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Thread: Castle Story: 9/15 Update - Monster Hunt S6 | EXPIRED

  1. #1
    Moderator (volunteer) SpiritWind00's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jun 2013
    The Glimmerwood!

    Castle Story: 9/15 Update - Monster Hunt S6 | EXPIRED

    Monster Hunt - Season 6
    prepared by SpiritWind.
    Link to the Castle Story Outline Guide - links to all previous seasons
    [==This season requires Level 22+, and is live from 9/15 to 9/21 @ 4pm.==]

    Notes about Season 6:

    * Get rid of any monsters on your board. You can tell if you have one you can't see because of the music.

    * DON'T tap the troll pit!!!! Regular trolls don't drop tokens. Neither do pink skunkupines, pink alicorn, wedding alicorn, Gem horses.

    * Monsters also drop their normal items in addition to the tokens

    * Do the Bronze Hunter Trade if you are nearly maxed on Shield tokens so that they don't go to waste

    * A Level 5 Jousting Arena will spawn a monster on every collection. Link to Jousting Arena Renovations thread.

    *The Mythic Research Center is a new long-term goal, meaning it will be around past the current season

    * The new trades will appear after you do 1 of any trade in the Trade Wagon.

    * Season 6 does NOT have a main quest chain and seasonal prize.

    * Season 6 DOES have the usual Daily quests - everyone on version 1.3 or higher can complete them, including Android!

    * There are 3 NEW animals in the Mythic Research Center!

    * The Armored Alicorn can be crafted a maximum of 4 times. Its energy table as the same as the Pink Alicorn, the Wedding Alicorn, and the Alicorns in the Baron's Game Tent - NOT the guaranteed energy from the regular Alicorn.

    * The Skunkupine Statue drops SHIELD Tokens

    * The Fangbeast Statue drops SWORD Tokens

    * The Dire Boar Statue drops STAFF Tokens

    * Princess Lorelei's Fountain has a chance to drop a TROLL Token

    Link to Information Nugget on Beasts extract:
    Skunkupine - Flowers, Corn, Wheat, Sugar, Tomato, Fellora Plant, Pepe, some Trees, Plants, Skunkupine Trap (5 gems), Fire Fox

    Fangbeast - Animals, Hot Pepper, Carrot, Trees, some Buildings, Fangbeast Trap (5 gems), Glimmeregg Bunny, Season 5 Training Dummy (note: the Season 5 Training Dummy has a chance to spawn a Fangbeast at all times, including during Monster Hunts)

    Dire Boar - Cabbage, Cocoa, Strawberry, Glimmer Bulbs, Buildings, Goddess Tree, Multi Flowered Hedge, Mushrooms, Pond, Well, Dire Boar Trap (5 gems), Rock Outcropping

    Happy Hunting everyone
    Last edited by SpiritWind00; 09-21-16 at 08:32 PM.

  2. #2
    Moderator (volunteer) SpiritWind00's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jun 2013
    The Glimmerwood!
    Information about the Daily Hunt
    * The Daily hunts regenerate every 24 hours. If you do not get the daily hunt, it's only a timey-wimey thing! It will show up in your book soon!
    Spoiler: show

    Season 6 has both iOS and Android players sharing the daily hunt goals.
    * All players
    Each day you will have the chance to battle a monster to get Tokens. There are 3 types of Daily Hunts:
    1. Novice Challenge - defeat 5 skunkupines or fangbeasts
    2. Adept Challenge - collect from a Dead Tree to trigger a blue dire boar (30 hits)
    3. Sovereign Challenge - collect from a Coin Brown Horse to trigger a purple golem (90 hits)
    Note: you get multi hits on each sword hit, so a 30 hit monster might only take 20 energy.

    Information about the Trade Wagon
    Spoiler: show

    * Cooking Camp - 99 gold tokens
    * Princess Lorelei's Fountain - 2 Blue Sapphires which are 10 gold tokens each to purchase. The Fountain drops gold tokens only during monster hunts.
    * Cabbage Hut - 70 gold tokens
    * Ornate Locket - 5 gold tokens
    * Mythic Research Center - 70 gold tokens

    Q: Will the token trades will be available out of season or will the trade wagon be emptied of everything once event over?
    A: No. The Bronze, Silver, and Gold Hunter Trades will remain during Monster Hunts only.

    Q: Will the Beastbane Display will drop items out of season?
    A: The drops are the same both in and out of Monster Hunt seasons. Gold tokens, staff tokens and sword tokens will drop in and out of season. Shield tokens are not a drop from the Display.

