Quote Originally Posted by xxxe View Post
Aw man I was hoping they would unlock the last recipe on then oven. I never unlocked the Tres Leches Cake.

Question: for those that just got the oven and never did the goals are your Tres cakes unlocked? I didn't complete that set of goals so that was the only recipe still locked for me.

Last Friday they released the Pearl Fountain in RS. I wonder if we will get an extra something on Fridays from now on! That would be awesome. Thanks again TL!

I never did these goals and just built my first oven. The first recipe has no timer on it, but the Marranitos and the Tres Leches have a timer of 7 days left, not sure whether that means you have to master them in 7 days and you can keep them, or whether they will disappear permanently after 7 days. Would appreciate some clarification from S8.