View Poll Results: Overall, I enjoyed this event? \ What I achieved

408. You may not vote on this poll
  • Agree

    45 11.03%
  • Neutral

    97 23.77%
  • Disagree

    236 57.84%
  • I didn't participate

    4 0.98%
  • Pasture to level 10

    130 31.86%
  • I got Judgment Gray

    162 39.71%
  • The Lynx didn't spawn enough to finish

    266 65.20%
  • I crafted 1 or more Shadow Lynx

    341 83.58%
  • I didn't craft the Shadow Lynx

    11 2.70%
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Thread: Castle Story: 5/18 Community event | Judgment Gray | Noble Stable

  1. #1
    Moderator (volunteer) SpiritWind00's Avatar
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    Jun 2013
    The Glimmerwood!

    Castle Story: 5/18 Community event | Judgment Gray | Noble Stable

    Judgment Gray
    * Starts: - Ends:

    Time Zone Converter: compare where you are with United States-California-San Francisco

    Please follow the forum posting rules or your post may be removed.
    If your post contains feedback about this event, your post will be moved to the Suggestion forum - click here.

    * What happens when an event finishes?? Click here to take you to a post called How Community Events Work in the Hub.
    * Help! I can't see the upgrade button? If you do not see the upgrade button, click somewhere else on the board and then click back on the item. The buttons should return. Force close if still not showing.
    * Help! The drops aren't going into my inventory! There is a counter on the top right of screen and all drops go there. They do not go into inventory.

    * To get the first individual prize, you need to collect 50 Golden Horseshoes.
    * When you reach 50 Golden Horseshoes, the next individual prize opens up for you and will show you how many Golden Horseshoes you will need for the next individual prize.
    * Once you reach 500 Golden Horseshoes, you are eligible for any and all of the prizes that are earned by the community (shown on the second row).
    * The total number of Golden Horseshoes is updated on the counter as soon as they drop, not when they are collected.
    * Be mindful that upgrading resets the timer back to 2 hours.
    * A crafted Lynx does NOT drop pelts.

    Pictures of the event from ShibuyaCloth: click here

    Quote Originally Posted by PikaSquirrel View Post
    We've double checked the drops and don't see any issues that would prevent them from dropping. If you don't already, place multiple Mines in your Kingdom and collect from them. They should be dropping, but we'll continue to keep an eye on them.
    Quote Originally Posted by SpiritWind00 View Post
    I've seen a few posts now encouraging players to inundate Support with tickets about the spawn rates of this optional event. I will continue to fight behind the scenes for better drop rates, but not at the expense of the harm this does to players with genuine problems with their games who reach out to Support for help.

    1. You are reminded that the spawn rates have been confirmed as 'normal' and that it is not a bug.

    2. Flooding Support will only hurt the other players in the community who are having genuine issues and greatly slow down the process of them getting actual help.

    You can add your voice here in discussions or in the Bugs/issues forum thread here:

    You are also reminded that if you wish to dispute this request to file a Forum Dispute to discuss it with a Community Manager.

    I adjusted the level 9 pelt figures and updated the total. Table courtesy of ShibiyaCloth. thanks! SW
    Compact form of needs for this event:
    Level Wild Flowers Shadow Pelt Lasso
    #1: 0 0 0
    #2: 25 0 10
    #3: 50 15 15
    #4: 75 25 25
    #5: 100 35 50
    #6: 150 45 75
    #7: 200 60 100
    #8: 250 70 125
    #9: 300 90 175
    #10: 375 105 250
    Total 1525 445 825
    In a nutshell, first first 5 days in the event, it is most likely that the final prize is only be achievable if you are willing to spend gems on pelts. Ideally through buying truck loads of traps.

    You need an average 5 lynx a day with an average drop of 5 pelts to make it in time. Not even speaking about the horseshoes prize. I will calculate that later based on this assumption.
    Last edited by SpiritWind00; 05-23-17 at 04:24 AM.

