I am pretty new to the forum but I have twice asked questions that were ignored, by thevmembers AND by the moderator. Pretty shocking! I gave up on those questions, but have two more. Surely someone else has wondered about this and/or has an answer...
1) WHAT can we DO with our Xmas decor items after the holidays?? I heard that what you bought with Gems could NOT ever be recovered if placed into storage. I hope not, as I will have wasted Gems I got on a Gift Card. Does anyone know the answer??? Can we safely store Xmas decorations??

2) Along the same lines, the more basic question, not related only to what can we do with all this Christmas stuff..can we store any items bought with Gems??
C'mon, please help! Hopefully replies will help keep this question on the front page. Everybody will be wondering the same thing right very soon, after the holidays. Until then, it might be Christmas in July at my Bakery!

Thank you to anyone who will take a few seconds and answer! NORMAN do you really exist?? Here is a chance to prove that you really are a living, breathing human who DOES read this stuff!