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Thread: Characters of the Glimmerwood - a little bit of fun!

  1. #21
    Moderator (volunteer) SpiritWind00's Avatar
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    The Glimmerwood!
    Chapter 20 - The Rose Seal

    A few months after Kaz left, and we finished restoring the Goddess Tree, Queen Ivinea arrived back in the Glimmerwood. She said that she returned as the trees whispered that we've made peace with the Trolls. Queen Ivinea wants to share the burden of caring for the Goddess Tree which I agree to. I think there may be some tension between Azalea and Lila. hmmm. The faeries have some very cool building materials and they said that if I crafted a Rose Seal and gave it to them, then they would grant us access to special materials. I'm sure the Glimmerwood workers would appreciate some special materials to work with.

    The Rose Seal gave us access to entering the land of the Plume Hive and Thurston's knights went out adventuring to the Plume Hive regularly to bring back supplies so we could build our own faerie workshop. With a workshop, we could make the faerie building materials ourselves. This was an excellent compromise. One of the things faeries do is to nurture large, magnificent flowers. The faeries also allowed us to make one of these special faerie flowerbeds which is a truly beautiful plant. And to thank the faeries, we had this awesome tea party and the best food fight ever! I love this place!

    Once we started trading with the faeries, we decided to build a Faerie Bridge so that could get supplies. The bridge has made life so much easier to travel to and from my kingdom to the Plume Hive. The faeries are very generous! The Knight's are very thankful we don't have to send them adventuring as much as well. They do tend to spend more time in the tavern though drinking root beer, so win win!

  2. #22
    Moderator (volunteer) SpiritWind00's Avatar
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    The Glimmerwood!
    Chapter 21 - Guess who's back... and *angry*

    The day Kaz arrived back in the Glimmerwood should have been a day for celebration. He had been gone for months. But, he arrived disheveled and angry and yelled at me that he was going to get all his stuff and leave this 'crummy Kingdom'! I was totally taken aback. I asked him if he had found the source of the Dire Boar attacks and he scoffed that he had found source all right...and it's not Blythewood; the magic was coming from here! In Kaz's backpack he had samples of a tree bark sample taken from Blythewood. He also had a sample of some tree bark from the Glimmerwood. I examined them and they looked identical to me. Kaz scoffed at me. "See it?! Hmph, don't you *smell* it?" he asked. I didn't smell anything strange. He scoffed at me again (this had better not be how things continue!) and said "Humans and your puny noses. It smells of *magic*. Each kind of magic has its own smell. And I can tell you this smells like Glimmerwood magic. Trolls know all about this stuff." Interesting.

    We took the samples to Greselda who examined the tree bark samples and made us plant and harvest some glimmerbulb crops to get soil to see if there's magical residue comparable to Kaz's sample! We also needed it to compare it against residue left on the Dire Boars. Greselda cast a corrupting spell on the soil and found that there was a taint of previous magical corruption on the soil samples. After using the soil on her own plants, Lady Greselda's suspicions were confirmed. It was just as she had suspected.... it was Faerie magic.

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    Last edited by SpiritWind00; 08-19-16 at 02:42 AM.

  3. #23
    Moderator (volunteer) SpiritWind00's Avatar
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    The Glimmerwood!
    Chapter 22 - Put your fists up and fight (like a troll?!)

    Kaz was uncertain about all of this and needed a special place to expel his anger. I had the perfect solution! A Troll Sparring Pit. Thurston, bless him, thought he could help Kaz with this, but it ended with poor Thurston curled up in the corner calling for his mummy! I think I won't let him help anymore today.

    With all the destruction going on, we had to think of how we could reinforce the training dummies. The workers in the forge are totally creative and amazing. The final test of the reinforced dummies were ready. Yes! Success! Kaz had quite the battle with them. They surely will stand the test of time. To celebrate, Kaz asked me if I wanted a turn in the Sparring Pit as Trolls don't get a lot of practice fighting humans. I was hesitant given what I saw happen to Thurston earlier, but he was valiant and cried "Give it nary a thought, my liege! I will stand in your steed! I... woah. I need to sit down". Smiling on the inside, I told Thurston that it was ok, he could rest and I would spar with the Trolls!

    I gave it my best shot! Behind my back, I heard the Kaz whisper, "you're tough for a small fry, I'll give you that"! High praise indeed.

  4. #24
    Moderator (volunteer) SpiritWind00's Avatar
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    The Glimmerwood!
    Chapter 23 - She loves who?
    Who doesn't like a good wedding! Ivy and I had so much fun getting Sabina organised for her special day with Thurston. We were the ultimate wedding planners!

    to be continued......

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