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Thread: Constructive Criticism (feedback) in my own words. Suggestions also.

  1. #1
    Executive Chef
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    Behind a giant flytrap

    Constructive Criticism (feedback) in my own words. Suggestions also.

    I love S8, all may pay goes to bakery story. Though lately, I haven't had much reason to spend moneys much other than on box/crates (as I don't have all of what I want from the box/crates) As the actual items in sales (on the market tab) aren't really worth buying, (I will get into it, because right now it just sounds like "it's bad" rather then actual criticism)

    It's not really worth buying because it seems like it's been on the market each year, take example the recent "Black Friday" sale. which the offerings is ok for newer players, but for older players or people who have played longer then a year, there is really nothing new to buy. Which isn't good For like I said, older players.

    However on a positive note, I do see improvement among S8. As they have been improving lately (as much as they can, at the current moment) which I most definitely think is a step in great direction.

    However, I do hope my suggestions aren't thought of as "rude" or flammable, as that is not my intention.
    Last edited by kappy333; 11-30-19 at 03:59 PM.

  2. #2
    Executive Chef
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    My personal suggestions (not all are original/completely said by me) however I do hope to eventually see sorted out lists of things, if S8 is able to implement it in there games.

    Neighbours/visitors post go below the bakery owner's own post(s) or at least bakery owner's message never get deleted if there wall was to get full. As I never get to see who is on break/deleting the game, because there wall is filled from other players or there post gets automatically deleted because of it.

    A hard future to possibly implement (but 1 can dream) is that when a bakery owner doesn't want anyone to post, they can have that option for it to be on/off. Instead of posting "do not post" because if I must admit, I don't read walls, at all. And if it isn't at the top, I probably won't see it/look for it, and accidentally post. However I have been good as of late with not posting, but not all the time have I.


    Also, a private/personal wall for each bakery owner, and only they can read the messages people post in there. I see sometimes players have personal conversations. (Not super personal, but enough to need a private wall) people trying to jump in conversations where they are not welcome in.

    A select all when gifting, but you can uncheck whoever (if they must require a specific/certain gift)

    A last active under there bakery name.
    Example of me - Twix N Scones
    last active 4 days ago/ or 2 hours ago,
    so people can be more precise on who to delete/what actions to take with said player.

    A check mark near someone's name (neighbour wise) who has visited you that day. As unfortunately if a player is full, I usually will never write a message but skip to the next neighbour. Also if this was to ever happen, it can also help people see "well, this player at least visited me"
    Instead of thinking "oh, they have not - or - "where is my tips"

    The "adding" of people, there is an option I believe in Castle Story where you can automatically add people, without needing there ID. And if you don't want random people adding you, there is an option to turn that off (like in Castle Story) as sometimes ID's are 2 long/almost identical to someone else's ID, and so people aren't claiming impoliteness, when someone asks to be added instead, they can leave there "adding" on, and if someone wishes to, they can. And if not, don't ask if they visit you and you still aren't added.

    A option to delete (wishful thinking on my part) but a option to delete your own message from a players wall, instead of them. I have deal with a somewhat of a "stalker" before where they would visit my wall post that I left them, and in a way, would use that to there advantages. And so have other people have also there fair share of "stalkers"

  3. #3
    Executive Chef
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    Behind a giant flytrap
    Oh! And a possible trading system (just on Black Friday)
    Where you can trade what you want/don't want with neighbours, only on Black Friday: for example, I would trade my Spooky Patch or my 4 Spooky Queen (or all of the above) just for 1 more Spooky Ghosts.

    And for future reference, if the non goal related oven/stove was to come back, instead of earning gems for mastery, they can offer a special decoration related to that oven (and you can only get it that way) if you reach and finish all 4 levels of mastery - if that makes sense.

    Click image for larger version. 

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  4. #4
    Executive Chef
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    Behind a giant flytrap
    Oh! More suggestions are coming to mind again, you know the message that says "Are you sure you want to sell this item?" Click image for larger version. 

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    I think it needs to be more specific, as I've been prone to accidental selling, and so have other people, so it would be nice, if in specifics that it says "Are you sure you want to sell the Cute Bat Baker?"
    Last edited by kappy333; 12-05-19 at 04:43 PM. Reason: SELL*** not SALE

  5. #5
    Executive Chef
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    Here is a suggestion for future reference (even though I've previously suggested it)

    Here is a idea I have in mind.

    Anyway. I think of bringing the reindeer back everyday until Christmas. Like a daily reward for getting on everyday until 25 December. (like with the coins, but instead of the coins, you get the 1 reindeer per day). Is a good idea, however it may be already late to do so. However if they do not bring them back this year, they can think of my idea for next if they are willing to at least take it in thought/feedback.