  2. #2
    Moderator (volunteer) SpiritWind00's Avatar
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    Jun 2013
    The Glimmerwood!
    Building Requirements:
    Horse Pasture (Level 15+) (3x3) limit 1 Can/not be sold
    This item was only available during the event it was released.
    Info: The idyllic pasture home of Judgment Gray! Drops golden horseshoes!
    Collection time: 1000 coins / 2 hours
    Speed up: 4 gems
    Cost: 100 coin to purchase
    Build/Level 1: 50 wood, 30 coal, 45 white petal, 50 stone | Drops: 1
    Level 2: 10 lasso, 25 wild flowers, 45 blue petals, 45 orange petals | Drops: 2
    Level 3: 15 lasso, 15 shadow pelt, 50 wild flowers, 45 purple petals | Drops: 4
    Level 4: 25 lasso, 25 shadow pelt, 75 wild flowers, 75 white petals | Drops: 6
    Level 5: 50 lasso, 35 shadow pelts, 100 wild flowers, 75 orange petals | Drops: 9
    Level 6: 75 lasso, 45 shadow pelts, 150 wild flowers, 75 blue petals | Drops: 12
    Level 7: 100 lasso, 60 shadow pelts, 200 wildflowers, 75 purple petals | Drops: 16
    Level 8: 125 lasso; 70 shadow pelt, 250 wild flowers, 90 orange petals | Drops: 20
    Level 9: 175 lasso, 90 shadow pelts, 300 wildflowers, 90 blue petals | Drops: 25
    Level 10: 250 lasso, 105 shadow pelts, 375 wild flowers, 90 purple petals | Drops: 30

    Shadow Pelt 20 gems | Wild Flowers 2 gems | Lasso 10 gems

    Resource items have been transferred into the Inventory Guide

    Individual Prizes:
    1. 50 | Lynx trap x 1 | size 1x1 decoration
    2. 130 | Pasture tree x 2 | size 2x2 decoration
    3. 420 | Horseshoe pond | size 2x2 decoration
    4. 1200 | Horse Fountain | size 2x2 decoration
    5. 2400 | Judgment Gray | size 1x1 resource

    Community Prizes: unlocks at 500 Golden Horseshoes
    1. Horse Feeder x2 - size 2x2
    2. Horse Show Wall x3 - size 1x1
    3. Horse training rink - size 2x2

    Drops of Wild Flowers from: flowers, multi colored hedges drop 12 wild flowers each, white trillium shrub only (random), Faerie Flowerbed dropped 6-8 wild flowers,
    Drops of Laso's from: all horses, including prize ones

    Prize pictures
    Spoiler: show

    Individual Prize #1

    Individual Prize #2

    Individual Prize #3

    Individual Prize #4

    Individual Prize #5

    Community Prize #1

    Community Prize #2

    Community Prize #3

    Items to add to the Inventory Guide:

    Shadow lynx trap
    Found: market, 20 gems | 1st individual prize of the Judgment Gray event
    Uses: chop to lure a Shadow Lynx

    Shadow Lynx (crafted) 2x2
    Info: It takes a great ruler to tame a Shadow Lynx. pet it to see what items it found for you!
    Crafted: Workshop, 5 minutes - 25 pelts
    Drops: 10 golden horseshoes (during event only), silver, creep tooth, jewels,
    Collection time: 8 hours (speed up 32 gems)

    Shadow Lynx (spawn)
    Found: collecting from Old Thomas, Ivy's House, Sparkling mines, shadow lynx traps
    Drops: pelts
    Uses: upgrade the Horse Pasture, craft a Shadow Lynx

    Found: drops from defeating a Shadow Lynx
    Uses: upgrade the Horse Pasture, craft a Shadow Lynx

    Pasture tree
    Info: A decorative tree that might be found in pasture!
    Found: 2nd individual prize of the Judgment Gray event
    Uses: 2x2 decoration

    Horseshoe pond
    Info: A decorative pond full of fresh water and good luck!
    Found: 3rd individual prize of the Judgment Gray event
    Uses: 2x2 decoration

    Horse fountain
    Found: 4th individual prize of the Judgment Gray event
    Uses: decoration

    Judgment Gray
    Found: 5th individual prize of the Judgment Gray event
    Drops: lasso (during event only), carrots, horsehair, sugar
    Collection time:

    Horse Feeder
    Info: A feeder of golden hay and reclaimed wood!
    Found: 1st community prize of the Judgment Gray event
    Uses: decoration