    Q: Will the Ornate Locket trade stay in the trade wagon and in our quest book after the event?
    A: Yes. It will stay in your goal book until you have purchased the locket with tokens.

    1. Lucky Token Trade 3 seconds: 10 Shield Tokens, 10 Sword Tokens, 10 Staff Tokens Trade in your tokens for a chance to double them!
    Reported drops from this trade include:

    2. Bronze Hunter Trade 3 seconds: 50 Shield Tokens Gives resources and a chance for paths!
    Reported drops from this trade include:

    3. Silver Hunter Trade 3 seconds: 50 Shield Tokens, 25 Sword Tokens Gives resources and a chance for walls or hedges!
    Reported drops from this trade include:

    4. Gold Hunter Trade 3 seconds: 50 Shield Tokens, 25 Sword Tokens, 25 Staff Tokens Get a Troll Token and a chance for tower or gate!
    Reported drops from this trade include:

    Information about the Cooking Camp
    Spoiler: show

    Cooking Camp limit of 1 Can be sold
    Cost: 3,000 + 99 gold tokens (from Monster Hunt events and Beastbane Display)
    Size: 3x3
    What can you craft?
    Flour - 30 minutes - 5 flour
    Sugar - 15 minutes - 5 sugarcane
    Simple Feast - 1 hour - 2 grits, 2 bread, 8 fish
    Breaded Fish - 1 hour - 10 fish, 2 bread
    Noodles - 30 minutes - 2 flour, 3 water, 12 eggs
    Pasta - 1 hour - 1 noodles, 8 tomato, 12 mushroom
    Hearty Stew - 2 hours - 8 carrots, 8 roast chicken, 4 water
    Hearty Feast - 2 hours = 1 hearty stew, 1 pasta, 1 breaded fish
    Ivy's hot Sauce - 3 hours - 3 water, 6 hot pepper, 1 rat tail
    Spicy Feast - 4 hours - 25 roast chicken, 5 Ivy's hot sauce, 5 noodles
    Baked Butterfish - 1 hour - 5 butterfish, 2 lemon, 10 milk
    Catfish Soup - 1 hour - 5 catfish, 10 tomato, 10 cabbage
    Mercury Feast - 3 hours - 1 baked butterfish, 1 catfish soup, 20 mushroom
    Ice Cream - 1 hour - 10 milk, 2 sugar, 5 eggs
    Chocolate - 30 minutes - 5 cocoa beans
    Royal Sundae - 2 hours - 1 ice cream, 2 chocolates, 10 strawberry
    Sweet Feast - 6 hours - 5 royal sundae, 5 syrup, 1 silver platter
    Cake - 2 hours - 2 flour, 2 chocolate, 2 sugar
    Smoked Fish Sandwich - 1 hour - 1 bread, 1 butterfish, 5 cabbage

    Information about Princess Lorelei's Fountain
    Spoiler: show

    The fountain will ONLY drop tokens during the monster hunt events. After the event is over it will not drop tokens.
    This is part of a quest chain that unlocks at level 22. That quest is not timed. It's here to stay, so no worries if you're not level 22 yet or don't finish it before the season is over.

    Q: Where do I get the Sapphire's from?
    A: The sapphires were a reward from a previous iOS only goal. The only way to get the sapphires now is to make them from gold coins in the trade wagon. The fountain takes 2 sapphires which need 10 gold coins each.

    Fountain Drops during a Monster Hunt: gold troll token (for cooking camp), water, mermaid scales, orange fish, butterfish
    Fountain Drops between events: water, mermaid scales, orange fish, butterfish
    Note: Gold Token drop rate: it's probably about a 1 in 5 collections. It's not every time... SW

    1. Have 2 sapphires
    2. A Mermaid's Gift - Get Princess Lorelei's Fountain from the Trade Wagon
    Reward: 270 coin, 2 xp, 3 gold tokens

    Information about the Cabbage Hut
    Spoiler: show

    The Cabbage Hut limit of 1 Cannot be sold
    Cost: 70 gold tokens (from Monster Hunt events and Beastbane Display)
    Size: 3x2
    What can you craft?
    Click here for information on the Cabbage Hut. This link will take you to the Baron's Game Tent guide in the Hub.

    The Cabbage Hut is available in the market for 450 gems. Limit of 1 for gems.

