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Thread: Fantasy Forest: Suggestion Thread

  1. #1
    Grand Emperor
    Join Date
    Jun 2014

    Fantasy Forest: Suggestion Thread

    What new items would you like to see come to your forest?

    Please post your suggestions here.
    Last edited by Rynetory2; 04-20-18 at 06:32 AM.

  2. #2

    Just a few things...

    First of all, I love this game. I doubt I'll stop playing it anytime soon. But I do have a few suggestions to make this game even better:
    1. An animal storage den - similar to Dragon Story. Obviously I'd prefer unlimited storage, but even being able to store 5 animals would help greatly.
    2. Please lower the cost of expanding. I rarely have enough coins to feed my animals, compete in tournaments and expand. Which brings me to...
    3. Make it easier to obtain coins. I've been playing FFS only a month or two less than DS, but I'm so much farther along in DS because coins, food, habitats, and expansions are so much easier to obtain.
    4. In the main battle arena (non-tournament), please allow us to see beforehand who we are battling. It would help tremendously in picking our fighters.
    5. Also in the main battle arena - please add the type-name of the opposing animal (Frostfang, Pandaffodil, etc.)

    I may add more to this list as the thought occurs to me

  3. #3
    Executive Chef
    Join Date
    Jan 2014

    Lightbulb Please TL designers here are a few ideas of mine

    Please TL Designer , Treasure animals 2 in the treasure trove , than an animal . Please in the farm apples are, the 1 hour grow and gives the harvest 2000 apples . The apples should 500,000 or 1,000,000 million coins cost . I and the other players would appreciate a stable as in Dragon Story to have . Please new decorations namely . Zeus Statue , cherry tree, Raspberries , lantern u.s.w
    Especially shopping better or habitat enhancement with coins . I have 716.774.045 coins and no possibility buying something.

  4. #4
    Fashion Designer
    Join Date
    Sep 2015
    This is a very good idea to have a Monster Farm with 2000 Apples per Hour and 200 000 coins for this to get the Apples.

  5. #5
    Executive Chef
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    Jan 2014

    Exclamation I have a few suggestions for TL , I hope it is implemented : D

    Please TL give us an animal that gives us bombs and 1 animal that gives us food . I'd like a rainbow dolphin , unicorn , horse , weasels have als new element . Oh please give us a Treent / Water/Electrical/Earth.
    get new elements still Gummy , robot , stones and I hope that we better food at the farms e.g. 2.Millionen coins cost grows 2 hours, and 6,000 feed gets you retour
    Last edited by Drachenia; 05-08-16 at 07:50 AM. Reason: Misspelled

  6. #6
    Fashion Designer
    Join Date
    Sep 2015
    my Suggestion:
    I would like to repeat my wishes to S8. Please Open the single element habitats for 4 animals and gives them the elements additional which You gave the single element animals in this Habitat!! If it was easy to change the single element animals and gave them a additional element it Could not be so difficult to Do the same for the habitats too!!! So wie don't need to sell the Habitats that wie already bought and Need not to pay twice for them.

  7. #7
    Rhino Keeper
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    Mar 2015
    Quote Originally Posted by Drachenia View Post
    Please TL give us an animal that gives us bombs and 1 animal that gives us food . I'd like a rainbow dolphin , unicorn , horse , weasels have als new element . Oh please give us a Treent / Water/Electrical/Earth.
    get new elements still Gummy , robot , stones and I hope that we better food at the farms e.g. 2.Millionen coins cost grows 2 hours, and 6,000 feed gets you retour
    Also evolving give us bombs, not only breeding
    One peace of land now wants me 70 runes. With one bomb usually found 2 runes, so I need 35 bombs or more to expand one time. Every 6 hours of breeding, if I'm not wrong, we receive one bomb. That means min 210 hours evolving to collect enough bombs. It's a 10 days without time for cleaning. Trough this time we collect more than 3 animals.
    Last edited by rado_nik; 08-02-16 at 12:27 AM.
    ID: rado_nik
    lvl 200 in Dragon Story - look for one neighbor to change gold every day
    lvl 198 in Fantasy Forest Story-do not play this buggy game for now

  8. #8
    Executive Chef
    Join Date
    May 2016

    Exclamation Suggestions :)

    1. Please put the rarity on the animal window, either under the name or in the description, I'm so tired of having to either search online or write them down in battle where it shows rarity..

    2. In shop under habitat section.. Add number you have/max so we know if we are close to limit

    3. I get a notification of habitat full of coin for EACH habitat which means I can get 3-4 notices in a row and they continue til I check in..honestly I see a notice I don't need constant pings from the game for the same thing.

    4. When you hit something that costs gems, either hurrying an animal or evolution etc, give a pop-up before it makes that move..too many people lose gems by hitting mistakenly

    5. Can we have a storage building so we can store a bred animal or one in a habitat so we don't have to hold up breeding in an event while we wait for expansion or a habitat to build?

