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Thread: Seeing multiple cards

  1. #1
    New Resident
    Join Date
    Dec 2015

    Seeing multiple cards

    My friends introduced me to this and watching them play they were able to see 2 cards a time when playing. We are on the same phone, iPhone 6, but I can only see one card at a time when I play. Anyone know why?

  2. #2
    New Resident
    Join Date
    Jun 2016
    did u find any way of fixing this issue??
    i also have the EXACT same problem!! it makes playing any more than 4or5 cards nearly impossible because for EACH number called, ur forced to flip thru as many screens- so with 8cards, id have to flip 8SCREENS before i can move on to the next (more than likely already having been) called #... the end result is a domino effect pushing u further& further behind with every new #called!! (&god help u if u make the fatal choice of playing any more than 3or4 cards per game in that specialty room where they call 5#s @a time cuz uve already lost before the first #set has even been called!) UGH.😵

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