Quote Originally Posted by cookiefairey View Post
I have never and never gotten a gold sale but it was my choice to buy gold and purchase this dragon. Why is it any different than the other decorations and stables and diamond house? Team lava does not force you to purchase these items they only come up with them and offer you the option to purchase them. It is not a gold trap it is a offer to you of a beautiful dragon. If you don't want to purchase it and go on playing the game there will be another dragon out soon enough. I was never mislead. It gives gold at different levels. So error has occurred have you never made a mistake? For all of you who get gold sales stop complaining. And remember I have never gotten a gold sale and it was my choice to purchase this dragon of my own free will. Thank you. And thank you team lava for offing us such a beautiful dragon to show off on our island.
You asked ... "Why is it any different than the other decorations and stables and diamond house"

It's no different to those cos every one of those features also caused mass disappointment amongst players:

The diamond temple was found to only last a week...

The stable was found to only stable one dragon, so should have been called a shed!

And the Treasure dragon says 1 gold per hour till you buy it then you find it's one gold per day...

The problem is how TL markets these features, or in all honestly falsely markets them that causes so many problem.... And the market strategies they use are purely in order to mislead consumers and maximise profit