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Thread: Easter Egg Hunt on March 18 2016! (Android & IOS)

  1. #941
    Join Date
    Jun 2015
    I didn't spend any money or jewels, I got enough eggs to turn in to get the brown chick, but disappointed that turning in collections gave the same decorations as in the challenge, as with others it was the fryer egg that I found hardest to get, pity you can't turn in chocolate rabbits for a yellow chick but heigh, ho. Won't be doing the spring challenge as will be away for six days of it. Good luck to those of you who do

  2. #942
    Rhino Keeper
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    May 2015
    Quote Originally Posted by tuffyjkitten View Post
    Not everyone wins every prize. Spending money does not guarantee you a prize. You got prizes along the way for trying to win the grand prize, []. Can we please all just be adults here and accept that?
    This, so much this! I dread reading the forums at all towards the end of an event because of all the comments where people believe S8 owes them the grand prize since they did this or that. No they don't! I guess my takeaway from all of this is to only read the first page of any event. I'm always willing to help out my neighbors so post on my wall if you want help.

  3. #943
    Deleted game from phone after that brown chick event. Too much!!! Happy for a break.

  4. #944
    Farm Supplier
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    Feb 2015
    my summary of this event

    + win a pet through the goals
    + no gold or ore needed for the last goal
    + only dough bait needed, no special bait to craft
    + every item of a building gaves eggs, not only a special item
    -/+orange trees needed (lower levels don't have 8)
    -/+ only two or three days left after egg #10
    - first day: deliveries! not very nice for those who bought the dipper with gems, maybe next time there will be a chance to craft the first egg, as in previous events
    - fryer didn't give many eggs (but in my opinion it increased on the last day) and 20 are needed for the quest. was really hard.
    - this really cute sheep skin wasn't a random prize
    - not many decorations for buying

    maybe I've forgotten something

    I support the idea, that after 30 collection, we could win all the prizes, which are left

  5. #945
    Quote Originally Posted by syncler78 View Post
    This, so much this! I dread reading the forums at all towards the end of an event because of all the comments where people believe S8 owes them the grand prize since they did this or that. No they don't! I guess my takeaway from all of this is to only read the first page of any event. I'm always willing to help out my neighbors so post on my wall if you want help.
    S8 owes each player a even chance from the get-go.

    I learned something extremely important from this event. Your neighbours are your friends! This event made me think outside the box a bit and ask around for those who were selling extra scarves and things of that nature. It was fun. I was even able to sell some items of my own to help others out.

    I do not agree with players becoming frustrated if they didn't get the prize within the first few days of playing.

    I do agree with those who are frustrated with drop rates. I'm not talking about players who want an egg (or whatever it is) from every single collection. But when some of them are crafting items that take an hour or so to craft, plus collecting the ingredients that take six hours or so to craft, it does become slightly frustrating when you turn in 20 things and get nothing. Keep in mind a lot of players have jobs and like to sleep without setting a timer to wake up every hour to collect.

    BUT - like I said before, it makes you get "crafty" (bad pun). Find neighbours willing to help. Go and download those games and play them to get gems. Think about how you are going to collect/craft.

  6. #946
    Rhino Keeper
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    Quote Originally Posted by rynetory2 View Post
    Is she missing from your cellar or her nest? Can you restart your game and see if she's there? Thanks.
    She is missing from my cellar. I saw her when she went into it, I tried to place her and she disappeared. I have restarted the game, crashed it, restarted my phone and basically done everything, but nothing seems to work. :/

  7. #947
    Executive Chef
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    @spring_peeper..agree totally! <3 I made as much stuff as I could for the quests, and discounted them and sold them to people who might need (that was the thought behind it anyways! lol). I love the bad pun! It's an awesome way to sum it up.

    I have a VERY serious question in the world does a teeny cute little chicky hold a SAW, concealed even! I might want to sleep with one eye open and feed them the gourmet stuff!

  8. #948
    The Honorable Panda
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    Quote Originally Posted by ScumbagJacqueline View Post
    She is missing from my cellar. I saw her when she went into it, I tried to place her and she disappeared. I have restarted the game, crashed it, restarted my phone and basically done everything, but nothing seems to work. :/
    Please send an email to for assistance.
    Do you have the option to ring a bell on her nest? If so try that and see if she comes running over.
    Need me? Send Me A Private Message

    Note: Due to some personal matters, I will not be on over the weekend.

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  9. #949
    Rhino Keeper
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    Jun 2015
    Quote Originally Posted by JustKay View Post
    How can you play 4 devices.. I spent so much time on working just one game. 4 would be crazy for me, and each game doesn't really help your main one get the best prizes.
    As I would get a new phone or tablet, I would download the game and use the new game to help to manufacture items needed for my first device. Thus cutting down on the required time. But over time they all leveled up to 18. This is the first event that all were eligible to play (1 android and 3 Apple devices). 3 was manageable, but not 4!

    Edit: The odd part was it was easier on the android, I won both chicks and had 3 or 4 days left to play!

  10. #950
    Farm Supplier
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    Jun 2015
    after the sad sand turtle event, I don't put so much hope on this type of luck event, I know I wont get the yellow chick for sure. my daughter and me both very sad on the last turtle event, we try more than 60 times turn in still cant get the turtle.. that is enough, we dont want to feel the pain one more time.

    This easter event I only turn in 20 collection and decided to stop mining, fishing & etc.. I do not want to waste my time anymore. but I still hope that there is a chance for us to buy a chick in pet sale, so our lonely brown chick can get a friend.

    (my english is poor so it is difficult to express my feeling through words.,that is why I seldom post but i read every people post

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