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Thread: Dream City: Game Guide

  1. #1
    Grand Emperor
    Join Date
    Jun 2014
    Game Guide

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    Welcome to Dream City: Metropolis!

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    Last edited by Rynetory2; 10-26-17 at 12:53 AM.

  2. #2
    Grand Emperor
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    Jun 2014
    Table of Contents
    Use the Table of Contents to locate the topic of your interest and click on the links

    ...Main Guide Dream City: Metropolis | Game Guides forum ...
    Getting started
    Design and expand your city
    • Moving buildings and roads
    • Design your city
    • What to do when I run out of land?
    City Hall
    Goods, goods storage & loading docks
    Parts & permits
    New items for new levels
    Points of interest & Locations
    • Main island
    Boardwalk orders list
    City Exchange
    Regal Cinemas
    City Brooke Bridge
    City Harbor Bridge
    Golden City Bridge
    Frequently asked questions
    Regarding in-app purchases
    Game version
    Create a Storm8 ID
    New device - transfer your games
    What can I do to try to resolve my game issues?
    Storm8 Forum
    Storm8 Support
    Update Threads
    Goal Threads

    ...Buildings and Crafts Guide Dream City: Metropolis | Game Guides forum ...
    • Start a business
    • List of businesses
    • Submit an order
    • Discard an order
    • Upgrade your factories
    • List of factories
    Civic Buildings
    • List of highrises
    • Add a house/business to highrise
    • Remove a house/business from highrise
    • Add a slot
    Special buildings

    ...Index Listing Dream City: Metropolis | Game Guides forum ...
    Looking for something specific? Use the index to search. Click on the links provided to see more details of the items.
    Note: Event buildings and prizes are excluded from this list.







    ...Event Guide Dream City: Metropolis | Event and Goal Guides forum ...
    List of Events
    Last edited by Rynetory2; 12-28-16 at 11:00 PM.

  3. #3
    Grand Emperor
    Join Date
    Jun 2014
    Getting Started

    Managing your City requires that you carefully balance the production of your goods and products. If you're having problems, this section should help! There are several important aspects to remember: Building, Manufacturing, Collecting, and Upgrading.

    A city needs to grow, and the best way to help yours grow is to construct new buildings. All sorts of houses, businesses, and civic buildings are available in the Marketplace, ready to be added to your city.

    Most buildings can be purchased with coins, but you'll need Business Permits to build new businesses. Business Permits can be earned by mastering existing businesses and on some City Hall upgrades.

    Order Goods from your Train Depot by tapping on it and dragging the package size of Goods that you want into an available slot. Once the unloading timer finishes, the Goods will be delivered to the loading docks in your Train Depot. Tap on the deliveries to move them to your warehouse, where they can be used to directly fill some orders from businesses.

    Most orders from businesses require an assortment of Products. These can be made in your factories, using a combination of Goods and other Products. You can tap on the 'Make' button in an order to go to the factory where it's made and see what you need to make it.
    Products you can make are grouped into one of six industries: Dining, Shopping, Housing, Entertainment, Services, and Technology. Your city will eventually have factories for each industry where you can make a variety of fun items for your city's businesses!

    Collect all sorts of items from around your city to help it grow. Your Train Depot receives shipments of Goods, and your factories make all sorts of neat Products to help you fill orders from businesses. You can collect these items simply by tapping on them on the board.

    You also have a chance to collect special items from your city's citizens, by tapping on them to chat as they walk around your city. Some of these special items are used to expand your city's warehouse, allowing you to store more items. Others are used to unlock new land expansions, so you can keep making your city larger. You can also collect items that allow you to unlock new slots in high-rises, where you can move mastered businesses and houses to free up more space in your city.
    As your city expands, you also collect coins from your City Hall. The more 5-star businesses your city has, the more coins you can collect each day!

    Add more houses and civic buildings to increase your city's Population. Add more businesses and help them become 5-Star establishments to increase your Mastery Star total. Once you have enough Population and Mastery Stars, you can upgrade your City Hall and unlock all sorts of great, new buildings to add to your city! Goals can involve collecting ingredients, cooking, learning recipes, and buying items in the Market.
    Last edited by Rynetory2; 07-17-16 at 03:12 AM.

