Quote Originally Posted by fortloner View Post
That's the idea to get you to spend REAL money and 4.99 is not real money try $20 or $30.
When I say "real money" I just mean actual currency, not virtual coins or gems. I understand that the whole purpose of the game is to make money - they are a business, they have to make money! It's just with games like this, unless I suddenly am flush with unlimited cash, I'm highly unlikely to ever spend $20 or $30 at once. I'll happily spend $60 or $70 or more over the course of a year $2 to $5 at a time, but not all at once. Maybe $10 if it's a great sale on something I feel I really, really want (like a special pet). Maybe.

Small amounts of money at a time feel like helping things along, while things that would truly require a larger amount at once feel like a money grab. The prizes in the treehouse feel like a money grab, for example, since it's truly impossible to get them without spending gems.

They do get "real money" from me and will continue to do so, but it's in a trickle over the course of time.