    --- Other suggestion(s)

    A "delete all" option for messages.
    I never save messages from anyone besides myself, so this would definitely come in use for me.

    However- the delete all option, wouldn't delete your own message(s) you have posted, just the messages from other players.

  6. #6
    Executive Chef
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    Behind a giant flytrap
    A different post, that I'd like to talk about.

    Hopefully this isn't 2 bold to say/suggest, but I would prefer for more people of colour, in specifics, dark people like Natasha or in her shade range, like - the ballerina in the "Opening Night" or the guy in the "Parade Hosts" (still mad for not doing that goal in my main bakery)
    But I do have in in a different bakery - here is the picture of all items combined.
    Click image for larger version. 

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    if my daughter does ever start playing, when she's old enough, I bet I'll get questions from her asking me where people like her in the game are at. Because my wife often jokes about not seeing any, which is saddening.

    We do have people of colour on the game, but it seems to not get in the specific colour range that Natasha is in, that often, if at all. Which is a pain, because I know we have people of Natasha's colour range (if not darker) that play, or may eventually play, and don't feel or will feel represented.

  7. #7
    Executive Chef
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    Behind a giant flytrap
    The little Aprons within the game - remember them, right?
    Click image for larger version. 

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    Well I got thinking and I thought, that if there was to be a fashion aspect implemented within the game and challenges were to be happen again

    Why not implement an idea of a challenge with "Whoever can decorate the apron" and win something of some kind. To see who has the artistry, in a way.

    Like "whoever can make the most festive apron" wins a random Christmas item or some gems in the end.

    It was a random idea, my thoughts about it might be flawed/aren't fully thought out - but I would like to see a challenge of some kind happen again..

    Especially a new take on the Challenges.

    If I must admit - I don't like the "Nice bakery" type challenges they did a few years back - because beauty within bakeries differences from player to player. That and beauty is massively different to people, depending on who you ask.

    Click image for larger version. 

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ID:	54683
    Last edited by kappy333; 02-15-20 at 04:13 PM.

  8. #8
    Executive Chef
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    Behind a giant flytrap
    A wish of mine:

    I wish for a storm8 mascot on bakery story.

    We have the little in game characters,

    Loretta, Jean Pierre, Natasha, Hazel - but no actual mascot within bakery.

    Whereas, restaurant story has 2 mascots, PLUS in game characters.

    However I'm not going to hold out hope for more than 1 mascot on bakery (just only stormie) if we ever get one there also, as Teamlava was the older version of what is now s8, mascot.
    Click image for larger version. 

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    However the older mascot of what is now S8, teamlava, specifically team lava girl, was also in a decoration, not just a standalone, but also in a decoration.

    Halftime show
    Click image for larger version. 

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ID:	54838

  9. #9
    Executive Chef
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    Behind a giant flytrap
    Oh! A suggestion of mine

    I thought of having a way, with requests, to show who has gotten yours for that day. Even if they've accepted it or not.

    That way if they have, and you still didn't get your request answered, you can take actions to do with said player(s)..

    I've had neighbours where I am not sure (in the past) if they've seen it, and declined it. As I had my suspicions with this one player, never got my requests answered, ever.

    Though luckily I have decoys I only use, for gift requests, gifting myself what I need, or etc.

    But there has been player frustration, & thinking people are declining there gift requests.

    So this would be more than great, if we could see who have gotten a request(s).

    Because it's also entirely possible that they didn't, as they have revived the max 20 they can answer.

    Or even a way to automatically unlist people, when sending a gift request, if they've receive all 20. So that way you don't have to send it to a player, and have to wait a day or 2, for it to even be seen.

    If this makes sense!

  10. #10
    Executive Chef
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    Behind a giant flytrap
    You know, I don't play bakery story right now, or at least not at the current moment at the time of writing this, but I got to thinking of possibly having a feature of incorporating a selling aspect that when you sell something, you would get 0 coins from it.

    Like farm story 2, absolutely anything you try selling-

    DISCLAIMER; before I get attacked.

    -from what I've noticed and on my time on farm, gives you absolutely no coins. You sell it, it gives you no coins, even if you spent gems on it, to get it. You still get 0 coins from it.

    I was thinking of also having this possibly be incorporated into bakery story, also, because it can discourage players from making a dumb move or mistake just for the sake of having a few hundred to a few thousand coins when they might be in need for some easy coins.

    I know for a fact, that it would heavily discourage me, just because I've been selling things I've payed thousands of coins for, or even gems for, just for a quit coin(s) due to me being in dire need of it.

    Since this feature exists on farm, I have not sold anything, because it has strongly discouraged me from doing so.

    Though, I will say this, they need to work on improving the game, and functions as is, before incorporating new or newer ones, but I definitely wouldn't mind eventually seeing this here on bakery either.

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