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Thread: TGT Presents... The Chemist, the Cat and the Time Machine

  1. #11
    Thanks for the kind comments guys! And we're only just getting started!...
    Proud owner of The Garlic Tree restaurant

  2. #12

    Stop #2 - Animal Kingdom

    Previous: Stop #1 - The Dawn of Time

    After spending some time taking in the wonders of the early solar system, the Mad Chemist and the Lab Assistant have again boarded the Time Machine and ignited the burners. After the eerie quiet of outer space it was the sounds of the Chemist and Cat's second destination which hit them first ahead of the sights. There were regular and random chirps and growls, the slop of disturbed water and the low hum that could mean only one thing: the time travellers had reached the jungle!

    It appears that this second stop is also measuring millions of years into the past, with humans still trying to find their way in a world dominated by the Animal Kingdom. It was with some trepidation that our explorers glanced around at the many vivid colours taking advantage of the freedom from human interference. The first feature they locked eyes upon was a beautiful scene.

    With swirling Tranquil Waters and a family of happy Sea Turtle Tables this is the most peaceful of lakes. But there is some drama taking place on the Jungle Tour, where the girl in the green dress has her mouth wide open in fear - she's understandably distressed that her Lake Dog has been left behind on the Spring Meadow banks. Will her pooch be left abandoned in this dangerous place?

    The reason this is a dangerous area is because of what lies within the jungle.

    There is a convenient Stepping Stone path can be found on the outskirts, but it's only so useful as it leads straight to the lion posing atop the Zoo Gifts. The self-proclaimed king of the jungle, the lion is taking his rightful place above the various other animals that roam the lands, and has decided to take residence in a den flanked by Athens Pillars and Lion Statues (how vain!)

    There's no shortage of other living things running amok in the jungle, but it's the creatures located to the north which have the Chemist very excitable.

    The Dino Daycare is the natural habitat of the dinosaurs, who are currently having a good play. Their lurid colours are as good an indicator as any that we are very far away from home, but the smiles all round suggest that this particular group aren't the fierce force the dinosaurs are often portrayed to be. They're just enjoying themselves in a rich surrounding which includes a Parrot Tree, Lemur Log and Christmas Reindeer, as well as a Toucan Tree perched atop a Fallen Tree.

    This is clearly a wonderful place to be, and so it doesn't come as much of a surprise that humans have made an effort to settle deep in the flora.

    The Action Dining puts the residents right at the heart of the action. With its raised foundations the risk of creepy crawlies paying a visit is minimised, while a straw roof will keep out the worst of the tropical storms. Although keeping out the Hanging Monkey may be tougher - he looks like he may be looking for an opportunity to prepare a fried banana on that glowing fire!

    After a lengthy venture into the foliage, the Cat emerged with a new recipe worth bringing back to The Garlic Tree.

    The Dinosaur Nuggets becomes the third dish positioned around the Time Machine. and will serve as a reminder to the adventurers that they walked with dinosaurs. And after some forensic analysis the Chemist is pretty certain that no dinosaur was harmed in the making of the nuggets - it's just the shape of them folks!

    You'll also notice the Train Conductor from the galactic crossroads has sneaked on board. He obviously grew tired of directing interstellar traffic, so has decided to join our voyagers instead. It looks like they're not only going to be bringing new foods back to the present day but also new friends!

    Next: Stop #3 - The Ice Age
    Last edited by lorettasapron; 04-14-16 at 11:53 AM.
    Proud owner of The Garlic Tree restaurant

  3. #13

    Stop #3 - The Ice Age

    Previous: Stop #2 - The Animal Kingdom

    Having spent some time building up a sweat in the jungle, the Mad Chemist and Lab Assistant are looking for somewhere to cool down, and hence have adjusted the dials and set the Time Machine in motion again. With a snap and crackle they rip their way through space and time before the bitter cold hits.

    As far away from the closeness of the animal kingdom as could be, our voyagers have landed amid the event which wiped out the dinosaurs and reshaped the world forever. This is the Ice Age!

    Just as the early universe was less barren than history portrays, the Ice Age was a period in which progress was actually made. Humans have shown their ingenuity to adapt to the changing environment and make the most of the huge volumes of snow. This is no better demonstrated than at the lake which we saw at our previous stop, except now it is rock solid.