    Q: How can I get the Cabbage Hut:
    A: You can purchase 1 in the market for 450 gems and you can get another one through the trade wagon.

    Q: What if I don't already have a Cabbage Hut? Can I still get one?
    A: Yes, you can get a cabbage hut through the trade wagon or in the market for gems.

    Q: Do I have to purchase the one in the market first?
    A: No. The trade wagon provides an alternate way to get the cabbage hut.

    Q: Will the Cabbage Hut trade stay in the trade wagon after the event?
    A: Yes. It will stay in your trade wagon in and out of seasons until the craft is complete.

    Information about the Locket
    Spoiler: show

    * The Locket storyline first came about in a goal called Poof and Gone - Goal Guide and was released in September 2013. The storyline ended in limbo, so now we now what happened! The trolls founds it and it's now available for purchase with gold tokens.
    * The Ornate Locket, as it ties in to the main story, is also not bound to Monster Hunts.

    Goals & Dialogue
    Spoiler: show

    You come back wi' enough Troll Tokens, an' that' lockets' yours, kid.
    1. The Ruler's Locket
    * Trade for the Ornate Locket 0/1 (trade) I gotta get that locket back!)
    Rewards: 320 coin, 2 xp
    Congratulations: Trader Jo'ul - Oy, back already?

    Spoiler: show
    Jo'ul: My,my... Tha's quite the fine collection o' Troll Tokens ya got there
    Ruler: Will this be enough for that necklace?
    Jo'ul: Hmm... I'd usually fetch a FAR better price for somethin' this nice...
    Ruler: ...
    Jo'ul: ...but, for some strange reason, no one can get the blasted thing open. Far as anyone but *you* seems t' be concerned, the thing's a dud.
    Ruler: So... Does that mean you'll give me the locket?
    Jo'ul: Aye. The locket's yours, kid.
    Ruler: Thank you! Thank you so much, sir!
    Jo'ul: ...Wha's that you called me?
    Ruler: Umm...
    Jo'ul: You don' know yer Troll women from yer Troll men?!
    Ruler: I'm sorry! I meant no disrespect! I just--
    Jo'ul: HAH! I'm jus' jostlin' witcha, Kid.
    Ruler: Oh! Haha... Still,I'm sorry for my mistake. Ms...?
    Jo'ul: They call me Trader Jo'ul. I been assigned t' this wood's Trade Wagon.
    Ruler: I see! It's a pleasure to make your acquaintance, Trader Jo'ul!
    Jo'ul: Aye, an' the same t' you, Kid.

    Keep it up, Kid. You've got the Trader Trolls impressed with that huntin' o' yers. I think we'll be seein' a LOT more o' each other!
    2. Trader Jo'ul
    * Shake Hands with Trader Jo'ul 0/1 SHAKE
    Rewards: 320 coin, 2 xp, 1 Ruler's Locket
    Congratulations: Trader Jo'ul - Here's that locket you wanted. Hope it's all you've got it cracked up t' be.
    [story about the locket ends here...]

    The Ruler's Locket
    Crafted: Trade Wagon
    Info: At last, my locket! Now if only I could get it open...
    Uses: yet unknown
    Requirements: Ornate Locket trade: 5 gold tokens
    Collection time: 10 minutes

    Ruler's Locket
    Info: At last, my locket! Now if only I could get it open...
    Type: Material
    Source: Event
    Crafted in: Trade Wagon
    Size: 1x1
    Requirements: 5 Troll Token
    Timer: 10 minutes
    Speed-up: 1 gems
    Cap: 1
    Comments: Tied to the main story line.

    Information about the Mythic Research Centre
    Spoiler: show

    * No goals... The Research Centre is available in the Trade Wagon.

    Q: Can I have more than 1 Mystic Research Center?
    A: No, just one.

    Q: Will the Mythic Research Center trade stay in the trade wagon after the event?
    A: Yes. It will stay in your trade wagon in and out of seasons until the craft is complete.

