I'm doing the Nomad quest and if you're going to ask us to raise 3 dragons in these quests, we need either 15 farms or higher level of of food to plant.

What I don't get is in Frozen Mountain you can plant food worth 1,000 units at 380,000 per farm. Looks like every few quests is something you need a lot of food to complete ... after one it takes a long time (if you want to start with 400,000 ... at 800 & collecting 7 farms it takes 24 days to replenish. The same with 1,000 units would take 19 days...you can do in a about 9 days at 2,000 units. But with a new quest every 7-14 days, there's no chance of catching up.

Another idea .... how about the week before these quests where you have to use 400,000 units of food to get through the quest, put some high yielding food available for planting. Or make our food boost a choice, faster time or 2x the yield.

I know the game maker is hoping you'll buy gems and buy food...but there's so many people out there low income or unemployed that can't buy gems in the first place, or what gems they get from playing, they save for important things you might need.