    Horse Show Wall +3RP
    Info: A wall too high to climb but just high enough to jump!
    Found: 2nd community prize of the Judgment Gray event
    Uses: 1x1 decoration

    Horse training rink
    Info: A rink where your horses can strut their stuff
    Found: 3rd community prize of the Judgment Gray event
    Collection time: decoration

    Noble Stable (Level 15+) (2x2) limit 1 Cannot be sold
    This item was the reward for completing all goals in the Judgment Gray event You can upgrade this building for better drops. (?)
    Collection time: 4 hours
    Speed up: x gems
    Drops: apple, bacon, golden apple, hide, horse hair, milk, wool
    Level 1: comes built.
    Level 2: 50 corn, 2 fancy blocks, 2 fancy beams
    Level 3: 50 wheat, 4 fancy beams, 4 fancy blocks
    Level 4: 50 carrots, 2 royal blocks, 2 royal beams
    Level 5: 50 cabbages, 4 royal beams, 4 royal blocks
    Last edited by SpiritWind00; 08-07-17 at 03:49 AM.

  3. #3
    Moderator (volunteer) SpiritWind00's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jun 2013
    The Glimmerwood!

    Spoiler: show
    Old Thomas: Young ruler, thank heavens you've arrived!
    Ruler: Your message was rather cryptic, Thomas.
    Old Thomas: I thought it best to tell you in person... The world is going to end!
    Ruler: What? Why are you smiling then?!
    Old Thomas: I thought it might soften the blow.
    Ruler: It didn't. When, praytell, will we meet this fate?
    Old Thomas: On a Tuesday. Maybe this one, maybe next.
    Ruler: Wait a moment... where did you get this information?
    Old Thomas: From a reliable source.
    Ruler: Who?
    Old Thomas: A talking horse.
    Ruler: A talking horse?
    Old Thomas: Yes, he calls himself... Judgment Gray.

    Old Thomas: I suppose you'll want to speak to the horse. Let's head to the pasture then.
    Goal 1:
    * Gather coal 0/30 GO
    * Build the Horse Pasture 0/1 BUILD | 50 wood, 30 coal, 45 white petal, 50 stone
    Reward: 100 coin, 10 xp
    Congratulations: Old Thomas: The pasture is ready! Now let's talk to that horse!

    Spoiler: show
    Ruler: So... when did this horse start talking?
    Old Thomas: When he began predicting our eminent doom, I suppose. It is fascinating, don't you think. A talking horse!
    Ruler: I'd be more *fascinated* if he weren't predicting the end of the world.
    Old Thomas: Here he is! Judgment Gray, tell our young ruler what you told me.
    Judgment Gray: ...
    Old Thomas: Come now, Judgment Gray, you must speak up.
    Judgment Gray: ...
    Ruler: You said this horse *spoke* to you, Old Thomas?
    Old Thomas: Of course! he was spouting DOOM just this morning!
    Ruler: perhaps the catastrophe's got his tongue?
    Old Thomas: Very funny. I must have... well, I was sure I heard him speak.
    Ruler: We all make mistakes, my faithful advisor!
    Old Thomas: Yes... I suppose.

    Old Thomas: Perhaps the horse is unused to these new surroundings. If he felt more at home...
    Goal 2:
    * Collect from flowers 0/10 GO (skip 10 gems)
    * Gather wild flowers 0/15 GO (skip 15 gems)
    * Upgrade the horse pasture to level 2 0/1 BUILD | 10 lassos, 25 wildflowers, 45 blue petals, 45 orange petals
    Reward: 100 coin, 10 xp
    Congratulations: Old Thomas: Excellent! Let's see if that horse is still silent!

    Spoiler: show
    Old Thomas: I could have sworn I heard this horse talk.
    Judgment Gray: AND SO YOU DID, SAGE OF SAGES!
    Old Thomas: You did speak! I knew it!
    Old Thomas: Yes, yes. You said that before.
    Judgment Gray: BEWAAAAARE!!
    Old Thomas: Perhaps... not so much with the yelling.
    Old Thomas: A bit, yes.
    Judgment Gray: ... IS THIS BETTER?
    Old Thomas: No, that's... the same.
    Old Thomas: It's fine... alas, forget I mentioned it.
    Judgment Gray: BEWAAAAARE!!

