Quote Originally Posted by Phaedrakiki View Post
Just an FYI...
After earning the Spiral Spire & realizing we're supposed to earn crowns from it, I searched to find it. My storage is really full, so I double & triple checked--but it was nowhere to be found.
I finally tried force-closing the game. Only then did my Spiral Spire appear in storage.
I checked a second account (on a different device,) and the same thing happened. This "disappearing inventory" thing is fairly common in Castle story (at least for me.) But I don't see it much with DS.
Same here. My storage is PACKED and since there's no easy way of 'organizing' it to search for specific items (aside from Dragons and Decor, which I have 5 billion of each -__- ), I always have to scroll through sooo much to try and find the event item. It's only been the last several events that it has *not* been properly placed in the inventory, and I've had to relaunch the game several times before it has finally appeared.

Quote Originally Posted by Florr06 View Post
I think I am skipping this one. First 3 tries for Dark dragon resulted in Athletic, Magic and Titan. I really don't like that every event now requires us to breed a certain dragon, there are still dozens of dragons on my wishlist and I have barely any time to breed for them between the event dragons and the weekly limited releases.
Also Leaderboard events used to be kind of laid back for me, I could just hobble along at my own pace and earn 1, 2, maybe 3 dragons along the way. Now every milestone is geared towards getting to the final milestone, which leaves no prizes for casual players.
Same here, again. I used to love when things were slower paced or when they re-released older dragons, because there are SO many I would love to try and get but they make 'regular' breeding impossible due to the back-to-back-to-back-etc events, and they've gotten crazier and crazier over time. I have no idea how the team makes their deadlines with all the packed and demanding assets almost *every* week...

The other thing that really bothers me is exactly what you said, about every event that requires a specific new dragon to be bred, *only* to gain extra points. This leaves even less and less island/habitat room for veteran players who are already cramped, because it's constantly clogged up by an unnecessary dragon targeted to each weekly/monthly/etc event! This also includes the Tales prize dragon which is mandatory to place on your island in order to claim the token prize.

And the 2 slot event habitats are equally disgusting. I would love to have so many of these beautiful habitats but most people can't, due to space restrictions and you cannot place an empty one in storage! There's so much decor in storage as well, and I would love to display some of these, but space for habitats comes first...

People would be more likely to purchase a base Fire/Earth/etc habitat for coins over the other wonderful limited/event ones, simply because the base ones give more space! A lot of people just can't spend almost $30 USD for a SINGLE habitat upgrade or a new-larger habitat :/ I just feel like they make so many poor decisions now, which could really be avoided and better catered to both new and veteran players alike, which would result in people's willingness to spend more money towards the game.