Kindle Fire HD Tablet
Regular Version

I too have had an issue with goals reappearing upon startup (as cited in the aforementioned post), and, material requests to neighbors are glitched (or so I am assuming as I would hope my neighbors are not purposely sending the wrong items).

The former has been ongoing for at least three months now, the latter for several weeks (nearly two months). I send a material request, the latest being for the Rose Oven, and instead of rose petals or rose pans my pending lists shows I am in receipt of maracas, cooling coils, a dragon's tooth ... everything but what I've requested. I find that I have to send out individual material requests several times over (the last being three times) just to complete construction. This is incredibly annoying and I am really hoping its an issue of synchronicity (perhaps there is some sort of fubar when interacting via different devices?) and not a case of my neighbor couldn't be bothered to hit 'Accept' and instead sent whatever they scrolled over in the gifting section. It apparently doesn't effect my responses to material requests, as those that I've asked have been in receipt of what they requested of me daily.

I have uninstalled, reinstalled, and rebooted my tablet several times over with regard to both bugs. They still persist.