    It could be viewed as a dangerous area which is not suitable for any activities, let alone fun. And yet there are numerous Ice Skating Girls sliding around the frozen surface of the lake, all circling the Snowy Fountain which stands proudly in the centre. And being the Ice Age the ice is definitely thick enough to cope with the blades of so many skates!

    In fact, the greatest risk for those skaters is bumping into the Lake Dog. I mentioned at our last stop that the pooch appeared to have been abandoned lakeside, and it seems that he clambered aboard the Time Machine when no-one was looking! Having joined the crew for the journey the Lake Dog has returned to familiar surroundings and is clutching a fish gathered from a hole in the ice.

    There are other dogs to be spotted at this location too, with the Dogsled Team in their element.

    A dogsled is the best way to get around in this difficult climate, as the guy in the Snow Suit is finding out. He may have all the right gear to stay warm, but the cold is merciless and he is struggling with the falling temperatures. In contrast the polar bears inhabiting the Igloo are thriving in the tough conditions, with the scarves being worn by two of the bears purely a fashion statement, and indicators that they are very comfortable with the unforgiving weather.

    But the igloo is not the only notable erection in this scene, and it is the other which the Chemist and Cat are most interested in.

    In the north there is a party breaking out, with lots of luminaries congregated on the roof of a snowy building. There's a Frosty Feast to gorge upon, all prepared by the Snowman Chef. And as if that's not enough there's also a Winter Spread in the corner which the Parisian Waitress is overseeing. There's no shortage of choice at this shindig! And that's before we consider a warm treat down on the patio below - the Winter Couples have already gathered there and find the cold less biting thanks to the French Lantern lamp posts and fairy lights on the White Christmas Trees which ensure it stays light when it gets dark.

    Having mingled with the guests at the rooftop party, the Chemist has returned to the familiarity of the Time Machine with a new recipe.

    The Chemist was desperate for something to restore some body heat, and a large bowl of Minestrone Soup will undoubtedly do that. It joins the Biscuits and Gravy, Rocket Fuel Punch and Dinosaur Nuggets on the counters, and leaves the crew with six more counters to occupy.

    So there's still much travelling to be done, and I suspect the Cat will be demanding that the next destination is somewhere a little warmer.

    Next: Stop #4 - Ancient Egypt
    Last edited by lorettasapron; 04-22-16 at 02:15 PM.
    Proud owner of The Garlic Tree restaurant

  4. #14
    How are Lake Dog and the Chemist's Cat getting along? ...maybe the cat will need to pick up an ally at the next stop!
    Quote Originally Posted by Memaw2003 View Post
    How do I ask a question about the game?

  5. #15
    Executive Chef
    Join Date
    Mar 2015
    Love the story

  6. #16
    Quote Originally Posted by fatbearsecondary View Post
    How are Lake Dog and the Chemist's Cat getting along? ...maybe the cat will need to pick up an ally at the next stop!
    Well, I don't know about the next stop, but you might be on to something there!

    Quote Originally Posted by deekathleen View Post
    Love the story
    Proud owner of The Garlic Tree restaurant

  7. #17

    Stop #4 - Ancient Egypt

    Previous: Stop #3 - The Ice Age

    The sun wasn't all that prominent when the Mad Chemist and the Lab Assistant were stopped at the Ice Age, so they had high hopes of some warmth and sunshine at their next destination. Following another glug of fuel, the Time Machine ensured that their wishes were fulfilled. Upon arrival, the crew found themselves at the centre of a large expanse of sand and under a blazing heat. A brief glance around soon confirmed that the explorers had touched down in Ancient Egypt!

    After the freezing temperatures of the Ice Age, this was a real relief for the travellers. Removing their shoes and feeling the soft sand between their toes was quite the sensation, and for a moment the fact that they were undertaking an epic journey through all of time was forgotten. This was only added to when the Chemist locked his eyes on the Hut Bar.

    Having grabbed a cool drink from the bar, he was able to settle down on a Cruise Deck Chair and chill. From his position the Chemist had a view of the river, where three children could be seen Down At The Dock, and it appeared that they were fishing for some supper.

    It was only after spending a while watching the kids struggle with their rods that it dawned on the Chemist - he was looking out at the River Nile! Turning his head upstream he spotted a small island on the river which was a hive of activity.

    On the island were a group of Fire Dancers, all living dangerously with their flaming sticks. They were putting on a heck of a performance, with thanks to a pair of Island Drummers and a not-so-native Mexican Dancer, who was twirling to the beat.

