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Thread: Gifts

  1. #21
    Executive Chef
    Join Date
    Jul 2013
    Quote Originally Posted by callmetired View Post
    Why, oh why are people gifting random seasonal parts?! They won't be required for anything and it's a giant nuisance to return the same, which is sort of customary. If the gift options were not the ever-worsening hot mess they've always been, it wouldn't be such an imposition. The nbr who sent me the obscure Christmas part from 4 years ago probably mass gifted it so now all the unfortunate recipients are supposed to take extraordinary measures to gift it back??!!

    What is the plan here?!

    Unless you've established that you send back what you're gifted, I wouldn't bother. I find it incredibly rude when people do that. Seriously, if you only ever gift what you need, when do your neighbors get what they need? Write it on their wall if you want them to gift it. And say please.

    (Although I will occasionally mass-gift what I need in the hopes some neighbors will return same, but (and this is the key) only when it's a part they will also probably find useful.)

    I mean, AnnirasSweets is right, sometimes they're just guessing at what might be needed next, but if they repeatedly gift & request an unusual part on the same day, they're obviously gifting what they need with no consideration for their neighbors. I tend to think badly of them.

  2. #22
    Rhino Keeper
    Join Date
    Nov 2014
    Oh, unless I'm collecting goal parts, I'll likely accept whatever is sent, it's useless to maintain any parts inventory at this point. People gifting what THEY want is nothing new. It's the blind exercise in futility that irks me. And the disregard for other peoples time.

  3. #23
    Quote Originally Posted by callmetired View Post
    Oh, unless I'm collecting goal parts, I'll likely accept whatever is sent, it's useless to maintain any parts inventory at this point. People gifting what THEY want is nothing new. It's the blind exercise in futility that irks me. And the disregard for other peoples time.
    You may misunderstand. Not everyone wants you to gift back what they send...I certainly don't.

  4. #24
    Executive Chef
    Join Date
    Feb 2014
    And this is why I don't gift......
    I'm still overwhelmed by all those parts!!! For a new player it's just nuts!!!

  5. #25
    Rhino Keeper
    Join Date
    Jun 2012
    I don't understand gifting back what each individual sends. If that's what you do, you'd be in the game gifting people back for two hours.

    I mass gift...don't like it? Don't add me, or delete me. During goals I will gift the relevant parts. During off time, I gift basic parts (oven element, metal sheet, paint, motor etc) to stock everyone up when those tend to get used a lot.

    I refuse to ever gift food items. I find them useless and neighbors that constantly send them get removed. I've had neighbors continuously send food during high-stakes goals, WHILE they send me requests for goals parts to build their goal ovens. I mean....why??

  6. #26
    Nightclub Owner
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    Planet Earth
    Quote Originally Posted by rusticjess View Post
    I don't understand gifting back what each individual sends. If that's what you do, you'd be in the game gifting people back for two hours.

    I mass gift...don't like it? Don't add me, or delete me. During goals I will gift the relevant parts. During off time, I gift basic parts (oven element, metal sheet, paint, motor etc) to stock everyone up when those tend to get used a lot.

    I refuse to ever gift food items. I find them useless and neighbors that constantly send them get removed. I've had neighbors continuously send food during high-stakes goals, WHILE they send me requests for goals parts to build their goal ovens. I mean....why??
    This is pretty much my gifting outlook and I've made sure that my wall clearly states that I mass gift parts only and that I tip when I can but never post. It explains that they'll get goal parts during goals, basic parts on down days and I also make sure that my wall is always cleared enough that these messages are the only thing to be read. But still players add me only to then harass me to gift them specific items, repeatedly ask if I'm active because I don't write on their walls and then there are the ones that leave rude messages because I'm a 'bad' neighbor, lol.

    It's very simply really: if another player doesn't have the same playing/gifting/tipping style as you then delete them from your neighbor list and add another player who does fit your needs from the hundreds of thousands of players out there. I refuse to believe that any player is so desperate for neighbors and gifts that they feel the need to go through the hassle of posting on each and every wall demanding others meet their expectations. Real life has to come first, this is a game that's meant to be enjoyable. It baffles me when players stay neighbors when it upsets them enough to have an actual dispute over playing styles.

  7. #27
    Rhino Keeper
    Join Date
    May 2016
    I saw mention of requests in here so hopefully this is an appropriate thread for my question.

    I have an oven I want to build 3 of. One of the special items takes 10 per item. I carefully picked 30 neighbors I know will accept over the next two days (20 today, 10 tomorrow). I can always send out a couple tomorrow if someone misses. I’m not in a hurry for them.

    My question is this, once I build the first oven (the one I sent the request from) does it cancel the other requests? I do not think it does, hence the “stacking” statements from earlier post. Am I understanding the coding correctly?

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