Of all the S8 games I play I think the events on this game are my favorite ones. Still not a huge fan of the storybook format and the strict timings, but these CS events seem to be the least stressful ones for me overall. There's lots to do to keep me interested, lots of things to collect along the way, and I enjoy getting new things to display in my kingdom even if they don't drop something super special. The ticket booths from the horse track event and their living wood/jewel drops have saved me more than once!

I also like that the events have a relation to the characters and fit in as everyday things within the storyline. The barons mother showing up, holiday celebrations, stuff like that. Not everything has to directly connect to the storyline in my opinion, though some things just shouldn't be dropped afterwards. We haven't seen Sabina since the wedding....did she have 10 kids then got fed up and left Thurston and that's where all the orphans came from?