  4. #4
    Grand Emperor
    Join Date
    Jun 2014

    Click on the Cash Register icon at the bottom right of the screen to purchase city buildings, factories, decorations, etc.

    Click on the Road icon to edit roads. Click on the Storage Box icon to see the items in your storage.

    Last edited by Rynetory2; 07-17-16 at 07:16 AM.

  5. #5
    Grand Emperor
    Join Date
    Jun 2014
    Design and expand your city

    Expand your city by tapping on the signs in areas adjacent to your existing city. Expanding costs Coins and Parts. You can get Parts by tapping on citizens.

    Moving buildings and roads
    Move your building by pressing down on it until it gets into Edit mode. You can add or remove roads by clicking on the [Cash Register] icon and select the [Road] icon to go into Edit mode as shown below. You can add roads to the empty squares shown in green or you can click to remove any existing roads. The brown squares are occupied by buildings and you can't change them to road. Store the buildings first before you change them.

    Design your city
    Design your city layout to fully utilise the limited land. Here are some points to note when planning your layout.

    • Expand towards the Points of Interest to increase your population
    • City Hall and factories don't need road access
    • Place as many businesses as you can in your city to increase the revenue you can collect from City Hall every 30 mins
    • Use residential and commercial highrises to maximise your land. Note that highrises cannot be stored even when they're empty.
    • Store the bigger size businesses (1x2) into your commercial highrises to allow more space for the smaller businesses (1x1)
    • Land is scarce and highrises cannot be stored, take note of the population per square to utilise your city land efficiently. Population per square - house (4), fully upgraded small residential highrises (8), fully upgraded large residential highrises (10), civic buildings (minimum 6), landmarks (minimum 15).

    1. Place your factories clustered in an area of your city without road access to save space. Make space for 20 factories.
    2. Place your factories in a row in the order they appear when you click on the ">" button to reduce your screen jumping to different parts of your city.
    3. See community cities in Post Pictures of your Dream City! for inspiration and design your own.

    What to do when I run out of land?
    Here are some suggestions.
    • redesign your city with a more efficient layout and try to make more space, if possible
    • create bigger clusters of buildings
    • reduce excess roads where possible - buildings need not be totally surrounded by roads at all sides; they only need to have road access on 1 square.
    • store some houses and civic buildings on land and replace them with landmarks as landmarks give the highest population per square
    • put the businesses on land into highrises
    • keep submitting business orders to get parts to fully upgrade all highrises
    • keep submitting business orders to get parts to further upgrade your inventory
    • keep submitting business orders to get mastery stars to unlock all factories and crafts

      Plan for future when we get more land expansions
    • keep submitting business orders to stock up expansion parts so that you can expand immediately
    • keep submitting business orders to earn more mastery stars so that you can level up faster
    • keep submitting Boardwalk orders to accumulate more tickets for future purchases

    Discussion thread:

    Related topic: Citizens, Parts
    Last edited by Rynetory2; 09-15-16 at 09:22 AM.

  6. #6
    Grand Emperor
    Join Date
    Jun 2014
    City Hall

    The level of your City Hall is your game level. Collect revenue from your City Hall every 30 mins to get more coins. Place more businesses in your city to increase your revenue. You can earn more mastery stars by submitting orders and mastering businesses. Increase your population by expanding to Points of Interest and Locations, buying houses, civic buildings and landmarks. The City Hall changes its appearance at Level 25.

    1. The City Hall doesn't need road access.
    2. We get revenue from all businesses placed on land and highrises. The only ones that aren't counted for revenue are those in storages. However the mastery stars from those businesses in storage count for unlocking new factories and crafts.

    Special thanks to qprpaul for being so helpful in providing this upgrade information.

