What is everyone's favorite thing to do with 24 gems?

I'm at level 96 with 9,960,700 coins, and a few expansions left to do...for which I have plenty of coins.

With the gems I've earned in this game so far I have purchased 2 magic boxes, a few random tables and chairs, accidentally expanded once for 40 gems, and accidentally opened an extra appliance slot. The rest were lost here and there to various things like finish cooking, etc.

Turns out I actually like the extra appliance slot and am contemplating opening up another with the 24 gems I have now accumulated. Does anyone have any ideas or suggestions? What do you like to get when you have 24 gems to spend?

I don't want to sit on earned gems because I've lost them so easily in the past and want to have control over how I spend them from now on.

Thanks everyone!!