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Thread: Castle Story: Dialogue Guide

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  1. #11
    Executive Chef
    Join Date
    Jul 2011
    A Culinary Christmas

    IVY: *Fa La la la la, la la la la*
    Ruler: Hey Ivy, what are you doing in the kitchen so early in the morning?
    IVY: It's my favorite time of year!
    I just love holiday baking, don't you?
    Ruler: Not as much as I love holiday eating
    You've got a ton of supplies here -- what do you have planned?
    IVY: We're going to have visitors from Polaris North,
    and I refuse to be under-prepared!
    I've got a list of delicious treats to make,
    and I'm not going to quit 'til it's done!
    Ruler: Do you need any help?
    IVY: Don't be silly! Spreading holiday cheer is what I live for.
    Now shoo! Be merry!

    Ivy>We can get hot chocolate from cottages,
    and gingerbread cookies are a snap to make!
    1. Get Hot Chocolate from Cottages! and
    Bake Gingerbread Cookies in the Kitchen or Bakery!
    Ivy>We're off to a delicious start!

    Thurston: Good day, Lady Ivy.
    I was guided this way by the most delightful smell.
    IVY: Oh, you must have smelled the Christmas cookies I was making.
    I just finished decorating them, see?
    Thurston: Magnificent! What detail! What artistry! But
    surely you do not plan to *eat* these?
    IVY: They're cookies -- of course I'm going to eat them!
    I mean, maybe not all of them. . .
    Thurston: I doubt that I could destroy such a marvel. . . but
    The smell is mouth-watering!
    IVY: I'm glad you like the icing, but go on, eat one!
    Cookies are meant to be tasted, not seen.

    Ivy>These cookies are like fine art, for your mouth!
    2. Give Christmas Cookies - made in the Kitchen or Bakery!
    Ivy>Those cookies look too good to eat . . . Well, almost.

    Old Thomas: What brings you here before sunup?
    IVY: This list of treats is longer than it seemed at first,
    plus I'm out of some ingredients!
    Old Thomas: What are you in need of? Perhaps I could help.
    IVY: Oh, could you? I'm flat out of fruit for my fruitcakes.
    Old Thomas: I can certainly visit the fruit merchants for you.
    Perhaps you should rest as I go?

    Ivy>You'd be surprised how many oranges and lemons
    it takes to make a single fruitcake!
    3. When you need extra fruit fast! - Trade with the Fruit Farmers
    Ask the neighbors for Cinnamon Sticks. Make Fruitcake.
    Ivy>Who doesn't love a good Christmas fruitcake?

    Ruler: Hi, Ivy! I just stopped by to see how the baking is going. . .
    Are you ok?
    IVY: Baking? What? Oh, sorry, must have dozed off
    for a moment there.
    Ruler: But you're standing up. . .
    IVY: I know, sometimes it's just hard to focus on . . .
    what was I doing?
    Ruler: Um . . . I can smell apples. And some spices?
    IVY: Oh, that's right! Spiced cider. I was making spiced cider.
    You woke me from the most wonderful dream.
    All the baking was done, forever. . .
    Ruler: Are you sure you shouldn't lie down for a while?
    IVY: No, no, I'll be ok. If I stop now, I'll never get done in time. . .

    Ivy>The cider smells so good... like a pillow... or naptime.
    4. Make Spiced Cider - in the kitchen or bakery
    Ivy>This will be the perfect drink for a cold winter day!


    Ruler: Ivy, what's all the racket? Are you ok?
    IVY: This is the WORST time of year! I've been
    baking for DAYS and I'm not close to done!
    How am I supposed to do all of this before the holidays?
    I would need *five* kitchens!
    Ruler: There's no need to take it out on the cookware
    I'm sure there's a solution to your problem.
    IVY: If you say so, but I've got no idea how they keep up
    with this much baking in Polaris North!
    Ruler: I don't know either, but maybe we should
    ask them, if only for the sake of the dishes.

    Ivy>I wonder if Polaris North has a magic oven that can hold 10 cakes. . .
    5. Make a Holiday Feast- milk and cookies!
    Travel to Polaris North for advice
    Ivy> Well? Did you find out anything that might help?

    Ruler: Hey Ivy, we're back, and we've got some
    good news and some bad news.
    IVY: Good news first, please! Did they give you some
    kind of magic baking wand?
    Ruler: The good news is we've got plans for a
    brand-new bakery with plenty of extra oven space.
    IVY: Oh gosh, that's wonderful! I might be finished
    in time for the holidays after all.
    What?s the bad new?
    Ruler: The bad news is that you have to create the
    building materials. . . by baking more.


    Ruler: Ivy? Jeez, I think she fainted.
    At least those sacks of flour broke her fall.
    Old Thomas: I feel that perhaps this is a project we should
    undertake on our own.
    Ruler: Good idea. This is the first time in days
    I've seen her look peaceful.
    Let's get her a blanket and then get to work
    while she gets some rest.

    OT>You work on the building materials.
    I'll make sure she doesn't start baking in her sleep.
    6. Frosting Cement- with super glue for extra stick!
    Make Powdered Stone in the workshop!
    Make Ginger-bricks in the kitchen
    - this gingerbread is hard as a rock!
    (don't forget to get the green dye from the potion shop)
    OT>These should be sufficient for the foundation.
    Thankfully, Ivy's still asleep.

    Ruler: We've got bricks and cement, even though
    they're a little odd. What else do we need?
    Old Thomas: I see here that we require peppermint sticks
    to brace the roof.
    Ruler: Peppermint? But we can't grow that in our
    kingdom -- it's nowhere near cold enough.
    Thurston: Fear not, my liege! I will travel to the
    farthest north to seek this 'peppermint'.
    Ruler: I appreciate your enthusiasm, but maybe
    we should try just asking for some first.

    Thurston>Never you worry! I shall not return
    until the minted peppers are in hand!
    7. We need peppermint! - travel to Polaris North
    Make Candy Canes in the Kitchen
    Thurston>I have returned with the peppermint sticks!
    Or most of them. I had no idea they were so delicious.

    IVY: *Yawn* I really needed that nap -- I just hope
    I can make up for the lost time!
    Wait, what is this? Is this a bakery? Is it for me?
    Did you get me a bakery?
    Ruler: Hey, hey, don?t forget to breathe!
    Yes, it's a bakery, and yes, we built it for you.
    IVY: It's *perfect*! Oh, just look at those ovens!
    I can't wait to get to work!
    Ruler: Slow down -- we still have to get final approval
    on the construction from Polaris North.
    Once they let us know the structure is sound,
    we can get back to baking!
    IVY: We? Are you saying you still want to help?
    Ruler: Of course! With all of us working together,
    we'll get through the rest of that list in no time.

    Ivy>Then let's head to Polaris North! I can't wait to break in these new ovens!
    8. For final approval of the Bakery - go to Polaris North
    Ivy>I hope everyone's ready for more gingerbread cookies!

    Last edited by Dabag; 12-21-14 at 05:22 PM.

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