
    Fashion Designer
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    Aug 2013
    Ugh!! Totally forgot to collect from Ivy this morning! Luckily we still have time left. I have all of the second and third fragments just waiting on Ivy and have a few more dead trees and regular trees to chop. Would have been nice to be able to download a game and get fragments but I guess I’m just not one of the lucky few. The discrepancy in the game kinda makes me want to delete it but I’m hooked lol.

  10. #300

    Wrong info?

    Why does it tell me on my quest info I have to do 4 rainbow fragments each but, when I go to the potion shop it tells me I have to have 6? I'm so confused by this!! Why does it do that?
    Last edited by SpiritWind00; 03-14-20 at 08:11 PM. Reason: removed 1st page quote

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