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Thread: No sound effect & auto shut-down

  1. #1

    No sound effect & auto shut-down

    First problem, there is no sound effect when I start to choose playing in different properties.
    Second problem, when I finish the game and claiming the rewards from opening the chests, the game shut down automatically.

  2. #2
    Executive Chef
    Join Date
    Dec 2012
    Thanks for letting us know. Taking a look!

  3. #3
    I had the same problem, so I uninstalled and re-installed and now all the properties are stuck on loading at 50% I deleted the data from the app, still not working... using note 3

  4. #4
    Executive Chef
    Join Date
    Dec 2012
    Sorry to hear that! If you're in the process of loading the assets, please leave the game on for a while so that they can fully download. Please let us know if that helps. Thanks!

  5. #5
    New Resident
    Join Date
    Apr 2016
    Mine has been stuck downloading also. Clue Bingo is doing the same thing.

  6. #6
    unfortunately it's the same... the first 2 properties have loaded properly but the other ones are still stuck at the 50% mark

  7. #7
    Executive Chef
    Join Date
    Dec 2012
    Hey there! This should be fixed now. Please let me know if the images are still not loading correctly.

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