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Thread: Bug: Not enough coins to buy items when account has 2.9 billion coins

  1. #1
    Rhino Keeper
    Join Date
    Feb 2016

    Bug: Not enough coins to buy items when account has 2.9 billion coins

    I am getting this "not enough coins" screen frequently.
    My account has 2.8 bilion coins in the marketplace display or negative 1.3 billion in the main display.
    Has anyone else seen this screen.
    I have tried buying Treasure Terraces & selling them to reduce my
    coin collection but this screen still pop up frequently.
    I need to exit DS & login again to be able to play "normally" until this bug reappears.

    The bug appears when you do something that require coins.
    The displays shows:
    You need 1,115,551,360 coins.
    Would you like to buy 10,000,000 coins for 500 golds?

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jan 2014
    Ex Kiwi in Brisbane, Australia
    Quote Originally Posted by retseho View Post
    I am getting this "not enough coins" screen frequently.
    My account has 2.8 bilion coins in the marketplace display or negative 1.3 billion in the main display.
    Has anyone else seen this screen.
    I have tried buying Treasure Terraces & selling them to reduce my
    coin collection but this screen still pop up frequently.
    I need to exit DS & login again to be able to play "normally" until this bug reappears.

    The bug appears when you do something that require coins.
    The displays shows:
    You need 1,115,551,360 coins.
    Would you like to buy 10,000,000 coins for 500 golds?
    This is a known bug, apparently the game has some games locked in on coins, I had this for a year or so! As long as you keep your coin count below 2.1 billion you should be fine, apparently the game only lets you have 2.4 billion coins which is rubbish as I have neighbors that have over 6 billion coins!

    I was told that I could request Support to reduce my coins but seriously why should I! We get more coins when we mine and when dragons release x amount of coins in their habitats! The kicker is, that it is our fault because we don’t spend coins but for high level players, there is nothing to spend coins on!

    This is something that should have been addressed years ago, but no, it’s in the too hard basket! Another fail by Storm8!

  3. #3
    Rhino Keeper
    Join Date
    Feb 2016
    Quote Originally Posted by random59 View Post
    This is a known bug, apparently the game has some games locked in on coins, I had this for a year or so! As long as you keep your coin count below 2.1 billion you should be fine, apparently the game only lets you have 2.4 billion coins which is rubbish as I have neighbors that have over 6 billion coins!

    I was told that I could request Support to reduce my coins but seriously why should I! We get more coins when we mine and when dragons release x amount of coins in their habitats! The kicker is, that it is our fault because we don?t spend coins but for high level players, there is nothing to spend coins on!

    This is something that should have been addressed years ago, but no, it?s in the too hard basket! Another fail by Storm8!
    Thanks, for the reply.
    I did not have this problem until
    about 2 months ago. I actually had over 3 billion months ago until I stopped collecting & started buying & selling Treasure Terraces (TT)to reduce my coins. Guess I have to buy/sell TT whenever I am waiting for something to complete to reduce coins to 2 billion. Its inconvenient to exit & login again. I have to avoid situations like last few minutes points frenzy in LBs with this bug hovering around.

  4. #4
    Admin Community Manager [S8] Elsa's Avatar
    Join Date
    May 2011
    2,147,483,647 is the maximum integer in 32-bit. Any value higher than this can cause issues or present itself as an error. In the case of the game, it will appear as a negative number. Spending Coins to be lower than this number will resolve it.

    The game does support higher values than this, but if the device hardware/software is also 32-bit, then this can still occur.

  5. #5
    Fashion Designer
    Join Date
    Jan 2013
    I wish we had a toggle that could turn off coin production. Even though I have absolutely no need for more coins and never will again, I still have to waste time collecting from all the habitats just so I can see my dragons. It's a drag. Mindless tapping also increases the chances of falling victim to a gold trap.

    Having the ability to turn off coin generation would also help those who are near or over the game's coin limit.

  6. #6
    Rhino Keeper
    Join Date
    Feb 2016
    Quote Originally Posted by FireballFarm View Post
    I wish we had a toggle that could turn off coin production. Even though I have absolutely no need for more coins and never will again, I still have to waste time collecting from all the habitats just so I can see my dragons. It's a drag. Mindless tapping also increases the chances of falling victim to a gold trap.

    Having the ability to turn off coin generation would also help those who are near or over the game's coin limit.
    The game became almost unplayable, with the bug occuring after buying one item, even growing apples means buying. This occured 5 times in 20 minutes & buying & selling TTs
    to bring the coins total below 2 billion is hardly possible.
    I considered what has changed when I had 3 billion coins & no such bug. I think it is due to some resources using RAM that overflows
    when the island uses almost all the resources, when being a L200 player with habitats approaching full.
    What changed is that I have expanded using marble keys , placing 11 habitats+dragons on the new island.Since this is a new item, it must use some resources in RAM.
    Assuming a resource space problem, I needed to free some. As the coin enhancement buildings are no use now, I SOLD all 6 of them & the bug has stopped for now. My coin total is still 2.877 billion so I think the bug is not due to it being negative 1.4 billion. However, I shall buy/sell Treasure Terraces whenever waiting
    for an item to complete.
    I need to watch out for the bug again when I add 6 new habitats.

    Gah! The bug reappeared but hopefully the interval is longer otherwise it will be difficult to play the game.
    Last edited by retseho; 10-03-18 at 07:08 PM.

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