All the sweet little bakers have been running around redecorating their Bakery upon news that Stormie is visiting! The panic level is rising and ice cream is melting all over the counters. Customers don't want to sit and eat while things are falling apart! Don't worry! The kind critters in the Bakery want to help out and slowly put things back in the right places. Of course, they are confused. They started to eat some of the desserts and randomly placed things as they saw fit. This is not going to work out well. With all the new shipments coming in, items got pushed around and it's a complete mess! It is up to you to be the Bakery Hero to Spot the Differences so that the Bakery is nice and clean for Stormie's arrival.

Use the two aerial images of the Bakery below and spot the differences between them, so bakers can revert their Shop to its former glory.

Find ALL the differences for a chance to win Gems or Gold in the game of your choice!

Contest and Rules:
  • Find ALL 15 of the differences between the two images at the bottom of this post.
  • Save image "B" to your computer and use an image editor to circle the differences. Then upload image B with your edits to an image hosting website.
  • For help on uploading an image, click here.
  • Send a PM (Private Message) to TLcontests with "Spot the Differences" in the subject line AND the link to the image you have uploaded. Be sure it is a DIRECT LINK to the image. DO NOT SEND YOUR PM TO ME
  • Your entry must include the game where you want your prize to go.
  • Your entry must be submitted as a PM by Thursday August 8th at 12 noon PDT.

  • The 1st player to PM TLcontests their image with all 15 differences will win 50 gems to the game of their choice. (250 Gold for Bubble Mania, Castle Story, Jewel Mania, Dragon Story, Monster Story)
  • 4 additional winners will be picked at Random from all correct PM's and will win 30 Gems to the game of their choice. (150 Gems/Gold for Bubble Mania, Castle Story, Jewel Mania, Dragon Story, Monster Story)

This thread will remain closed until winners are announced.

Here's image A!

Here's image B!(Save this image)