View Poll Results: Do you think the goal timer should be shorter, longer, or remain the same?

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  • Shorter (fewer than 15 days)

    25 3.94%
  • Longer (more than 15 days)

    458 72.24%
  • Remain The Same

    151 23.82%
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Thread: Do you think the goal timer should be shorter, longer, or remain the same?

  1. #41
    Executive Chef
    Join Date
    May 2015
    Los Angeles, California
    These 15 day goals wouldn't be so bad if we didn't need so many parts and neighbors requests before we can even build new appliances. If this remains same, as I mentioned before I loved Pixies idea of

    Week 1: 30-day goals
    Week 2: Side Quest for an LTO
    Week 3: "Regular" Update
    Week 4: Sale

    Otherwise please Storm8 lower amount of parts/neighbor requests needed for 15 day goals

  2. #42
    Fashion Designer
    Join Date
    Jun 2015
    Yes!! Please i love this idea so much!
    Quote Originally Posted by pcabral03 View Post
    These 15 day goals wouldn't be so bad if we didn't need so many parts and neighbors requests before we can even build new appliances. If this remains same, as I mentioned before I loved Pixies idea of

    Week 1: 30-day goals
    Week 2: Side Quest for an LTO
    Week 3: "Regular" Update
    Week 4: Sale

    Otherwise please Storm8 lower amount of parts/neighbor requests needed for 15 day goals
    Quote Originally Posted by pixiegamer View Post
    I'll get back to you on the poll - it is something I've been wanting to do myself, but I have to check with a CM first

    Adding my two cents (not a ramble, nope nope) to this: I don't mind the 15-day timeline, necessarily, but I think it has a host of problems that need to be resolved. I'll expand on them later, but as a cursory overview:

    1. The high number of parts
    2. The price of the furniture and decor we receive
    3. The timing/spacing between goals
    4. The comparatively low recipe times, servings, and profits
    5. (Lately) the increase in recycled content
    6. The side quests (not the quests themselves, but their timing and how they stress the already-short timeline)

    The (eventual) conclusion I want to argue is that 15-day goals exacerbate the issues above, and I'd prefer to go back to 30-day goals, with a variation on the other updates we'd get that month. The following is a suggestion (again, to be added to later):

    Week 1: 30-day goals
    Week 2: Side Quest for an LTO
    Week 3: "Regular" Update
    Week 4: Sale

    I'll flesh this out when I get more time. Thank you for starting this thread; I think it's a much-needed discussion to have

  3. #43
    yes. it has never been about the time. it's the increase in requirements (parts or neighbor requests) and the insistence of introducing new parts when we have a full list of them already. the expensiveness of everything also makes no sense. if we can't play then how do we keep on, well, playing? people will just quit and they do. that's how i lost all my old neighbors. no one has the time to commit to BS like this.

    maybe these decisions are motivated by the hope that people will purchase gems. but, i think those chances are higher by not stressing out players and giving us the nice decor, ovens, things out of box people always talk about. i'm sure the black friday sales usually earn well. so continue with sales like that and we'll buy gems.

    back to the factor of time. to gift neighbors, we have to click each box individually. please, give us the "gift all" option that has been requested so often. it's time i could have spent baking or decorating or visiting bakeries. next, we're scrolling deeper and deeper through the gift list to send an old part needed for the new ovens. please, stop introducing new parts. it's unnecessary. finally, prices. we're not making coins fast enough to pay to expand, cook, decorate and do goals. please, get the prices down to something more realistic.

    if anyone at s8 reads this, thank you. i like the game you have, been playing daily for years and i buy gems when cute items appear. i think you can fix your box rates too. i always get the same items. this doesn't motivate me to buy more gems. as an adult, all i do is stop trying. when i get the same item/place prize 6 times in a row (that's 144 gems) then what is the point? i just start to ignore the boxes. even when they go on sale.

