I'm writing here because I'm extremely upset how a situation dealing with my mother; was handled. My mother NEVER receives any sales in this game at all (supposedly it's random, but the last sale that my mother received before this past Black Friday, was the Black Friday sale in 2013), so it's safe to say that when she saw that she had a sale, she jumped at the opportunity to buy some gold. A few days after she purchased her gold, she needed some apples to help bring her Banshee dragon up to level 15 as part of a quest, so she spent 100 gold on getting apples, and when the option came for her to hit 'okay' as a confirmation that she received her apples, the screen glitched and ultimately caused her to purchase more apples for 500 gold, a few seconds later. So she pretty much wasted 600 gold on apples; when she had already had over 200k apples. When she contacted customer support, they told her that since this is the second time that this has happened to her they won't refund her the gold and "sorry" for the inconvenience. The thing I do NOT understand is how when you make an in-app purchase, you have the option to confirm with your password, but not when it comes to purchasing items with gold. If y'all are only willing to honor this once and only once; why not eliminate the possibility of this happening to anyone else and just allow us to put our password in BEFORE our gold is taken??!?! I'm so beyond upset, and so is she because she wasted $35 on APPLES!! I've lost so much gold on apples and coins myself, that it's sad, but because of these horrible rules, I don't even bother to ask for the gold back, but to lose all that gold after FINALLY getting a sale, is absurd.

I hope that y'all can do something about this in the future to prevent this happening to other people (which I'm pretty sure has happened to each and every one of us),m. It would be greatly appreciated if you could please help her out. Her storm8 id is : tyarh