    This island was a really impressive sight, and the Chemist wasted no time in shouting for his Cat to join him to enjoy the banging of the drum and flashing of the flames. But his puss was a step ahead of him and was already being dropped off the Jungle Tour further along the Nile.

    Having been deposited on the Black Sands, the Cat had spotted a Headless Horseman who appeared to be standing guard over a long narrow corridor. It was only after moving past this sinister feature that the Cat realised what she was entering - a labyrinth of booby traps. Well, this was Ancient Egypt after all, and the Pharaohs had done all they could to protect their assets. Every so often there was a Happy Halloween tile on the floor which the Cat hypothesised activated a not so happy dart.

    The Cat trod carefully across the creaking Spider Stone flooring to reach the other end where a Vampire Waiter stood with a tray of ancient drinks as old as the pyramids themselves. With cats sacred in Ancient Egypt, the Cat was given permission to join the feast in the Treasure Room.

    After she'd satisfied her appetite and the Chemist had taken his eyes off the Mexican Dancer, they returned to the Time Machine.

    The Lake Fisher can be seen in the background next to his Recreation Rack, and the newest dish added to the pioneers' collection is thanks to him. The fisher has been reeling in all the king fish the Nile has to offer, and has cooked up some of them for the crew to take home. No wonder the kids at the dock were having no luck - there were no fish left for them to catch!

    So Roasted King Fish from the Valley of the Kings is the latest addition on the Chemist and Cat's banquet. And there seems to have been another addition to their travelling party too - the Lake Dog tagged along at the Animal Kingdom stop, but after braving the cold of the Ice Age seems to have bonded with the bloke in the Snow Suit. That or the thickly clothed guy was desperate to get away from the harsh winter!

    Next: Stop #5 - Ancient Asia
    Last edited by lorettasapron; 04-28-16 at 03:58 PM.
    Proud owner of The Garlic Tree restaurant

  8. #18

    Stop #5 - Ancient Asia

    Previous: Stop #4 - Ancient Egypt

    With the Mad Chemist and Lab Assistant nicely tanned from their visit to Ancient Egypt, they're feeling revitalised and ready to cause another rupture in the space-time continuum. With a rumble and a loud crack (some of which was provided by the newest crew member, the Island Drummer) the Time Machine was on its way.

    From one ancient land to another, our crew arrived at the peacefulness and serenity of Ancient Asia!

    Looking around carefully and thoughtfully, the Chemist quickly deduced that this quiet place almost covered an entire continent - with Japan, China and South Korea all represented it appeared that in centuries past Asia was a much smaller land.

    Japan was best exemplified in the most peaceful area of all, with a Bamboo flooring in place for a spot of meditation.

    Each participant is given a Meditation Seat to sit on while they listen and watch as Hanbok Phoebe (from South Korea!) takes them on a journey of the mind. With Beach Bonfires glowing around a border of Zen Sand, there's no doubt that anyone getting involved will have their heads cleared out and will feel a new lease of life. That's certainly what the Lounge Lizard is hoping for as he attempts to finally give up the bottle!

    After having his soul replenished, the Chemist moved out into the gardens, where there was further opportunity to be at one with himself and the world.

    Strolling under the Garden Archways laced with ivy, he crossed paths with the Playful Parasol while also taking in the formidable sight of the Jade Dragon. This really was a beautiful place to be, with refined greenery all around, whether it be the Chinese Lantern Plants, Round Hedges or Dandelion Fields.

    This paradise of nature was encapsulated by the Panda Pen. Here the Chemist could see a family of three pandas relaxing and chomping among the bamboo. It was a marvellous sight in a marvellous surrounding. And it's worth noting that the Cat was reliably informed that the pandas were not 'caged' in this pen - they had constructed it themselves as a little hangout. No need to get mankind involved!

    But the work of humans could be seen at the end of the path.

    The Korean Garden is a huge and homely structure, built over a long period and intended to stand the test of time. It offers some wonderful views over the balconies at dawn and dusk. And it's at dusk you'll get the best effect of the Rockets. The Chinese invented fireworks, and it appears that the travellers have timed their appearance just right to play the role of excitable observers to the very first rockets.

    After a successful fireworks display our party were invited to... well... er... party!

    To celebrate the lighting up of the skies with lots of vibrant colours the locals are putting on something of a show. On a plethora of Good Fortune Floor Tiles there is much to cheer as the Dragon Dance is performed. Two sets of robed performers are bringing the mythological creature to life, with its yellow scales striking against a blood red skin and pale underbelly.

