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Thread: Castle Story: 3/10 Update - Good Ol' Glimmermouth

  1. #101
    Executive Chef
    Join Date
    Feb 2014
    I got a super bait drop from the forge. But went fishing with regular bait and got one glommerfish which I used to cook in the kitchen. Didn't get anything from all that because I'm maxed on all fish related foods. I mainly did it to get the goals out of my goal book. I'm holding on to my super bait as a souvenir.

  2. #102
    Rhino Keeper
    Join Date
    Dec 2014
    I've crafted 13 baits and have twice received super bait. So it does come up in the magic forge. I don't typically go on adventures that require fish based foods, but I'll likely keep crafting bait just to use the plethora of blue fish I'm getting from my frequent pond collections.

  3. #103
    Farm Supplier
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    Jun 2015
    Quote Originally Posted by coolssp View Post
    I've made 11 baits in the magic forge but didn't get a single super bait luck anyone
    I have made 17 baits. 14 came out plain and 3 came out super (only recently). I have tried each in the adventure. The plain bait gave one fish and the super bait gave three. Only tried to cook one glimmermouth. It gave me several items but I rarely use the items I received so unless they have new quests coming up that use a lot of fish it does not seem worthwhile to me to buy the bait market. I prefer the banquet table from Thanksgiving that at least drops an entire feast every other day.

  4. #104
    Executive Chef
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    Feb 2014
    I meant glimmermouth. Where in the world did I come up with glommerfish??!!?!

  5. #105
    Executive Chef
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    Feb 2014
    Also, I can't find the fish market in the market any longer or was it ever there??? Anyway... For players who don't have the fish markets- the bait shop would probably be a good buy.

    Edit: the more I think about the bait shop, I am changing my mind. I'm not sure if it really gains anything. Because fishing with plain bait does accomplish the same thing-it just might take longer. Not worth the gems imo.
    Last edited by riverly; 03-13-16 at 10:24 PM.

  6. #106
    Join Date
    Aug 2015
    Quote Originally Posted by riverly View Post
    Also, I can't find the fish market in the market any longer or was it ever there??? Anyway... For players who don't have the fish markets- the bait shop would probably be a good buy.

    Edit: the more I think about the bait shop, I am changing my mind. I'm not sure if it really gains anything. Because fishing with plain bait does accomplish the same thing-it just might take longer. Not worth the gems imo.

    See there's lots of things I don't have that cost gems (cabbage hut, I'm looking at you!) and I'm trying to save up gems and hoping they go on sale. On a side note I notice some items like the cabbage hut have two versions in our store - one "locked by goal" and then one just for sale. What's the difference?

  7. #107
    Executive Chef
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    Apr 2013
    On my account that has 2 fish markets, the fish market does not appear in the market. On my account that has none, it dies appear in the market. So I'm going to guess that you already have 2 fish markets.

    Quote Originally Posted by riverly View Post
    Also, I can't find the fish market in the market any longer or was it ever there??? Anyway... For players who don't have the fish markets- the bait shop would probably be a good buy.

    Edit: the more I think about the bait shop, I am changing my mind. I'm not sure if it really gains anything. Because fishing with plain bait does accomplish the same thing-it just might take longer. Not worth the gems imo.
    Kingdom names are "Zephyrwind" and "Your Prince".

  8. #108
    Executive Chef
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    Feb 2014
    Yes. I do have 2 fish markets. I didn't realize that that would be the reason they would not show up in the market any longer. No big deal I don't want any more anyway.

  9. #109
    Executive Chef
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    Apr 2013
    I bought the bait shop, largely because I like the way it looks. On my main account I have had 2 super bait from the magic forge and none from my other account.

    Experience tells me that if there is a new adventure, then pretty soon we are going to need to have/give a large number of glimmermouth, super bait and/or bait and probably the various fish items that go with them so I am just building up my supplies just in case.

    I like to be prepared because it is so much less stressful.

  10. #110
    Executive Chef
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    Feb 2014
    Quote Originally Posted by rulerofjennyville View Post
    I'm not spending 200 gems on the thing. I'm more interested in finishing up the challenges I have open and getting that rainbow arch. I wish that one wasn't dependent on others - I think most have run out of steam and are no longer going for the coins.
    looking at past events, we have never failed to get the last community prize. I think you can rest a little easier knowing that. Most people continue to collect coins after they complete the individual goals , But at a slower, steadier pace.

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