Quote Originally Posted by jj9426 View Post
I am having an issue with the Confection Lab, CAN ANYONE HELP????

To be more specific, the 'Confection Lab Oven' is invisible to be purchase in the Design menu even though one of my 'Goals' is to purchase two Confection Labs to be able to complete the "Caution: Experimental" goal. The buildable Confection Lab should be invisible for three reasons: I already have purchase an upgrade so I am able to be able to purchase a new oven/grill, 2nd, to be able to complete the Experimental goal I will need to purchase two Confection Labs, and 3rd, I already completed the previous goal to build a Lab Experiment and place the Lab and the Lab assistant in my restaurant. Why is the Confection Lab invisible????
Anyone solved this? I am also having the same issue