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Thread: EXPANSION: Solar Bear

  1. #91
    Executive Chef
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    May 2015
    The Netherlands
    OK I'm looking at your forest now and see the following plots you can still expand to:
    -Blue: 12.
    -Green: 4.
    -Purple: 16. (not including the one you're currently expanding to).

    So... that totals out to 32, which is then still well above the 24 remaining expansions that should mark the point where 50 expansions have been reached. :P
    So far then it's still possible that indeed the threshold lies at 50 completed expansions....

    I hope others can provide data too, so we can perhaps pinpoint if that's the trigger or not...

  2. #92
    Fashion Designer
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    Dec 2013
    Quote Originally Posted by ogreve View Post
    OK I'm looking at your forest now and see the following plots you can still expand to:
    -Blue: 12.
    -Green: 4.
    -Purple: 16. (not including the one you're currently expanding to).

    So... that totals out to 32, which is then still well above the 24 remaining expansions that should mark the point where 50 expansions have been reached. :P
    So far then it's still possible that indeed the threshold lies at 50 completed expansions....

    I hope others can provide data too, so we can perhaps pinpoint if that's the trigger or not...
    Glad I could help. Hopefully others more knowledgable than myself can shed more light
    Baking lots of HappyHearts here at my Bakery

  3. #93
    Fashion Designer
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    Oct 2012
    Hello, sorry to have come late to this party.... Here is my story -after the fact and to the best of my knowledge....and I believe it supports the 50 expansion theory.

    Firstly, I've had 12 hour expansions since long before I ever got near the solar bear shelf, and I won't have solar bear until my next expansion.

    My history:
    I was playing before the Treent was introduced. (Thus, before the lower green shelf was opened, and before the purple shelves were opened)

    I had expanded up to 1 or 3...4? of the upper ice shelf when The lower green shelf was opened. At that time I postponed work in the ice until after I had expanded through the Treent. By then the purple shelves and Hareon were open so I continued there. Once solar bear came along I expanded to the first lower purple shelf. Then game play indicated that the solar bear wasn't going to be required for any particular thing. I went back to finish the ice shelf areas. It was during that time in the ice -and with only 7 purple expansions- that my expansions changed to 12 hour timers....

    I believe adding together all expansions of all the green and the ice and the upper purple shelf of the Hareon equals to 50.

    If My 12 hour expansions began on the ice shelf and I had expanded only the first 6 of the first purple shelf and 1st of the next possible purple expansion that experience would support a 50 expansion milestone.
    Last edited by saucysammis; 01-07-16 at 04:54 PM.

  4. #94
    Executive Chef
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    Jun 2015
    Thank you for chipping in, saucysammis! It is looking strongly like 50 expansions is the deciding factor.

  5. #95
    Executive Chef
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    Quote Originally Posted by Sandybellee View Post
    Thank you for chipping in, saucysammis! It is looking strongly like 50 expansions is the deciding factor.
    Echo that: thanks!
    It's cool that we now have established a VERY good candidate trigger!
    The only thing we need now is for a few more players to provide us data, so we can be sure about this.
    I'd gladly use my secondary account for this, but I just counted it and I can still make 40 expansions there, so I won't reach the 50th expansion for 16 expansions to come yet! :O
    Surely there must be some players who have very recently crossed the "12 hour border", or who are very close to crossing it, or who have kept track of matters...
    It seems to me that the person who by far does the most statistics and logging of activities is ninasidstorm8. If you're reading this: do you perhaps have usable data to add for this?

  6. #96
    Fashion Designer
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    Oct 2012
    Ok, I have a secondary account in which I expanded to the solar bear ASAP long ago. The expansion pattern on that forest includes many purples but not all, many greens, but not all, and just part of the lower ice shelf. I still have 19 hr expansions in that forest. For the sake of this experiment I just chose to expand in the ice and tapped in what I believe to be expansion #37. Still 19 hrs.

    If you want to take a look the ID is: dabaycafe

  7. #97
    Executive Chef
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    Oh joy...
    I've just reached the phase where my next expansion will cost 72 Runes.
    I counted how many more expansions I can make still and that's 14, so that means that after 60 expansions you reach that stage...

    On a more positive note, I've finally completed the blue plots and in a few hours two 6.1 million Big Gem Coves will be done, finishing my master plan for the blue plots for now.
    For now... as I still have to breed the gem animals to put in those expensive habitats, and should I manage to breed all of the gem-hybrids, I'll probably move some of the winter habitats to the lower blue shelf.
    At present I'm working on the last few green spots. 3 more to go and then I'll only have purple spots left.
    In a way it's a good thing that I hardly deploy new animals now. It has taken a lot of pressure on the demand for habitats. I do now have a "secondary forest" in my storage alone already though. :S
    Last edited by ogreve; 01-11-16 at 03:19 PM.

  8. #98
    Executive Chef
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    Oh no!
    I'm two expansions further than the moment I went to 72 runes and already it jumped to 74 runes now. :S
    I still have 12 expansions to go before the currently available ones are through. I sure hope the rune-cost doesn't continue limitlessly to rise like this...

  9. #99
    Executive Chef
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    Sep 2014
    Quote Originally Posted by ogreve View Post
    Oh no!
    I'm two expansions further than the moment I went to 72 runes and already it jumped to 74 runes now. :S
    I still have 12 expansions to go before the currently available ones are through. I sure hope the rune-cost doesn't continue limitlessly to rise like this...
    I believe that the current cap is 80. I have 4 expansions left and I need 78 Runes for the next one.

  10. #100
    Executive Chef
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    Nov 2013
    my last expansion (until they release some more spots ) asks for 80 runes.
    DS : Dragons de Pern (level 200) 826/882 dragons (168 still in storage)
    (sorry but i no longer accept or add neighbors for DS)
    FFS : Pern forest (level 200) 496/524 animals (120 still in storage)
    (stopping FFS on 2017/12/31, so don?t try to add me)
    FS2 : Campagne (level 73)

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