    Upgrade To Requirements Cost
    2 4 mastery stars, 12 population 15 coins
    3 ... ...
    4 ... ...
    5 ... ...
    6 ... ...
    7 ... ...
    8 ... ...
    9 80 mastery stars, 130 population 150 coins
    10 105 mastery stars, 160 population 250 coins
    11 ? ? coins
    12 155 mastery stars, 250 population 750 coins
    13 185 mastery stars, 310 population 1,000 coins
    14 225 mastery stars, 380 population 1,250 coins
    15 275 mastery stars, 460 population 1,500 coins
    16 335 mastery stars, 560 population 1,750 coins
    17 400 mastery stars, 680 population 2,000 coins
    18 470 mastery stars, 810 population 2,500 coins
    19 545 mastery stars, 990 population 3,000 coins
    20 625 mastery stars, 1,180 population 3,500 coins
    21 710 mastery stars, 1,380 population 4,000 coins
    22 800 mastery stars, 1,600 population 4,500 coins
    23 895 mastery stars, 1,830 population 5,000 coins
    24 995 mastery stars, 2,070 population 5,500 coins
    25 1,100 mastery stars, 2,320 population 6,000 coins
    26 1,210 mastery stars, 2,590 population 6,500 coins
    27 1,325 mastery stars, 2,870 population 7,000 coins
    28 1,445 mastery stars, 3,160 population 7,500 coins
    29 1,570 mastery stars, 3,460 population 8,000 coins
    30 1,700 mastery stars, 3,780 population 8,500 coins
    31 1,835 mastery stars, 4,110 population 9,000 coins
    32 1,975 mastery stars, 4,450 population 9,500 coins
    33 2,120 mastery stars, 4,870 population 10,000 coins
    34 2,270 mastery stars, 5,310 population 10,500 coins
    35 2,425 mastery stars, 5,760 population 11,000 coins
    36 2,585 mastery stars, 6,230 population 11,500 coins
    37 2,750 mastery stars, 6,710 population 12,000 coins
    38 2,920 mastery stars, 7,210 population 12,500 coins
    39 3,095 mastery stars, 7,720 population 13,000 coins
    40 3,275 mastery stars, 8,250 population 13,500 coins
    41 3,460 mastery stars, 8,790 population 14,000 coins
    42 3,650 mastery stars, 9,350 population 14,500 coins
    43 3,845 mastery stars, 9,920 population 15,000 coins
    44 4,045 mastery stars, 10,510 population 15,500 coins
    45 4,250 mastery stars, 11,110 population 16,000 coins
    46 4,460 mastery stars, 11,730 population 16,500 coins
    47 4,675 mastery stars, 12,360 population 17,000 coins
    48 4,895 mastery stars, 13,010 population 17,500 coins
    49 5,120 mastery stars, 13,670 population 18,000 coins
    50 5,350 mastery stars, 14,350 population 18,500 coins
    Last edited by Rynetory2; 08-03-17 at 07:00 AM.

  7. #7
    Grand Emperor
    Join Date
    Jun 2014

    Citizens appear randomly walking in your city. Tap on them when they appear to collect coins and sometimes a random part.

    When do they appear?
    • A citizen appears after you have submitted your business order to drop you coins and sometimes a random part
    • A citizen appears after you have mastered your business to drop you coins and random part(s)
    • Several citizens appear after you have sent your ship off for your Boardwalk orders. They drop you coins and sometimes a random part.
    • A citizen appears after your new building has finished construction. You will see several of them for bigger buildings.

    Related topic: Parts
    Last edited by Rynetory2; 07-23-16 at 08:46 PM.

  8. #8
    Grand Emperor
    Join Date
    Jun 2014
    Goods, Goods storage & Loading docks

    Order your goods at your loading docks. The order quantities of your goods and the number of loading docks increase as your city levels up.

    x50 - level 6
    x100 - level 9?
    x150 - level 12
    X200 - level 20

    Note: You can send goods requests to your FB friends via game.

    Loading docks
    Maximum available: 6

    Loading Dock 3 unlocks at City Hall Level 2
    Loading Dock 4 unlocks at City Hall Level 6
    Loading Dock 5 unlocks at City Hall Level 15
    Loading Dock 6 unlocks at City Hall Level 24

    Goods storage
    Purpose: Used to store goods
    Capacity: 100 to ?

