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Thread: ⚔Thuakie Sword Society⚔ (Castle Story)

  1. #611
    Rhino Keeper
    Join Date
    Feb 2013
    I like C
    The swords are like the emoji (which is what we post on walls) and the shield has the distinctive gem.

  2. #612
    Rhino Keeper
    Join Date
    Feb 2014


    I vote for C, like claupu .
    ⚔️#️⃣3️⃣4️⃣⚔️ ⚪️❎💎❎{🏥}=============>

  3. #613
    Rhino Keeper
    Join Date
    May 2013
    I'm voting for "C"
    ⚔ Proud member of the Thuakie Sword Society! #44⚔ aka: Nelson

  4. #614
    Rhino Keeper
    Join Date
    Apr 2016
    Maine USA
    *rooty toot air-raid sirens*


    Meeka has been locked out of her game for near on a week and is teetering on the brink of the PIT OF MUD! A fellow member is in despair! S8 support has totally left her in the lurch! It is time for Thuakians to UNITE! Great Poobah, what's our battle strategy?

    *rooty-toot trumpets tweeeee!*
    Proud Member of the ⚔ Thuakie Sword Society ⚔
    Wild of Wildwood🍄
    Magical Mystery Sword Engraved #️⃣5️⃣1️⃣

  5. #615
    I like B

  6. #616
    Rhino Keeper
    Join Date
    Mar 2012
    Thank you for putting all the time into creating these and giving us a vote! I like option D.
    Duchess of Hooville 🔘❎🔷❎{🐗}=============>
    ⚔️⚔Proud Member (#30) of The Thuakie Sword Society⚔⚔️
    and Keeper of the Thuakie Dagger ⛔️❌{🐍}[#######>

  7. #617
    Executive Chef
    Join Date
    Jan 2014
    Atlanta, GA
    Quote Originally Posted by xtinem070672 View Post
    ....Hey, Northie, I wanna submit a suggestion for our first too-doo of the year...a Garden Flower Planting Party! Since it's looking kinda like spring around my parts, and probably summer everywhere else, we should drag some long forgotten flowers out of deep storage and spring-up our places! Anyone want to second the idea?
    Quote Originally Posted by xtinem070672 View Post
    .....Meeka has been locked out of her game for near on a week and is teetering on the brink of the PIT OF MUD! A fellow member is in despair! S8 support has totally left her in the lurch! It is time for Thuakians to UNITE! Great Poobah, what's our battle strategy?
    Wildwood ~ I like your Garden Party idea so I'll second the idea!
    Since it's your shindig, how do you propose we go about it? -- fix up an area that can be captured in a single screen shot & post it here or what? ..I'd suggest folks post on my wall if they're participating and everyone else can visit their kingdoms from there but like Meeka, I'm having log-in issues, too. There's really no battle plan I can devise to do anything about it when it's totally on S8's side to fix it.... and we're doomed to just freakin' wait. It's so frustrating.

    All Y'all ~ I've recorded all your votes here and those votes on my wall and plan to do a reminder visit to those who haven't yet responded WHENEVER I CAN BE ON MY GAME LONG ENOUGH TO DO IT, grrrrrr.

  8. #618
    Rhino Keeper
    Join Date
    Oct 2013
    Sorry for the late vote. I vote D.
    Sunny Squire to the Grand Poobah
    ⚔ Proud Member of the Thuakie Sword Society! ⚔

    Proud owner of this, engraved #1, 'Needle' Sword: ☀️ ={}=========>

  9. #619
    Rhino Keeper
    Join Date
    Apr 2016
    Maine USA
    *feet pounding and sneakers screeching to a stop*

    Whew! I totally spaced out May roll-call! Glad I'm not the last one to check in! Haha! That would be embarrassing...hey, why's it so quiet in here? Wait, I'm the first to check in...on May 10th?! Uhh-ohhh

    *sideways glance at a very cranky looking Poobah*
    Proud Member of the ⚔ Thuakie Sword Society ⚔
    Wild of Wildwood🍄
    Magical Mystery Sword Engraved #️⃣5️⃣1️⃣

  10. #620
    Farm Supplier
    Join Date
    Sep 2014
    Norfolk, England
    Ooh, I must be last, unless you count me as first for June? I like B, thanks
    🗻 The Kingdom of AnkhSkardellia, proud custodian of the mighty Thuakie sword #35


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