The Baron's Tent - Release 7 - December 2015
Click here for the full list of the Baron's Tent Prizes & previous release information.
How does the tent work?
1. Every day there's a new grand prize you can purchase. The grand prize is random. All known drops are outlined below & in the Inventory Guide.
2. Every day you get 3 free cabbages only. If you buy cabbages, remaining ones (above 3) are carried over to the next day but you do not get an additional 3 free ones.
3. In order to get the Grand Prize, you'll need to purchase some cabbages as you need all 6 prizes to get the grand prize and you're only given 3 free cabbages.
4. Even if you do not want to purchase cabbages, throw your three free ones per day (unless you have the Cabbage Hut). You will still get those prizes (the ones behind the Baron's face).
5. Purchases you can make inside the Baron's Tent:* 1 rotten cabbage = 10 gems6. In Oct '15, the Cabbage Hut was released in the market for 450 gems (Limit of 1). It drops 1 rotten cabbage on each collection and has a 22-hour timer. The rotten cabbages are "stored" inside the Baron's Tent (not in the player's storage cellar inventory). No reported limit for the number of rotten cabbages that can accrue and be stored in the Baron's Tent.
* 4 rotten cabbages = 40 gems
* 10 rotten cabbages = 90 gems
* 22 rotten cabbages = 180 gems
There is also a pending game goal to acquire &/or build the Cabbage Hut.
Details & more info still to follow on this.
Grand Prizes: These holiday & re-release animals will pop up randomly
Poinsettia Manticore
Found: Baron's Game Tent
Uses/Drops: 1XP, $50 coins & 1-2 manticore whiskers or 1-2 fur or 1 mysterious venom
Collection time: 6 hrs
Size: 1x1
Attachment 26657Attachment 26658
Reindeer Horse
Found: Baron's Game Tent
Uses/Drops: 1XP, $50 coins, 1-2 horse hairs plus chance for sugar or carrots
Collection time: 8 hrs
Size: 1x1
Attachment 27664Attachment 27665
Elf Skunkupine
Found: Baron's Game Tent
Uses/Drops: (Same drops as Pepe) 1XP, coins, wheat, corn, sugar cane, tomatoes, rat tail(s), creep tooth &/or fur (sometimes various combinations of those drops)
*May also spawn a skunkupine to battle*
Collection time: 1 hour
Size: 1x1
Attachment 26726Attachment 26727
1/11/16 UPDATE: The issue with the elf skunkupine's appearance how now been fixed. To see him in his full costume, you may need to completely delete and reinstall your game. Don't worry, you won't lose your game-progress as that is stored on S8's server.
Santa Sheep
Found: Baron's Game Tent
Uses/Drops: 1XP, $50 coins & 1-2 wool plus chance for a fertilizer or prime cut
Collection time: 8 hrs
Size: 1x1
Attachment 27045Attachment 27046
Anda the Sphinx (First seen in Baron's Tent in Aug '15)
Found: Baron's Game Tent
Uses/Drops: 1XP, $50 coins, 1 milk plus 1 rat tail or 1 creep tooth or 1 fur (lol)
Collection time: 8 hrs
Size: 1x1
Frenchie (Originally from Beatrice Pfefferknot's Bday Event June '15, not Baron's Tent)
Found: Baron's Game Tent
Uses/Drops: 1XP, $50 coins, 1 milk plus 1 rat tail or 1 creep tooth or 1 fur
Collection time: 8 hrs
Size: 1x1
Sansa the Royal Kitty & Geoffrey the Royal Poodle (Both first seen in Baron's Tent in July '15)
Found: Baron's Game Tent
Uses/Drops: 1XP, $50 coins, 1 milk plus (1 rat tail, 1 creep tooth or 1 fur) *AND* (1 silver or 1 jewel)
Collection time: 8 hrs
Size: 1x1 each
Prince Alexander & Grumpy Cat (Both first seen in Baron's Tent in Sept '15)
Found: Baron's Game Tent
Uses/Drops: 1XP, $50 coins, 1 milk plus (1 rat tail, 1 creep tooth or 1 fur) *AND* (1 silver or 1 jewel)
Collection time: 8 hrs
Size: 1x1 each
Attachment 26615
Attachment 26616