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Thread: New gifting strategy?

  1. #1

    New gifting strategy?

    Now that we have no idea of the day updates/goals will be released, let's consider changing our gifting technique. Rather than gifting at reset or as early as possible, it might be best to wait until we're safely past the time when goals appear. If you have gifted everyone early, and then a new part is needed 4 or 5 hours later, you've wasted all your gifts for one day. Remember...if the neighbor declines your gift, you can't go back and gift again. Yes, you can still fill a request, but it's so much more helpful to get 2 of that part!
    I understand that some neighbors always want food, or have asked for a specific part. But for the rest, the "wait and see" approach might be best. Any thoughts on this?

  2. #2
    Fashion Designer
    Join Date
    Dec 2013
    My Mind's Lagoon
    That's what I've been doing since goals are unpredictable now.
    Just makes sense. I don't even gift until 6 p.m.
    I do however try and visit everyone earlier.

    I don't accept gifts either until later in day.
    And if a goal pops up, I decline the sent gifts.

  3. #3
    Rhino Keeper
    Join Date
    May 2013
    New York, United States
    I also send the gifts in the afternoon because we do not know when the goal or when there would be a new appliance that we need new gift parts. That's why I also had to change the time when I send the gifts to my neighbors.

  4. #4
    Executive Chef
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    Mar 2011
    Supreme Dynasty = Gamerologizm
    I too now just wait :/
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    IDs: Sehana (main)

  5. #5
    Fashion Designer
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    Dec 2016
    I was waiting - if I got a request, I'd accept it and send a gift, but otherwise I'd just wait until evening/night (EST) to send gifts.

    I think that "Wait and See" is the best gift-sending idea, for sure. The problem is that everyone is full already when I send gifts late. I'd send like 34 gifts and it would say that 28 people we're maxed.

    So, if I always wait, most people won't know I tried and I might lose good neighbors.

    I have been waiting on accepting gifts, though.

    If everyone likes Wait & See and understands it, I LOVE the idea. ��

  6. #6
    Farm Supplier
    Join Date
    Sep 2014
    Agree. Find it a right pain in the derriere not knowing when goal will launch.

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