  4. #44
    Rhino Keeper CelestiasHeaven's Avatar
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    May 2013
    The goal timer needs to be longer.
    It doesn`t matter if you have a job or not, the goals are no longer beatable without in investing gems.
    The made it that hard, simply to force you, to get you into buying gems.
    The app is offered as free to play on the google apps store, its not ok getting people into this bye making ovens superexpensive so they cant afford hardly any ovens anymore, and they cant beat the goals on time anymore. Or make em give up on decorating,because the prices for Decorates are too expensive. Both games bakery story and restaurant story ****ed my joy to play em anylonger. I am only sticking up for a little longer because of neighbours, and i have played this game for such a long time now. A game shouldn?t make you feel like beeing forced to spent, or you won`t beat the goals.
    Its not ok.
    It simply doesn`t help when kooky panda says you don`t have to spent.
    That is right but what makes it to the player if you have to see,you loose 100 of goals because they became unbeatble?
    How many joy does a Gamer has left, if he hardly can win any of those goals anymore?
    Everything has gotten to be super expensive, Prices for walls, tiles, Wall accesoires, Or smaller items to decorate your Restaurants/Bakery.
    I quited Petshop story/Castle story because of the same things, you were getting endless goals just to relaise you have zero chance to beat em the anymore,you kept playing starting, only later to get stuck up for monthes on too hard quests, offering to make a faster progress with spending thank you,because they made newer goals insanely hard.
    A goal only possible to win with spenting isn`t fair anymore. And yes i invested a few times for gems, for decorating items if i could finacially, or wanted to.
    But this is not ok anylonger it gives you the permanent feeling, PAY or loose. And all the time, energy, struggle you invested to beat the goal was only a big waste of time. A game shouldn`t be like this, and sry i will not take those words back, even if risk getting banned it for now.
    Those goals took away my joy, to play both apps any longer, and if a change is not going to happening soon, i will quit.
    No game should make you feel you are beeing forced to pay.
    Last edited by CelestiasHeaven; 10-24-17 at 07:25 AM.

  5. #45
    Join Date
    Jul 2013
    I say go back to the 30 day goals. I haven't finished a goal since it went down to 15 days as I work 2 jobs and don't have access to wifi at work. I see where people have said that you should start the dish before you go to work or bed and it'll be ready when you get up /home. That doesn't work for anything that takes less than 6 hours to cook! When I am working both jobs on the same day I work from 5am to 10:30pm and then have to be up at 3am the next day, so a lot of times I don't even get to log onto the game.

  6. #46
    Farm Supplier Dreamear's Avatar
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    Aug 2017
    Everyone is talking about how expensive things are, and they're right.

    Everyone is talking about how you're not making money on goal items, and they are right.

    I'm level 65 and I have 16 "ovens." 4 are on main goal making drinks and 12 are on the side goal, I just finished the 2nd piece so I'm working on Spider Brownies and Mummy cakes.

    My point is during the past 3 days, working on goal & side goal only, I've barely made $200,000. 3 days ago I had over $550,00. Since then I've had to buy, buy, buy & not just ovens but the items I love for the game. So I've kept track of what I made without purchase for 3 days and it's under $200,000 but I've put out much more money. I would guess double. I love the goals but why would any join to play when the goal time is stressful, nearly impossible for newcomers (without buying gems). My daughter & others don't participate in side goals because they are stressful and take every oven you have with near impossible goals.

    She & her friends only do normal goals in order to get the ovens with all the recipes. Other's have stopped caring because they are not spending almost $200,000 for 4 table & 4 chairs.

    The goal timeline is only part of the problem.

  7. #47
    New Resident
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    May 2016
    More helpful than another lenght would be to show how many steps are needed to reach it. (Compare Castle, Fashion Story)


  8. #48
    I would LOVE it if the LTO was a separate goal from the main one. I haven't been able to finish all goals and have to had to choose one or the other and having to spend the time starting the regular goal in order to unlock the side goal is not fun!!

  9. #49
    I wholeheartedly agree!!!!! (With dreamear!)

  10. #50
    Farm Supplier
    Join Date
    Apr 2014
    Quote Originally Posted by catprint View Post
    ... Do you think the goal timer should be shorter, longer, or remain the same? ...
    Longer please.

    The reason: The newer goals often require so many parts that even a level 99 like myself just can barely complete the goal in time. My smaller neighbors cannot complete the goals in time because 15 days has been too little time for the few ovens they have to get the goal completed.

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