    After getting their fill of Salmon Makki from Action Chef Lee's ancestor (the present day Lee was left behind at The Garlic Tree!) the troop return to the Time Machine with their stomachs packed.

    And waiting there is a gift from the folks of Ancient Asia. A large bowl of Egg Drop Soup has been deposited on one of the remaining counters, thus ensuring that the Chemist and the Cat have another delicacy they can bring back to The Garlic Tree. The menu is going to be getting a major overhaul when they return, but their appetite is still keen for more - roll on the next stop!

    Next: Stop #6 - The Middle Ages
    Last edited by lorettasapron; 05-05-16 at 02:03 PM.
    Proud owner of The Garlic Tree restaurant

  9. #19

    Stop #6 - The Middle Ages

    Previous: Stop #5 - Ancient Asia

    The Mad Chemist, Lab Assistant and their ever expanding crew are again on the move. After spending a week in the quiet of Ancient Asia the Chemist splashed a rather generous helping of fuel into the Time Machine and got everyone strapped in. For a moment there was nothing but darkness, and then the most busy and colourful scene yet. The explorers had landed in the middle of the Middle Ages!

    Retail, entertainment, sport and dining was all represented in this chaotic place, and the adventurers couldn't wait to get out and about. Having ventured into the Time Machine as a means to get away from the sober solitude of Ancient Asia, the Lounge Lizard has apparently found paradise in the market.

    Here there is a large Cider Bar where he is able to get all the refills he wants free of charge (when have you ever seen a lizard charged for booze!) And a refreshing drink is something everyone will need after spending an afternoon touring the market. There's a Yard Sale, a Rose Seller and another of Action Chef Lee's predecessors in the form of Cashier Lee, all keen to do business.

    There's also a rival drink maker in the market, with Phoebe's Stand offering freshly squeezed lemonade. And it really is fresh with the lemons picked to order from the Lemon Trees. With a sweet glass of juice in hand you can relax on the Tree Bench which serves as the centre of this fine market.

    The hustle and bustle continues further along the Stepping Stone path with the ever enticing fair.

    Here there is entertainment for all the youngsters, whether it be Bobbing for Apples or chancing your hand at the Game Booth. For those wishing for something a little more eloquent there's a Psychic Reader in town, and she's got all the predictions in that crystal ball (that or the Chemist has had a word in her ear, after all he know a little about the future!)

    But understandably it's the Cat Show which the Cat is most excited about. The kittens are impressive, but let's have some perspective - the Cat has played a significant role in developing a Time Machine which is able to travel into centuries past! So in the end it's the Cat teaching the show's participants, although I suspect the perils of gravitational time dilation have gone straight over their heads!

    For more mature residents enjoyment can be found with the jousting tournament.

    The Dala Horse and Headless Horseman are in a duel. Galloping around the Caution Tape Dividers, the aim is to knock the opponent off their mount. But with the Dala Horse missing its rider, the Train Conductor has seen fit to get down there and blow his whistle to halt the battle.

    And there's a ceremony in progress anyway so really everyone should be pausing to congratulate the victors in the Winner's Circle. My Fair Gran-Gran (in her finest outfit) has presented the trophy, and is waiting for the photographer to finish off snapping the winning horse so that she can have a shoot of her own.

    At the other end of the area the King and Queen are very much enjoying the festivities.

    The royals are seated on their thrones and have the best vantage point for the jousting. They've brought plenty of support with them for this day out, including a pair of well trained swordsman and their pet Ring Barker. He's even got dressed for the royal outing!

    And in front of the royals are the Queen's Guard, accompanied by the Island Drummer. He's made a beeline over there to entertain the royals and jam with the guard. Given the smiles it seems the monarchy are thoroughly enjoying his efforts.

    After a feast from the Carving Station and Pie Table, our expedition have to return to the familiarity of the Time Machine, although they certainly don't do so empty-handed.

    A huge mound of Farmers Market Salsa has been bought and added to one of the remaining counters. It will undoubtedly make a great dip for the Dinosaur Nuggets! There are now just three counters left vacant, indicating that the Chemist and Cat's mission is moving ever closer to completion.

    Next: Stop #7 - The Wild West
    Last edited by lorettasapron; 05-14-16 at 03:21 AM.
    Proud owner of The Garlic Tree restaurant

  10. #20
    Fashion Designer
    Join Date
    Jun 2015
    This is really great! Can't wait till the next location!!

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