    6. I'd love a "collect all" button for habitats since it's so laggy even moving around to collect crashes me.

    7. How about a message wall?

    8. My birthdate sign is Scorpio.. Please don't make that constellation a scorpion lol I'd LOVE a Dark/fire Pegasus (like a friesian with fire wings and fire cutie marks on hind quarters and fetlock) with the body shape of your other ponies.. Especially since that zodiac sign falls around Halloween, which is my Bday lol

    Here's ideas if I can make attachments work but of course in your own style

    Attachment 32663

    Thank you for considering!
    Last edited by Eluzyion; 08-05-16 at 09:28 PM.

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Apr 2016
    1. I agree that it's annoying, when trying to determine which animal I'd like to bring out of my storage especially, to not know what rarity an animal is! I wish they would put it in either of the places that you mentioned (although directly under the name, as they show it on the battlegrounds, would be preferable) because it makes it very difficult for me to determine which animal I would like to evolve to epic level first when they are already in my habitats and also, as I mentioned, difficult to determine who to hatch from my storage next! At least, with the ones already in my habitats, I can go to the battlegrounds and scroll to their icon to determine their rarity and I've resorted to putting a capitalized indicator of the rarity in their names (C, R, SR, UR) which I don't like since we only get 8 characters for their names in the first place but that's the only thing I could think to do. However, I can't even check the shop for the rarity level of some of the animals in my storage because I got them from battlegrounds and spin to win or storybook adventures so, because they are either limited time animals, or just not available for breeding at all, the shop doesn't even have them so their rarity isn't listed anywhere except online! Very frustrating all around on that!

    2. Not a bad suggestion. I'm nowhere near my limit but this is definitely a good idea as, I'm sure after I've been playing this for a lot longer than I have been, I'm sure I'll get to that point soon enough!

    3. Definitely something I agree with! And, for those thinking, "you can turn that notification off", I don't want to turn it off... I just don't want to receive quite so many! I may not be near my limit of habitats but I don't want to get notified every time only a couple of them are full! I wonder if it would be possible for the developers to make it so we could set our own limitations for how often we get notified? For example, creating a menu where we can choose to be notified every 5, 10, 20, 30 habitats/minutes or something like that? Just a thought

    4. Many people agree with this suggestion and I'm definitely one of them!

    5. Absolute agreement with you about the animal storage! I play Dragon Story also and I absolutely love the "Stables" they have on that game! In fact, that is the main reason I was finally able to start playing that game more! Otherwise I was stuck because I lacked the space to build more habitats and I kept breeding unnecessary duplicates! And, on there it's better to "trade" a dragon after evolving it the 1st time (sure, you lose the food. But the benefit of gaining in trade vs the cheap selling price is worth it to me) instead of selling it outright from hatching! But here it's beneficial because of all the reasons you listed!

    6. A "collect all" button might be nice but, I actually notice that my phone lags and crashes more often when visiting neighbors! Lol! I do get some lagging on my first visit of the day because all of my habitats are full but, after that, I'm usually fine on my own long as my phone doesn't start doing updates. Lol.

    7. I'm definitely in support of a message wall and I'm very surprised that this game doesn't have one as every other game I've truly gotten into playing by this developer has it!

    8. I don't have any opinion on this one since this isn't my star sign. I hadn't started playing yet when they did mine (Pisces) but I don't know that I care for it. Pisces are supposed to be fish. I think theirs looks more like 2 snakes. I suppose the developers could say that they're meant to be eels and eels are fish but, aside from the color scheme, I really don't care for the way they did Pisces! And, I suppose that it looks interesting when in battle but, to me, it just doesn't really resemble the astrological star sign that I knew growing up! Then again, Cancer is a crab-man instead of an actual crab so I guess I don't have too much to complain about!

    Anyway, solid suggestions! Great post! The only things I would add:

    A. I think they should reduce the number of Realm Runes needed to expand or increase the number of explosives/bombs given for breeding so we can mine more often to try to find the Runes we need so we CAN expand!

    B. I wish we could send gifts to ALL of our neighbors every day! I understand why they wouldn't want us to send gems to everyone every day so my suggestions would be to be able to send a Realm Rune, some coins (I don't have a specific amount in mind but I have several neighbors that are just beginning to play the game and {having just created a 2nd account on my iPhone [it doesn't have all the same storm8 games as my old android phone so now I'm playing on both] and having watched my niece give up playing because she couldn't do enough with such limited food and coins} I think being able to receive a gift of coins from neighbors would help them continue playing long enough to not give up on the game as my niece did), and some food. Maybe storm8 will want to also limit the runes and or food gifts but I really wish that they would allow us to help all our neighbors, in some way, every day & not limit it to sending 3 gems daily & tipping everyone!

    Other than that I think we're on pretty much the exact same page as far as any changes I'd like to see in the future. I'm not sure, exactly, how I'd rank their importance but I would like to see most of this in the future. Preferably sooner rather than later!

  10. #10
    Executive Chef
    Join Date
    Jan 2014
    Please TL give us to get a chance in the farm more food e.g. grow 2 hours, and we get 4,000 apples. The other please more bombs, I'm not extend forward. I need to collect bombs Only 3 to 4 days. Thank you for the 2nd development flower TL, it helps a lot more.

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