    Old Tho as: Again, I must take the horse to see my ruler. Judgment Gray must be heard!
    Goal 3:
    * Collect from horses 0/2 GO (skip 64 gems)
    * Gather lassos 0/15 GO
    * Upgrade the horse pasture to level 3 0/1 BUILD | 15 lassos, 50 wildflowers, 15 shadow pelt, 45 purple petal
    Reward: 100 coin, 10 xp
    Congratulations: Old Thomas: well done! Let us be off!

    Spoiler: show
    Ruler: So the horse said... *beware the shadow*?
    Old Thomas: Yes, young ruler. He yelled it, actually.
    Ruler: I'm still not convinced that your *Judgment Gray* actually talks.
    Old Thomas: You think me an old fool, don't you?
    Ruler: No, Thomas. Not a fool. Just old!
    Old Thomas: Ha! I'll have you know...
    Thurston: My liege! Monsters in the realm! Creatures of shadow!
    Ruler: Shadow, you say?
    Thurston: Yes, my liege. Large cats made of shadow. Shadow cats. Oh, I think we should call them Shadow Lynxes!
    Ruler: Well, now that the nomenclature has been decided... why don't we slay them.
    Thurston: Yes, my liege!
    Ruler: And Old Thomas... bring me that horse.

    Old Thomas: Shadow Lynxes in the realm? Could this Judgment Gray's warning be true?
    Goal 4:
    * Slay shadow lynx 0/5 GO (skip 100 gems)
    * Gather shadow pelt 0/7 GO (skip 140 gems)
    * Upgrade the horse pasture to level 4 0/1 GO | 25 lasso, 25 shadow pelt, 75 wild flowers, 75 white petal (what you have collected so far will count)
    Reward: 100 coin, 10 xp
    Congratulations: Old Thomas: A job will done! Now to more important matters.

    Spoiler: show
    Ruler: Thomas, the horse is just staring at me again.
    Old Thomas: You mean... you can't hear him?
    Ruler: You can?
    Old Thomas: Of course! Rather loudly, in fact! He says he has come to warn us of the coming shadow!
    Ruler: Does he mean the cats?
    Thurston: We're calling them Shadow Lynxes!
    Ruler: ...
    Old Thomas: He says if we do not heed his warning, other voices will follow!
    Ruler: What voices?
    Old Thomas: next will come the cock-A-doodle-Doom!
    Ruler: The what?
    Old Thomas: It's a talking rooster, he says.
    Ruler: Right.
    Old Thomas: And then... um, Apocalypse Sow.
    Ruler: A talking pig, I suppose.
    Old Thomas: Yes. Then there's Pandora's Ox
    Ruler: Is that it?
    Old Thomas: ... Shawarma Geddon. Basically, every farmyard animal will start talking until we listen.
    Ruler: Old Thomas, I think I've heard enough.
    Old Thomas: Yes, young ruler. Come along, Judgment Gray.

    Old Thomas: That did not go well. Perhaps I should put Judgment Gray out to pasture.
    Goal 5:
    * Harvest wheat 0/20 GO (skip 40 gems) | you can have this ready in advance
    * Make horse feed 0/3 MAKE (skip 24 gems) | Kitchen, 2 hours - 20 carrots, 30 wheat, 40 corn speed up 8 gems
    * Upgrade the horse pasture to level 5 0/1 GO | 50 lasso, 35 shadow pelts, 100 wild flowers, 75 orange petals
    Reward: 100 coin, 10 xp
    Congratulations: Old Thomas: Ah, the joy of honest work. What can compare?

    Spoiler: show
    Old Thomas: Why wouldn't you speak to our ruler?
    Judgment Gray: BEWARE THE SHADOW!
    Old Thomas: You do realize that I look the fool, don't you?
    Judgment Gray: BEWARE YOUR DOOM!
    Old Thomas: If the world is truly ending, we must warn people!
    Old Thomas: Yes, but why only *my* soul?
    Judgment Gray: YOU HAVE BEEN CHOSEN!
    Old Thomas: Chosen? Why?
    Judgment Gray: YOU ARE THE SAGE OF SAGES!
    Old Thomas: Well... I suppose, yes, I am rather sagely!
    Judgment Gray: FORGE THE SHADOW!
    Old Thomas: Wait, what does that mean? How does one forge a shadow?