    Click below for information on the MRC and crafts:
    Spoiler: show
    Mythic Research Centrelimit of 1/2 Can/not be sold
    Cost: 70 gold tokens
    Build/Craft time: 16 hours
    Size: 2x2
    Goal to unlock building: Monster Hunt Season 5
    What can you craft?
    Craft 1: Glimmer Alicorn - 25 gold tokens, 5 staff tokens, 15 rope | max craft of 1
    Craft 2: Glimmer Dragon - 3 gold tokens, 3 sword tokens, 25 jewels | no limit set down
    Craft 3: Glimmer Manticore - 1 gold token, 5 sword tokens, 25 silver ore | no limit set down
    Craft 4: Armored Manticore - 3 gold tokens, 7 sword tokens, 30 iron ore | max craft of 4
    Craft 5: Armored Alicorn - 15 gold tokens, 7 staff tokens, 10 mithril | max craft of 4

    1. Glimmer Alicorn limit of 1
    Spoiler: show
    Crafted: Mythic Research Centre
    Drops: energy, glimmerdust, glimmer shard
    Requirements: 25 gold tokens, 5 staff tokens, 15 rope
    Collection time: 22 hours

    2. Glimmer Dragon
    Spoiler: show
    Crafted: Mythic Research Centre
    Drops: coin, glimmerdust, dragon scales, longsword, glimmer shard, glimmer fragments, coal, 2 gems
    Requirements: 3 gold token, 5 sword token, 25 Jewels
    Collection time: 22 hours

    3. Glimmer Manticore
    Spoiler: show
    Crafted: Mythic Research Centre
    Drops: TBA
    Requirements: 1 gold token, 5 sword tokens, 25 silver ore | no limit set down
    Collection time: 22 hours

    4. Armored Manticore
    Spoiler: show
    Crafted: Mythic Research Centre
    Drops: silver ore, [have asked for drops for all new animals... SW]
    Requirements: 3 gold tokens, 7 sword tokens, 30 iron ore | max craft of 4
    Collection time: 22 hours

    5. Armored Alicorn
    Spoiler: show
    Crafted: Mythic Research Centre
    Drops: Energy, armour, jewel, mithril,
    Requirements: 15 gold tokens, 7 staff tokens, 10 mithril | max craft of 4
    Collection time: 22 hours

    Mythic Research Center
    Info: A research center for the discovery and relocation of new, mythic animals!
    Type: Building
    Source: Event
    Crafted in: Trade Wagon
    Size: 2x2
    Requirements: 500 coins // 70 Troll Token
    Events: Monster Hunt
    Timer: 960 minutes // 16 hours
    Speed-up: 32 gems
    Comments: Remains active in the Trade Wagon even outside a Monster Hunt event.
    Glimmer Dragon
    Info: A rare breed of Dragon infused with magical Glimmerdust!
    Type: Decoration
    Source: Crafting
    Crafted in: Mythic Research Center
    Size: 1x1
    Requirements: 3 Troll Token, 5 Sword Token, 25 Jewels
    Drops: Coins, Energy, Dragon Scale, Glimmer Fragments, Glimmer Shard, Glimmer Glimmerdust, Longsword
    Timer: 1320 minutes // 22 hours
    Speed-up: 88 gems
    Glimmer Alicorn
    Info: A rare breed of Alicorn infused with magical Glimmerdust!
    Type: Decoration
    Source: Crafting
    Crafted in: Mythic Research Center
    Size: 1x1
    Requirements: 25 Troll Token, 5 Staff Token, 15 Rope
    Drops: Energy, Glimmerdust, Glimmer Shard
    Timer: 1320 minutes // 22 hours
    Speed-up: 88 gems
    Glimmer Manticore
    Info: ?
    Type: Decoration
    Source: Crafting
    Crafted in: Mythic Research Center
    Size: 1x1
    Requirements: 1 Troll Token, 5 Sword Token, 25 Silver Ore
    Drops: Coins, Manticore Whiskers, Fur
    Timer: 1320 minutes // 22 hours
    Speed-up: 88 gems
    Comments: Summon a Glimmer Manticore to your kingdom! Summoning takes 4 hours.
    Armored Manticore
    Info: ?
    Type: Decoration
    Source: Crafting
    Crafted in: Mythic Research Center
    Size: 1x1
    Requirements: 3 Troll Token, 7 Sword Token, 30 Iron Ore
    Drops: Coins, Manticore Whiskers, Fur
    Timer: 1320 minutes // 22 hours
    Speed-up: 88 gems
    Comments: Summon an Armored Manticore to your kingdom! Summoning takes 4 hours.
    Armored Alicorn
    Info: ?
    Type: Decoration
    Source: Crafting
    Crafted in: Mythic Research Center
    Size: 1x1
    Requirements: 15 Troll Token, 7 Sword Token, 10 Mithril
    Timer: 1320 minutes // 22 hours
    Speed-up: 88 gems
    Cap: 4
    Comments: Summon an Armored Alicorn to your kingdom! Summoning takes 4 hours.

