Since last up date on home design story my game is crashing like nobody's busines!
My IOS is old but it wasn't giving grief until said update !

I deleted all my cookies from safari browser, and history, ,forced closed application, rebooted, deleted game and reinstalled it, nothing, I am unable to even log into the game, it crashes while opening! let alone do anything else. I do not run multiple applications, I always force close my apps. I have also Castle story (level 30) and Restaurant Story (level 56) ( which are working fine) knock the wood don't want to jinx them as well.

I am going to get me a new Ipad soon, so how am I to transfer my games without losing my progress with all 3 ? and what to do with Home Design now ? I am level 54 and expanded totally, it is a saddening thing that Am getting no help reading the forum, especially about transfer, it is so ambiguous and the testimonies to the problems had by players who tried to transfer are making me think twice about doing it! I 'd rather delete the game and stopplaying it, and spare myself wasting time on forums and contacting support team, rather than playing.

so where could I find a step by step procedure, with assured results and no glitches as to how to transfer said games! What I do not understand is what the difference between Syorm 8 / team lava issues most players r talking about.

Also another issue, why do I need to create a Storm 8 ID to transfer if I already have one ( same for all3 above mentioned games) !

thanks for any help on these issues.

Honestly it is becoming tedious and not fun at all to spend one's time on the forum rather than progressing in the games we are paying money to buy gems for!

Again thanks for any help.