    Upgrade Requirements
    Special thanks to qprpaul for being so helpful in providing this upgrade information.

    Upgrade To Requirements
    120 City Hall Level 6 and 50 coins
    140 City Hall Level 7 and 100 coins
    160 City Hall Level 8 and 200 coins
    180 City Hall Level 9 and 300 coins
    200 City Hall Level 10 and 400 coins
    220 City Hall Level 11 and 500 coins
    240 City Hall Level 12 and 600 coins
    260 City Hall Level 13 and 700 coins
    280 City Hall Level 14 and 800 coins
    300 City Hall Level 15 and 900 coins
    320 City Hall Level 16 and 1,000 coins
    340 City Hall Level 17 and 1,100 coins
    360 City Hall Level 18 and 1,200 coins
    380 City Hall Level 19 and 1,300 coins
    400 City Hall Level 20 and 1,400 coins
    420 City Hall Level 21 and 1,500 coins
    440 City Hall Level 22 and 1,600 coins
    460 City Hall Level 23 and 1,700 coins
    480 City Hall Level 24 and 1,800 coins
    500 City Hall Level 25 and 1,900 coins
    520 City Hall Level 26 and 2,000 coins
    540 City Hall Level 27 and 2,100 coins
    560 City Hall Level 28 and 2,200 coins
    580 City Hall Level 29 and 2,300 coins
    600 City Hall Level 30 and 2,400 coins
    620 City Hall Level 31 and 2,500 coins
    640 City Hall Level 32 and 2,600 coins
    660 City Hall Level 33 and 2,700 coins
    680 City Hall Level 34 and 2,800 coins
    700 City Hall Level 35 and 2,900 coins
    720 City Hall Level 36 and 3,000 coins
    740 City Hall Level 37 and 3,100 coins
    760 City Hall Level 38 and 3,200 coins
    780 City Hall Level 39 and 3,300 coins
    800 City Hall Level 40 and 3,400 coins
    820 City Hall Level 41 and 3,500 coins
    840 City Hall Level 42 and 3,600 coins
    860 City Hall Level 43 and 3,700 coins
    880 City Hall Level 44 and 3,800 coins
    900 City Hall Level 45 and 3,900 coins
    920 City Hall Level 46 and 4,000 coins
    940 City Hall Level 47 and 4,100 coins
    960 City Hall Level 48 and 4,200 coins
    980 City Hall Level 49 and 4,300 coins
    1,000 City Hall Level 50 and 4,400 coins

    Related topic: City Hall
    Last edited by Rynetory2; 08-03-17 at 07:00 AM.

  9. #9
    Grand Emperor
    Join Date
    Jun 2014

    Purpose: Used to store crafts and parts
    Capacity: 40 to 235

    Required upgrade parts: packing tape, wooden crate, bubble wrap

    Delete items
    You can delete items from your inventory if you are close to maximum capacity (around 90%) and you'll see an "X" next to the items. Click on the "X" to delete the item. Do note that all quantities of the selected item will be removed.

    Upgrade Requirements
    The required number of these upgrade parts increases as your inventory capacity increases. You get 5 spaces for each upgrade.

    Special thanks to qprpaul for being so helpful in providing this upgrade information.

