Quote Originally Posted by codenameraven View Post
reason I ask is....when the released Cesar dragon there was a glitch. there seems to be a similar glitch with Easter dragon. I would wait to try and breed Eastern dragon until the goal is available in the book.... before when there was no goal in the book but the Dragon was in the market the Dragon was not breedable.... people spend gold to speed up failed attempts when was not an attainable dragon.... the only reason I mention this is because the same thing appears to be happening with this Easter dragon that happened with Caesar dragon.... I would wait until the goal is in the book and the dragon is in the market to try and read this dragon.... that is just my 2 cents from previous experience I could be totally wrong..... but now I always use the rule that if it is not in the goal book I don't try.... so for me to try to breed a new Dragon it has to be in the market AND in the goal book.... Just precaution I take because I have seen something like this before and wasted gold to have them fix glitch later..... good luck!! I have forwarded my concern and they will check to make sure I am not right I hope I am not right....and if I am I hope they got a good early alert to fix it fast!! I personally will wait for a goal for easter....before I try...I hear ios is breeding them fine with no goal though...so I am probably a paranoid android user lol
You probably have figured out but you are good to go on this one! All platforms can breed this dragon.