I play dragon story ALOT. I've recently sent a complaint in about ads and was told that my I will be changed in the future with an update. But now I want to say what I think should be added.
Bingo. Bingo needs some slight variation. The win a battle with a certain dragon is always the same dragon. There's too much repetition which makes it not seem random. Also, there's a few "your" that's spelled "yourn" that's been there since launch and its annoyed me.
Select all. I have 200+ neighbors and when I go to request maps, i would do anything for a select all feature. Spend 1 gold, watch an ad, spend 100k coins. Anything. Please.
Craftable items. With bingo, I have 20+ useless spell scrolls. We need a use for them other than crafting the initial dragon. Also, we should have the ability to craft a large gem back into small gems.
Temples. We have temples for all the basic types of dragons, why not add more types? A diamond one, a pink one, a black one, even a rainbow one. More are needed.
Food. With the over abundance of events now requiring you to raise an additional dragon to 15 in order to get all the points required to complete, we need more ways to get food. Either more farms, or more types of food would be appreciated. I would greatly appreciate a 3 hour food too.
Colors. You have all the color dragons except orange and brown. Please add at least orange. Then I could surround my rainbows with all of the colors instead of all but one.
If even one of these were implemented it would greatly improve dragon story, but I still will constantly play it. However I feel that some of the recent updates have been pushed too fast and we're not complete.

Also the app still has the Valentine's Day picture when that was months ago.