Can someone please explain to me what happened to the Thank You notes? I used to get loads, and deleted them at regular intervals. Then along came the challenge that finally used up some of the Thank You notes, and not only this challenge seems impossible to complete, as it takes ages to get the required pieces, but there don't seem to be any Thank You notes anymore. The major issue I am finding in this sudden change is that all the other items that I needed to spend months to accumulate to increase pantry size, shop stock levels etc. are now filling up my pantry and there is NO WAY I am going to delete them. So I am stuck with a pantry half full of items ready to be used for when the Thank You notes show up, except that they are not, and in the meantime, I am still accumulating bricks, shopping baskets, coupons etc. I am going to reach a level where I will have to stop playing the game altogether until dear Liam starts being thankful again. And I know what will happen. I will just lose interest in the game and stop playing. What an anticlimax.

Please readjust the Thank You note drop levels asap. It has just caused an imbalance in the game that will be its downfall.