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Thread: Farm Inventory & Chart

  1. #1
    Executive Chef
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    Farm Story Inventory & Chart

    Crop, Tree, Animal Inventroy, Chart, Spreadsheet, DtM/HtM, Mastery Calculator

    Limited/Goal Edition Tree Chart

    Quote Originally Posted by farmerrobbo View Post
    could you include how many harvests you need to break even on them, and also how long it would actually take to wait for those harvests.
    - Sorry forgot to mention that the negative profit on the trees are broken down in the tree chart .

    Tools & Reference
    - Visual Inventory of Crops, Trees & Animals
    - Crop Chart (With sorting options)
    - Tree & Animal Chart (With sorting options)

    - Crop Mastery Checklist for Springpad
    --- NOTE: See this document to copy and paste the new updates into your list if you've sprung the Checklist already.
    --- (will need an account w/Springpad. Available on iOS, Android & possibly K.Fire)

    - Tree Mastery Checklist for Springpad
    --- NOTE: See this document to copy and paste the new updates into your list if you've sprung the Checklist already.

    - *NEW* Crop Mastery Calculator (Now includes both hours & minutes on same page. Also calculates current level)
    - *NEW* Tree Mastery Calculator (Now calculates current level)
    - Expansions Info Coming Soon
    - Decoration Info Coming Soon


    New info on Mastering Trees/Crops
    Quote Originally Posted by hectorloch View Post
    You're right, zoom, it's 25. I don't think this has been changed - it's always been like that. We had what we thought were the definitive posts on this back in May 2011. I was sure it was 100, 250 and 500 for levels 2, 3 and 4 but on reflection I was never too sure about level 1. The reason for this is that most players will have already planted 1 or 2 of the trees - or more likely forgotten they have already planted 1 or 2 trees - before they get to the point of wondering and measuring how many have to be planted for Mastery.

    So, the figures are 25, 100, 250 and 500 harvests of the fruit for Levels 1, 2, 3 and 4 respectively.

    Crops and flowers we tend to measure differently and we use the Leaf Points rather than the number of harvests - 1 to sow and 2 to crop = 3 points a rotation - and these points (unlike trees) double each time, viz 500, 1,000, 2,000 and 4,000 for Levels 1, 2 3 and 4 respectively. That's 7,500 in total Oh my ! So, for anyone unaware of these figures until now, you now know why the climb from 3 to 4 seems to take forever because there's more work to do there than in all three previous levels combined !

    I used Cocoa Trees obviously. I planted 125 of them and will continue the experiment through Levels 3 and 4 although I'm as sure as I can be that they are 250 and 500.

    I send a PM to Sehana.

    To Master Crops
    Quote Originally Posted by nmishii View Post
    Level 1 : 167
    Level 2 : 500
    Level 3 : 1167
    Level 4 : 2500

    2500 total.

    For trees its 20, 120, 370, 870. You have to pick 870 trees to master it.

    And yes, I counted them and confirmed the counts. Now I use the data to help me master a crop with the minimum number of plantings.
    How Many Leaves to get level 4 completed
    Quote Originally Posted by nmishii View Post
    If it becomes a sticky, the other thing worth noting is that you get 1 leaf when you plant, 2 when you harvest.

    Level 1 : 500
    Level 2 : 1500
    Level 3 : 3500
    Level 4 : 7500
    7500 leaves total to master.

    So if you have money to burn, you can plant and sell Red Quinoa 3 times quickly rather than waiting 4 days to harvest it. I don't do this; I wait for all my crops to harvest, but there are some who do.
    Formula to calculate how long it'll take to master trees:
    Quote Originally Posted by nmishii View Post
    Days to master = 870 * (hrs to harvest = 46 for caramel apple trees) / 24 hrs / (number of trees you have)

    Mastery date = (Date you planted your trees) + (Days to master)

    This assumes you instantly harvest after 46 hrs each time, which most likely won't happen, so it might be a little later.
    Thank you nmishii


    Farm Neighbor Finder

    Preferred Times Form
    Form | Chart | List
    I know there is a thread for this already, but thought to inlcude the form/chart/list for easier viewing; to really see what is requested.
    Someone would have to manually watch and count that thread to see what the most requests are.


    Last edited by sehana; 01-26-13 at 08:43 PM.
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    IDs: Sehana (main)

  2. #2
    Join Date
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    w/ my iPod
    wow this is awesome thanks!!

  3. #3
    Nightclub Owner
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    ! Good old Blighty=)...and here permanenty right now!
    Excellent; thank you.

  4. #4
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    you're all welcome
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    Dragon Egg Chart Mostly updated (I've given up on Dragon because most Dragons are unobtainable for me; but still update when I can when I'm not scrambling with RS & BS to complete their goals.)
    Restaurant & Bakery Completely Updated!
    IDs: Sehana (main)

  5. #5
    The Honorable Panda
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    This is wonderful. I am going to unsticky the other one and stick this up. We love you!!!
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  6. #6
    Executive Chef
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    Great job!!!!!!!!!!

  7. #7
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    Quote Originally Posted by kooky panda View Post
    This is wonderful. I am going to unsticky the other one and stick this up. We love you!!!
    - Thank you. Hope you all enjoy!!

    Quote Originally Posted by yanochka View Post
    Great job!!!!!!!!!!
    - Thank you!
    PM/ Profile |Gamerologizm Fan Link in Forum (previously known as Supreme Dynasty) | Transfer Method
    Dragon Egg Chart Mostly updated (I've given up on Dragon because most Dragons are unobtainable for me; but still update when I can when I'm not scrambling with RS & BS to complete their goals.)
    Restaurant & Bakery Completely Updated!
    IDs: Sehana (main)

  8. #8
    Rhino Keeper
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    Washington state, USA
    Outstanding job!!! What software did you use for the screenshots, they are good.

  9. #9
    Executive Chef
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    Quote Originally Posted by DRL23411 View Post
    Outstanding job!!! What software did you use for the screenshots, they are good.
    I used Paint Shop Pro (Corel) for most of the custom logos. I am not familiar with all of Photoshop's keyboard shortcuts and I am much quicker with Paint Shop Pro
    Thank you
    PM/ Profile |Gamerologizm Fan Link in Forum (previously known as Supreme Dynasty) | Transfer Method
    Dragon Egg Chart Mostly updated (I've given up on Dragon because most Dragons are unobtainable for me; but still update when I can when I'm not scrambling with RS & BS to complete their goals.)
    Restaurant & Bakery Completely Updated!
    IDs: Sehana (main)

  10. #10
    Executive Chef
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    that is a lot of work thanks sehana where did you find the time
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