    Information about the Beastbane Display
    * The Beastbane Display will continue to drops staff tokens, sword tokens and gold troll tokens outside of Monster Hunt seasons.
    Spoiler: show

    Beastbane Display
    Found: market, 400 gems
    Drops: sword tokens, staff tokens, gold troll tokens
    Collection time: 22 hours

    Beastbane Display
    Info: A display showcasing Beastbane's fearsome majesty! Always drops Troll, Staff, or Sword Tokens.
    Type: Decoration
    Source: Purchase
    Size: 1x1
    Requirements: 400 gems
    Drops: Troll Token, Staff Token, Sword Token
    Timer: 1320 minutes // 22 hours
    Speed-up: 36 gems

    Information about the Legendary Trap
    Spoiler: show

    Q: How much are they?
    A: 25 gems each. They take 1 chop and spawn a random beast (Blue Dire Boar or Purple Glimmer Golem).

    Q: Will the Legendary Trap will drop tokens out of season?
    A: Silver tokens will only drop in Monster Hunt seasons. There is a chance of a gold troll token in and out of season.

    Q: Will the Legendary Trap spawn monsters in and out of season?
    A: Yes, but you will not get any silver tokens out of seasons for defeating a beast.

    Legendary Trap
    Info: Chop to lure a rare monster, with a chance for a Troll Token! Warning: Will not work if there is a monster on your board.
    Type: Decoration
    Source: Purchase
    Size: 1x1
    Requirements: 25 gems
    Drops: Troll Token, Purple Glimmer Troll, Blue Dier Boar
    Comments: Can be cleared in 1 actions.
    Last edited by SpiritWind00; 09-20-16 at 02:32 PM.

  3. #3
    Rhino Keeper
    Join Date
    Apr 2015
    Hiding behind trees? Under rocks and fallen brush? No foul beast will triumph over my mighty blade! Tis at last the season for knights to bare their mettle!

    [==This season requires Level 22+, and is live from 9/15 to 9/21 @ 4pm.==]

    Spoiler: show
    I've been playing a game! Have you figured out this week's answer? The answer is: HUNT

  4. #4
    Rhino Keeper
    Join Date
    Apr 2014
    The armored alicorn is beautiful!!!

  5. #5
    Rhino Keeper
    Join Date
    Apr 2015
    And we're live!!!

    A few notes:
    • Season 6 does NOT have a main quest chain and seasonal prize.
    • Season 6 DOES have the usual Daily quests - everyone on version 1.3 or higher can complete them, including Android!
    • There are 3 NEW animals in the Mythic Research Center!
    • The Armored Alicorn can be crafted a maximum of 4 times. Its energy table as the same as the Pink Alicorn, the Wedding Alicorn, and the Alicorns in the Baron's Game Tent - NOT the guaranteed energy from the regular Alicorn.

    Happy Hunting everyone

  6. #6
    Fashion Designer janddolphins's Avatar
    Join Date
    Apr 2014
    Oh I so am going to go for the armored Alicorn, that looks awesome and so protective, yet elegant ! And thank you S8 for letting us craft 4!

    Any chance of making that a rule for the center with all animals and apply it to old and new??? Just a suggestion to pass along.

    It would give us more to do with our coins, in turn allowing S8 to have to create less, plus all the animals we love we can create 4, being that the purple Alicorns drop is no different, it's not affecting things so much
    Last edited by janddolphins; 09-15-16 at 12:29 PM.
    Proud Owner: Dolphin Palace
    Play often, help w/ requests & gifts. Looking for 1-2 40+ to exchange wisps I have great neighbors I gift but they?re often full. I gift back in order so it would be 1-2 days

    Love the game & aesthetics, want it to look real/fun & true! During quests sadly aesthetics put aside for collections, but happy when over. Have expansions to improve as well!
    Still part of the confirmation button club!

    Life is more fun if you play games" - Roald Dahl 

  7. #7
    Rhino Keeper
    Join Date
    Feb 2014
    I thought it was live. Tapped my statues and nothing, just blue stars, nothing going on on the wagon either.

  8. #8
    Rhino Keeper
    Join Date
    Apr 2014

  9. #9
    Executive Chef
    Join Date
    Jun 2015
    Thank you so much for all the new creatures! Love them!

    Crafting my first armored Alicorn right now!

  10. #10
    Rhino Keeper
    Join Date
    Apr 2014
    Nothing come from my statues EITHER. I already forced closed my game twice.

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