    Old Thomas: The world may not believe us, but this horse and I will save the world!
    Goal 6:
    * Collect from horses 0/6 GO (skip 192 gems)
    * Feed horses sugar 0/45 GIVE (skip 450 gems)
    * Upgrade the horse pasture to level 6 0/1 GO | 75 lassos, 45 shadow pelts, 150 wild flowers, 75 blue petals
    Reward: 100 coin, 10 xp
    Congratulations: Old Thomas: Now let's see about saving the world!

    Spoiler: show
    Ruler: Thurston, I am worried for Old Thomas.
    Thurston: As am I, my liege. Does he truly speak to horses now?
    Ruler: I cannot say. Though, he did predict the coming of the Shadow Cats.
    Thurston: Lynxes, my liege.
    Ruler: ...
    Thurston: Or whatever you want to call them.
    Ruler: How goes your struggle against them, brave knight?
    Thurston: In truth... it *could* be going better. We have not found a weapon to vanquish them permanently. Shadows return with the light. So it is with these creatures.
    Ruler: Do not give up hope, Sir Thurston. I feel the battle may soon turn in our favor.

    Thurston: Perhaps I should visit Old Thomas... just to make sure he's okay.
    Goal 7:
    * Visit a level 5 stable 0/1 VISIT (skip 8 gems) | level 5 or 6 will work
    * Donate rope 0/10 GIVE (skip 250 gems)
    * Upgrade the horse pasture to level 7 0/1 GO | 100 lassos, 60 shadow pelts, 200 wildflowers, 75 purple petals
    Reward: 100 coin, 10 xp
    Congratulations: Thurston: And now to battle!

    Spoiler: show
    Judgment Gray: FORGE THE SHADOW!
    Old Thomas: Judgment Gray, you must be more specific! What does that mean?
    Old Thomas: A shadow sword, you say? Such a weapon has not been seen in this land for ages!
    Old Thomas: Just out of curiosity... what will happen to you if we defeat the shadow?
    Judgment Gray: WHAT... WHAT DO YOU MEAN?
    Old Thomas: I mean, will you still talk after the shadow is gone?
    Old Thomas: Well, you will always have a place in my pasture!
    Judgment Gray: ...
    Old Thomas: What?
    Old Thomas: Um...
    Judgment Gray: ... AM I STILL YELLING?
    Old Thomas: Yes. Unfortunately.

    Old Thomas: The realm is great danger! We must forge a Shadow Sword!
    Goal 8:
    * Slay shadow lynxes 0/10 GO (skip 200 gems)
    * Forge the shadow swords 0/10 FORGE (skip 500 gems) | Magic Forge, 1 hour - 2 enchanter's essence, 20 iron ore
    * Upgrade the horse pasture to level 8 0/1 GO | 125 lasso; 70 shadow pelt, 250 wild flowers, 90 orange petals
    Reward: 100 coin, 10 xp
    Congratulations: Old Thomas: Well done! And now to battle!

    Spoiler: show
    Thurston: My liege! The scourge of the Shadow Lynx is spreading to other realms!
    Ruler: Our world may be doomed!
    Old Thomas: I think not!
    Ruler: Old Thomas, we should have listened to your horse.
    Old Thomas: That is neither here nor there, young ruler. What matters now is action! I have forged a Shadow Sword to fight the scourge!
    Ruler: You're not thinking of attacking the monsters yourself, are you? At your age...
    Old Thomas: Yes, yes, I know. I'm no spring chicken. My plan was to give the sword to Sir Thurston.
    Thurston: To me? I am honored, Thomas. I shall guard it with my life!
    Old Thomas: Just swing it with your arm! Swing away!

