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Thread: Accidentally used gems

  1. #1
    New Resident
    Join Date
    Oct 2017

    Accidentally used gems

    Has anyone ever accidentally used 20 gems to fertilize their crops?

    The other day I was harvesting crops when I missed and tapped a crop that wasn't yet ready to harvest. Because I was tapping away, I didn't catch myself and stop before I clicked the "fertilize all crops for 20 gems" option which I certainly DID NOT mean to do. I think it is WAY too easy to make this mistake. There should be some sort of confirmation before you lose all 20 gems

    I suppose I could just buy more gems, but I don't really feel like shelling out $5 because I made a simple mistake especially since I worked to earn those gems by mastering levels of different crops. I like to save my gems to purchase animals because a lot of the more advanced ones cost gems, not coins. I was saving up for an Alpaca.

    I submitted a ticket to Storm 8, and basically heard back [removed specific support communication]
    But when I was submitting my ticket, there was an option for "Accidentally used in store currency." Since that was listed as an option, I can't imagine that I'm the first person who has made this mistake.

    Has this ever happened to anyone else?
    Last edited by kooky panda; 10-16-17 at 10:33 AM. Reason: removed support communications

  2. #2
    The Honorable Panda
    Join Date
    Mar 2011
    S8 FORUM
    I am sorry this happened!
    Closing thread since discussing specific support communications is not forum appropriate.
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