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Thread: Is there a way to quicker level up?

  1. #11
    The fastest way to level up would probably be through neighbors/gifts as those are items you don't have to spend time cooking. There is certainly no shortage of people who want to be your neighbor or just start asking on walls. Then send/receive gifts as often as possible (you can gift each neighbor once every 24 hrs but you can only receive 20 gifts per day). Once you have more than 20 neighbors, you can be more selective about the gifts you receive, accepting only stew for example to maximize your gifts.

  2. #12
    Quote Originally Posted by Unregistered View Post
    The fastest way to level up would probably be through neighbors/gifts as those are items you don't have to spend time cooking. There is certainly no shortage of people who want to be your neighbor or just start asking on walls. Then send/receive gifts as often as possible (you can gift each neighbor once every 24 hrs but you can only receive 20 gifts per day). Once you have more than 20 neighbors, you can be more selective about the gifts you receive, accepting only stew for example to maximize your gifts.
    You don't get exp points from accepting gifts, nor do you get exp points for serving the gifts, only coins, so how do we level up using gifts?

  3. #13
    Yes but you do get lots of money from those gifts which you can use to buy/expand/decorate etc which you get points for. With five appliances, it would take 8 days to make 20 stews vs receiving them all in one day and still having access to your appliances all day.

  4. #14
    Quote Originally Posted by Unregistered View Post
    Yes but you do get lots of money from those gifts which you can use to buy/expand/decorate etc which you get points for. With five appliances, it would take 8 days to make 20 stews vs receiving them all in one day and still having access to your appliances all day.
    That's a nice idea :-) but you did know that 20 gifts of stew amounts to only 3,000 (150x20) plates a day whereas 5 stoves cook up 7000 (1,400x5) plates every 2 days?

    Also, the 3000 plates of stew will get you 15,000 coins (after 1 hour 25 minutes if you have no other dishes and have a rating of 50 and have at least 22 tables), that will in turn get you a potted plant and something else that will bring you approximately 75 exp points, whereas doing the French Toast waltz with 5 stoves will gain you 90 exp points in 3 minutes.

    I'm sorry, but there may be a few shortcuts in RS but they generally don't work too well. A little elbow grease however can take you a long way; and of course a huge credit line will also allow you different alternatives.

  5. #15

    My trick

    Well this is a fast way to lvl up I found it by my self

    first,u gt cook whatever u wanna cook with ur stoves, bt pls leave 1free
    then,cook toast(1min) ,cook omelettes(5min),switch them.
    This may cost ur money but gives around 8xp per 3sec if u tap hard
    another benefit-u can increase dish lvl fast in this way. All ppl know tht lvl4 gives u 2000 coin+200 exp(also u can earn gem) after u compelete omelettes-toast combi, u can start with salad(55 coin) and toast again
    I lvled 13 to 20 in just 2hours n still got enough $ to expand n buy stuff I want

    try it, n if u like this idea,add venuslia,I gift everday

  6. #16


    Thank you so much for your kind replies! So... It seems there's not actually a quick way to level up, despite of the French Toast thing... Anyway, thank you to everyone who replied to me, of course! Happy gaming!

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