    We must spread the word! Other realms must learn how to defeat the shadow!
    Goal 9:
    * Visit community kingdoms 0/20 VISIT (skip 200 gems)
    * Ask for mane brushes 0/30 ASK (skip 120 gems)
    * Upgrade the horse pasture to level 9 0/1 GO | 175 lasso, 90 shadow pelts, 300 wildflowers, 90 blue petals
    Reward: 100 coin, 10 xp

    Spoiler: show

    Old Thomas: We shall make a statue to honor our equine hero!
    Goal 10:
    * Donate golden nuggets 0/5 GIVE (skip 400 gems)
    * Pay 500 coins
    * Upgrade horse pasture to level 10 0/1 GO | 250 lasso, 105 shadow pelts, 375 wild flowers, 90 purple petals
    Reward: 100 coin, 10 xp, +Noble Stable

    Goal pictures
    Spoiler: show

    Goal 1:

    Goal 2:

    Goal 3:

    Goal 4:

    Goal 5:

    Goal 6:

    Goal 7:

    Goal 8:

    Goal 9:
    Last edited by SpiritWind00; 06-01-17 at 04:36 PM.

  4. #4
    Moderator (volunteer) SpiritWind00's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jun 2013
    The Glimmerwood!
    Side Goal - The Shadow Lynx - 3 goals

    Goal Notes:
    * Random spawns from collecting from: Old Thomas, Ivy's house and the sparkling mines

    * You can craft more than 1 shadow lynx. The craft remains until the end of the event.
    * Defeating the Lynx gives you 1-5 shadow pelts, possibility of 8.

    * A crafted Lynx does NOT drop pelts.

    Thurston: The Shadow Lynx scourge must be stopped. Will you help the cause?
    Goal 1
    * Visit the horse pasture 0/10 VISIT (skip 40 gems)
    * Donate longswords 0/10 GIVE (skip 200 gems)
    * Slay a shadow lynx 0/6 FIGHT (skip 120 gems)
    Rewards: 100 coin, 10 xp, +75 wild flower
    Congratulations: Thurston: Well done, Ruler!

    Goal 2
    * Donate super glue 0/5 GIVE (skip 100 gems)
    * Donate fancy beams 0/5 GIVE (skip 80 gems)
    * Buy a shadow lynx trap 0/1 GO (skip 20 gems) | when you get the 1st individual prize, this goal will auto-complete
    * Slay shadow lynxes 0/30
    Rewards: 20 gems, 10 xp, +20 lasso

    Goal 3
    * Donate prime cuts 0/10
    * Visit the horse pasture 0/30
    * Donate a royal beam 0/1
    * Tame the shadow lynx 0/1 | this goal should auto-complete if you crafted one prior to this goal
    Rewards: 20 gems, 20 xp, +25 pelts
    Congratulations: Thurston: You have saved the day!

    The Shadow Lynx pictures
    Spoiler: show

    Goal 1:

    Goal 2

    Goal 3

    Last edited by SpiritWind00; 06-01-17 at 04:41 PM.

  5. #5
    Farm Supplier
    Join Date
    Dec 2013
    Unable to upgrade the horse pasture to level two. Is this a glitch or am I missing something?

  6. #6
    Farm Supplier
    Join Date
    Dec 2013
    Restarted the game and it's working now.

  7. #7
    Rhino Keeper
    Join Date
    Jul 2014
    Me too just reload game. Then was able to upgrade

  8. #8
    The new light and dark steeds will work for this event. Mine just dropped 5 lassos.
    ⚔ Thuakie Sword Society ⚔ Sword #12

    #return2storyline #bringbacktherealcastlestory #resistforcedgemspending

  9. #9
    Fashion Designer
    Join Date
    Apr 2016
    Looks like all the horses work including Lucky....finally a use for them all!
    No Gems For Runes!

  10. #10
    Nightclub Owner meme1098's Avatar
    Join Date
    May 2012
    Quote Originally Posted by PrincessCupOButter View Post
    The new light and dark steeds will work for this event. Mine just dropped 5 lassos.
    Reindeer horses & lucky Clydesdale drop lassos too. So I guess all horses do. Should I put out the rest I have in storage? . That would be 85 total on my

    Didn't we just have a community event & all the prizes were deco except the final individual prize?? Not sure how dedicated to this one I'll be.
    Accolon of Lorrainne ♌️❌❌{}=============>
    ⚔⚔Proud member (#16) of The Thuakie Sword Society ⚔⚔
    *******NOT adding any new neighbors at this time******

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