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Thread: Gold Tokens for Strongshine NOT Awarded For Breeding on Last Day of Leaderboard Event

  1. #1
    Executive Chef deadpixel's Avatar
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    Southeast Asia

    Gold Tokens for Strongshine NOT Awarded For Breeding on Last Day of Leaderboard Event

    To be precise:

    We were not awarded the Gold Tokens for the crafting of the Strongshine Dragon when we completed the breeding of dragons, all through the last day of the Glamour Guard Leaderboard Event. There was absolutely no notification about this before Storm8 switched off the feature.

    We would breed dragons but when the breeding was done and we collected from the completed Den or Roost, we would not receive any Gold Tokens (we were supposed to receive 14 Gold Tokens for ever hour of breeding).

    Those of us who spent gold to speed up the breedings received points only for the leaderboard but not Gold Tokens for the Strongshine dragon.

    Many of us have screen video recordings of this and have already submitted tickets to support.

    We also note that the feature to award the Gold Tokens for breeding was quietly "switched on" again sometime between 5:00 p.m. and 6:00 p.m. on Saturday, Mar 7 PST, with no notification or apology for the unexpected issues related to the feature.

    Please have this looked into and award us the missing Gold Tokens. For players who spent real money buying the gold to speed-breed, (the act of paying gold to complete breedings immediately), the switched-off feature deprived us of thousands of Gold Tokens.

  2. #2
    Rhino Keeper
    Join Date
    Apr 2017
    It is true that it cost people who spent real money for game gold and it is obviously true that it cost them more than those who spent just game gold that they have accumulated. Still, even the people who used the game gold that they accumulated over time, sometimes years of time, deserve to be compensated too. In the past, S8 has given out such things as Storm8 dragons and I believe a Neo Storm8 dragon along with an apology but in this case awarding players the gold tokens that they earned is appropriate. A true apologetic gesture would be for S8 to refund at least a portion of the gold used as well as the gold tokens. That would be both unexpected and a great public relations move on their part
    Last edited by squigglish; 03-08-20 at 12:43 PM.

  3. #3
    I go did speed breeding the last day of global leaderboard with approx10,000 points earned in that particular boosted breeding time frame NO GOLD TOKENS WERE AWARDED I think we all expect some sort of compensation for this clear mistake and hopefully in a prompt manner (ticket put in days ago without response yet)

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jan 2016
    In addition to compensating players who used gold, spent money for boosting you should consider the thousands of other players who lost gold tokens in normal play who could use those especially since you decreased amounts in tales for this month. I think activating the 2x rewards for breeding for the rest of the month might be a way to compensate players.

    But especially be fair to all those players that did spend on the LB. And maybe do some better checking of your games before you leave players stranded on the weekend .

  5. #5
    Admin Community Manager [S8] Elsa's Avatar
    Join Date
    May 2011
    We have a repair plan, we just didn't implement it on Friday so we could monitor the fix and deploy the repair when we have the full support of our team on Monday. The craft is available for the remainder of the month, so this timeline was the best course of action.

    Please keep in mind that this was not a bug anyone could catch by 'just checking the game'. It was an unforseen conflict. We appreciate our team members who helped us dig through endless lines of data to help us identify the conflict!

    Thank you for your patience and understanding of the dynamic environment of supporting live games as a service.

    If you're concerned about any Gold spends after the resolution goes out, you may contact support for assistance.

  6. #6
    Admin Community Manager [S8] Elsa's Avatar
    Join Date
    May 2011
    Please see your goal books for the goal named "A Token of Gratitude", available for 3 days.

    If you have any questions about Gold spends, please contact support for assistance.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Jan 2016
    Is it me, or is a gift of 200 gold tokens rather chintzy considering how many a player may have lost...200 equates to a bit over 14 hrs of breeding and if roost was running too. That doesn't seem too generous.

  8. #8
    Admin Community Manager [S8] Elsa's Avatar
    Join Date
    May 2011
    Quote Originally Posted by Rfs04 View Post
    Is it me, or is a gift of 200 gold tokens rather chintzy considering how many a player may have lost...200 equates to a bit over 14 hrs of breeding and if roost was running too. That doesn't seem too generous.
    For the majority of players, this is a generous solution. The issue duration was for ~7 hours (verified with our system timestamps). The resolution assumes the following two factors for are true for all players in the game: 1) both breeding sources were active and 2) the breeds were for exactly 7 hours. 14 hours (2 sources) x14 (per hour)=196 rounded up to 200.

    The outside factors are:
    - The Breeding Roost is a premium feature so while we accommodate for this factor, it's not likely all players have both sources active.
    - If the timer for the breeding sources exceeded the 7hr duration, the player would not have received any Gold Tokens during the time period.
    - Unknown factor of speed breeds require individual review by support to evaluate if their claim exceeds the 200 from the gift.

    We put a lot of thought and consideration into the decision. If you don't agree with the amount, you're invited to contact support to request a review of your game activities to verify if you are eligible for additional compensation.

  9. #9
    Rhino Keeper
    Join Date
    Oct 2014
    As a show of good faith to all players as well as those who spent real money during the preceding Leaderboard, and everyone who *believed* they were racking up points to craft Strongshine, a free Strongshine dragon should have been given to everyone. After all, when players invest in the game, aren’t they showing faith in S8? Then S8 should reciprocate. Maybe this blunder was unforeseen, but it was noticed by players.

    Receiving 200 gold tokens for my own vigilance and for reporting this incident only reaffirms my decision to never, ever spend real money on this game.

  10. #10
    Rhino Keeper
    Join Date
    Oct 2014
    The 7 hour window is not possible. I reported this incident before 8:45 am when I removed an egg from the breeding den and moved it to the nest. The gold tokens were not collected at that time, so this bug or error in the coding or whatever was in place before 8:45 am., likely the night before.

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