Quote Originally Posted by 1985Leonie View Post
I did everything right, I had luck with no breeding fails with much breeding times, I always save 600.000 - 700.000 food (astronomic), I planned everything well, I have done all tasks very fluent.

And at the end, I was nevertheless forced to spend 50 Gold for beginning the 10th chapter early, to have a chance to win the tales, because without it, the last day is impossible!
8 battles, wtf???

Maybe there are also people who sleep at night and go work at the day and we don't need only one try for every battle, but yes I know, this game is only for housewives or unenployers and even THEIR DAY HAS ONLY 24 HOURS!

It so sucks, what the hell does TL think of kidding us this way???
I spent the 50 to speed up as well. I knew I would be very busy today, and didn't want to chance it. The way I see it, 50 for 3 dragons isn't bad (well, 52 since I sped up a firapple crop lol).