I may be the only one disappointed by this Second Anniversary Celebration, but all I got out of this was repetitive motion injury to my index finger from tapping 90 times in a row to off the purple monster.

Two weeks worth of updates for this? Did I miss something? I looked all over and I have nothing to show for this except having to max out my purple dye again.

Okay, is this TL's way of telling us we have come to the end of the game? I am seriously getting close to having stash of 99 little fairies in Mason jars. Did we ever figure out what happened with that fairy thing bit a lot of stuff to store in out inventory? The Troll story was going hot for ***s when we built Kaz first a house then a Castle then he left and we never heard from him again. Anyone else find that a strange way to write a character out of a game? Then Belladonna and Sister, Sister which I am not going to send in my last Inscription and lose my Quest Book to sit and have nothing happen for a month. The Pyre thing didn't even have one artifact that involved motion, one of the small artistic details that makes the Kingdoms so interesting with bubbling barrels by the Potion hut, and the lovely fountain, to name two of many if you look closely. But now not only do we build a tent but it drops nothing of value after eighteen days of promises of something big. We got something, not sure exactly what it was but it was big in size only and I had no place for it in my kingdom, with it having no meaning. Then when there is the Second Anniversary of my favorite game and at the end of two weeks I have not even some useless item to remember it by taking up space in my inventory.

Where are we in this story anyway? I never figured out what happened with the fairies, but it was obviously not resolved because those of us who have been here a while still have many jars full of fairies. Our Troll areas that we were encouraged to build for Kaz were built and abandoned. More and more Kingdoms I see are maxed at level 50. The story and art with the unexpectedly inventive twists and little extras seen nowhere else that make this such an awesome game have been steadily deteriorating and while I have been looking, I haven't seen them here lately either.

Has this game peaked and we are at the end of the Story? There have been no letters from Agnes lately, Old Thomas only comes out as an afterthought like he did for this anniversary, and there was such a good chance to make us at least lol with the set up with Ivy and the yellow Skunkie, and there was nothing but a little bit of Ivy talking to herself? Did TL really fire the people who created this game? I was just kidding when I said that before, but did they?

TL, can you level with us about where this game is headed? The last month has been been nowhere, and the last two weeks, where there was an opportunity for a real celebration of a truly great game being here for two years, there wasn't even a card to show for it.

Sorry, I am feeling so disappointed in what could have been really memorable, and it is forgotten already. Do half of us even remember the name of the purple monster? I don't.

Sad TL, Sad.