A new stamp quest from Lani showed up. Here's a list of the goals and rewards.

Lani's Tasting Menu! A 7 day quest.
- Serve Chiffon Sprinkle Cake 3
- Serve Chicken Noodle Soup 21
- Cook on diner oven 24 (my game has a text error there and it says "cook on cook on diner oven")
Rewards: 2 silver stamps

A special menu for Lani! A 7 day quest
- Serve Currant Crusted Chicken 4
- Serve Lox Bagel 27
- Cook on Commercial oven 15
Rewards: 3 silver stamp

Lani's Espress Order! 48 hours to complete after starting
- Serve Currant Crusted Chicken 2
- Serve Chicken Noodle Soup 4
- Serve Chicken Alfredo 4
Rewards: 1 gold stamp