View Poll Results: Do you think the goal timer should be shorter, longer, or remain the same?

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  • Shorter (fewer than 15 days)

    25 3.94%
  • Longer (more than 15 days)

    458 72.24%
  • Remain The Same

    151 23.82%
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Thread: Do you think the goal timer should be shorter, longer, or remain the same?

  1. #51
    New Resident
    Join Date
    Feb 2017
    I also think goals should be longer. I play a lot, every chance I get, but am busy in life and have been unable to complete some goals on time. The expenses of wallpaper and etc is also an issue.

  2. #52
    Rhino Keeper
    Join Date
    Apr 2013
    Longer! For me, personally, I don't need that long due to having 370 neighbors. However, there are those players who have much fewer therefore taking it longer to get needed parts.

  3. #53
    Rhino Keeper
    Join Date
    Sep 2014
    I feel the 15 day time limit is too short, especially with side goals. I'm one of the players that does build 5 ovens each time in order to complete a goal. That's the only way I can complete them. I know of neighbors that have not been able to get everything done. It is very stressful.
    It feels like I've completed at least 5 goals back to back. We need at least 21 days for each goal.

  4. #54
    Fashion Designer
    Join Date
    Feb 2014
    I agree with what you’re saying. I am level 99 and I have 2 extra oven slots.Thus 20 instead of 18.
    Even so I’m finding it really stressful doing the side goals. Making so many recipes, I feel like I’m being chased. The last couple of side goals I just ignored. Probably would have put the deco in storage anyway. I really dislike not knowing how many steps there will be.

    I am so glad you started this sticky.

    I’ve been keeping a record of my money tally for 7 or 8 weeks, and it wasn’t going up. Sorry, a bakery that doesn’t make money? So I stopped building 5 ovens, down to 4, and stopped buying all the tables and chairs if they were at the end. Shhhhhh.
    I just can’t figure out how S8 expects anyone to do this, when you know half the day you need to be in CS.

    Now at least I am making a profit, but it’s supposed to be more fun. So many new players come and go. That can’t be good for the game either.

    21days sounds like a good idea. Not too pushed for time, not too much spare time after the event.
    Last edited by Flowersandgems; 11-09-17 at 12:08 AM.

  5. #55
    Farm Supplier
    Join Date
    Aug 2017
    I'm going to wear that starry crown
    Maybe 2 extra days, but would prefer not significantly longer. I love having almost back-to-back goals, longer goal timelines would mean somewhat less stressful baking, but also longer waits until new recipes.

  6. #56
    I and my 2 sons often cannot finish the short goals as we often have flies to tend to and start all over. Life gets busy, so Its frustrating to have an oven with only 2 recipes in it and unable to unlock the rest of the recipes due to "time's up".
    We started playing 4 years ago, back when there were 30 days or more to complete the goals, and that was do-able.
    But now, my son's account is STILL trying to finish building his Bakesgiving ovens while the new goal carries on. He will never get to unlock the 12 hr cheesecake recipes, because he didnt have enough time to complete the goal.

    My other son was able to get far enough to unlock all the recipes, just not complete the goal. So he chose to be satisfied in having all the recipes available.

    I was thinking yesterday, that if we cant complete the goals, it would at least be nice if mastering a recipe (all the way to level 4) on the goal oven already bought would unlock another recipe. It won't feel quite so wasted that way.

    I would love to see both longer goals, as well as a way to unlock recipes by mastering recipes aside from the goals.

  7. #57
    I am retired so I have no problems finishing a goal in 15 days. However, for people who are students, working and/or raising families (such as some of my neighbors), a longer goal period will be more appropriate. The reasons are: 1. Some goal appliances need more parts and/or high quantities of particular parts. 2. Recently there are also side goals going on at the same time with a main goal.

    I myself like to have some free time between goals to try more recipes and/or to build some ovens at my own pace. It is less fun for me and might actually add stress to those who are already busy and under stress in their real life to chase one goal after another with the game as I have experienced in recent months.

  8. #58
    Farm Supplier Dreamear's Avatar
    Join Date
    Aug 2017
    I noticed longer goal times won by a landslide.

    Yet every goal since this poll has been so much work in 15 days. AND twice as much work for a side goal with a third of the time.

    I won't get the oven until tomorrow. So 9 days or less for a side goal that even with 12 ovens baking the same thing at the end it will take 3-4 days. I'll get the new oven... but these side goals are sucking the fun right out of the game. They've had some cool prizes, but it's not worth the fun I loose & seriously... those prizes should be what the real goal gets instead of completing a goal full of drink makers & ovens for a tiny little green witch. I felt like I was had... I hope the "mandatory" goals have better prizes.

    I might like the prizes of the side goals but I like Bakery Story to be fun, not stressful and not every oven baking the same thing for days. I'm sorry but it's not worth it any more & I refuse to buy gems because I'm on Android & get 2 hours off baking times twice in 24 hours for watching videos... I haven't recieved free gems for videos in about 6 months. I only get gems for mastering recipes.

  9. #59
    Rhino Keeper
    Join Date
    Mar 2012
    My pref is for;

    a. Side goal to be separate and optional, with final prize announced at the start so players can make informed choice whether or not to participate

    b. better pacing of goals. as expressed by others here, we play this for a leisurely distraction. Real life makes many demands of time priorities; we dont need a game to experience time-stress adrenaline.

    c. many of us are not ?competitive? players; we want goals but not necessarily (time) challenges. We want delight - as in delightful new items, seasonal release, personal delight in decorating a make-believe bakery and perhaps even spending real money buying gems to convert to pixels for decoration

    d. personally, i am experiencing game fatigue. I have played since 2012, the game dynamics have veered & sadly so

  10. #60
    Join Date
    Sep 2014
    I prefer to have the 30 days to complete..Between work and other things sometimes I don't get to finish!😊

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