    Upgrade To Requirements
    45 1 packing tape, 1 wooden crate, 1 bubble wrap
    50 2 packing tape, 2 wooden crate, 2 bubble wrap
    55 3 packing tape, 3 wooden crate, 3 bubble wrap
    60 4 packing tape, 4 wooden crate, 4 bubble wrap
    65 5 packing tape, 5 wooden crate, 5 bubble wrap
    70 6 packing tape, 6 wooden crate, 6 bubble wrap
    75 6 packing tape, 6 wooden crate, 6 bubble wrap
    80 6 packing tape, 6 wooden crate, 6 bubble wrap
    85 7 packing tape, 7 wooden crate, 7 bubble wrap
    90 7 packing tape, 7 wooden crate, 7 bubble wrap
    95 7 packing tape, 7 wooden crate, 7 bubble wrap
    100 8 packing tape, 8 wooden crate, 8 bubble wrap
    105 8 packing tape, 8 wooden crate, 8 bubble wrap
    110 8 packing tape, 8 wooden crate, 8 bubble wrap
    115 8 packing tape, 8 wooden crate, 8 bubble wrap
    120 8 packing tape, 8 wooden crate, 8 bubble wrap
    125 8 packing tape, 8 wooden crate, 8 bubble wrap
    130 8 packing tape, 8 wooden crate, 8 bubble wrap
    135 8 packing tape, 8 wooden crate, 8 bubble wrap
    140 9 packing tape, 9 wooden crate, 9 bubble wrap
    145 9 packing tape, 9 wooden crate, 9 bubble wrap
    150 9 packing tape, 9 wooden crate, 9 bubble wrap
    155 9 packing tape, 9 wooden crate, 9 bubble wrap
    160 9 packing tape, 9 wooden crate, 9 bubble wrap
    165 9 packing tape, 9 wooden crate, 9 bubble wrap
    170 9 packing tape, 9 wooden crate, 9 bubble wrap
    175 9 packing tape, 9 wooden crate, 9 bubble wrap
    180 9 packing tape, 9 wooden crate, 9 bubble wrap
    185 9 packing tape, 9 wooden crate, 9 bubble wrap
    190 10 packing tape, 10 wooden crate, 10 bubble wrap
    195 10 packing tape, 10 wooden crate, 10 bubble wrap
    200 10 packing tape, 10 wooden crate, 10 bubble wrap
    205 10 packing tape, 10 wooden crate, 10 bubble wrap
    210 10 packing tape, 10 wooden crate, 10 bubble wrap
    215 10 packing tape, 10 wooden crate, 10 bubble wrap
    220 10 packing tape, 10 wooden crate, 10 bubble wrap
    225 10 packing tape, 10 wooden crate, 10 bubble wrap
    230 10 packing tape, 10 wooden crate, 10 bubble wrap
    235 10 packing tape, 10 wooden crate, 10 bubble wrap

    Related topic: List of crafts, Parts
    Last edited by Rynetory2; 04-20-17 at 06:40 AM.

  10. #10
    Grand Emperor
    Join Date
    Jun 2014
    Parts & Permits

    Get these parts by mastering businesses and delivering Boardwalk orders. Citizens and submitting business orders may randomly drop these too.

    Regular parts
    • Tripod, shovel, saw - land expansion
    • Packing tape, wooden crate, bubble wrap - inventory upgrade
    • Brick, hardhat, sledgehammer - highrises slot

    Special parts for bridges

    Special parts for Points of Interest/Locations
    These are the special parts for repairing the Points of Interest and Locations.
    See Points of Interest & Locations for requirements.
    Quote Originally Posted by SparklyOctopus View Post
    These drops will get harder as you get into further and further expansions.
    Main Island
    • Scissors - Mayor's Mansion
    • Cotton candy - Chesterfield Wheel
    • Watering can - Chesterfield Gardens
    • Grapes bunch - Chesterfield Vineyard
    • Room key - Chesterfield Retreat
    • Parachute - Paraglider Perch
    • Lightbulb - Lighthouse
    • Star map - Observatory
    2nd island
    • Clapperboard - Chesterfield Studios
    3rd island
    • Lifeguard donut - Chesterfield Castle
    • Compass - Chesterfield Landing
    • ? - Fort Chesterfield
    • Raincoat - Waterfall

    These are the business permits for starting respective businesses. You get a permit for every business you have mastered. See Businesses on the various businesses you can start.
    • Dining permit - level 1 and 4
    • Shopping permit - level 2 and 5
    • Home improvement permit - level 6 and 9
    • Entertainment permit - level 13 and 22
    • Service permit - level 14 and 24
    • Technology permit - level 16 and 25

    Related topic: Businesses
    Last edited by Rynetory2; 12-26-16 at 07:14 AM.

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