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Thread: Farm Story 2: Event Guide

  1. #1
    Grand Emperor
    Join Date
    Jun 2014

    Farm Story 2: Event Guide

    Event Guide

    Have some feedback on the Guides? Click here to leave your feedback & suggestions.

    ...Event Guide Farm Story 2 | Event and Goal Guides forum...
    Fair event
    Goal event
    Collection event

    Prize Machines event
    World event
    Leaderboard event
    Midpoint Side goals
    Tree House event (Going for the Bullseye)
    Monthly event
    Recommended items to buy prior to events
    Get your farm ready to participate in events
    Suggested list of difficult to find crafts
    What should I do in between events?
    What shall I do after the event?
    Good advise from members
    Frequently asked questions
    List of events


    Farm Story 2 has an event every couple of weeks. Events usually begin on Wednesday at 2:30pm PST after the previous event ends, but this is subject to change. You can check the event thread on Farm Story 2 | Discussion forum for more event information and join in the discussion.

    The event information is usually found and updated in Post #1 of the event thread. You may sometimes see event announcement at the top of Post #1 from Storm8, Community Managers or Moderators. Check regularly for updates.

    After the event is over, the event thread will move to the Farm Story 2 | Events & Goal Guides sub-forum.

    (1) Please try to actively update event information in Post #1 if you are starting the event thread. Event threads can sometimes go to many pages and fellow members may not have the time to read through the pages to find information when Post #1 is not properly updated. Thanks for your understanding.

    (2) You may use the Farm 2: Buy/Sell thread to buy/sell event items. Any buy/sell posts in the event thread will be removed.
    Past event threads got very spammy with buy/sell posts made it difficult for members to find event information and answers to their questions. Thanks for your cooperation.

    (3) You can use this Time Zone Converter to figure out your local time. You can enter "San Francisco" for the Storm8 time zone.
    Last edited by Paul__; 05-28-24 at 03:22 AM.

  2. #2
    Grand Emperor
    Join Date
    Jun 2014
    General guidelines for Fair events

    This is a 10 days event. Day 1 starts at 2:30pm PST or when you click [Start Now] button. Subsequent event days start at midnight PST. Your event will automatically start on the 4th day at 7:20pm PST if you don't start it. It will end in 10 days, counting from the day it starts.

    **Please note that not all fair events will allow you to start late.**

    Complete the orders required for each event day to get the prize of the day and also eligibility to proceed to the next event day. Your aim is to get to Day 10 to win the event grand prize.
    Day 1 requires 75 gems orders
    Day 2 requires 150 gems orders
    Day 3 requires 200 gems orders
    Day 4 requires 250 gems orders
    Day 5 requires 250 gems orders
    Day 6 requires 300 gems orders
    Day 7 requires 300 gems orders
    Day 8 requires 400 gems orders
    Day 9 requires 540 gems orders
    Day 10 requires 600 gems orders

    How to play
    For each day, you will need to fulfill the orders until you reach 100% on the progress bar.

    The 3 orders on your event screen are like our deliveries. Get those items for your orders either by buying or crafting and click [Deliver] button. Once delivered, you will get a new order immediately. It takes 30 mins to refresh if you discard an order. You have 24 hours to fulfill the orders for the day, except for Day 1 depending when you start your fair.

    If you fulfill your orders of the day earlier, the order screen will be locked and you have to wait for the next day to start. If your last order is a high value order, your progress will not carry over to the next day. While you wait for next day, you can prepare the order items shown. When the new event day starts at game reset time, your orders will be ready to go all at once.

    If you can't fulfill your orders within 24 hours, you can continue to work on it the next event day (except Day 10). However this means you have shorter time to work on the rest of your event days.

    Event Boosts
    You can buy the event boost to help with your daily progress by collecting from it every 2 hours while your event day is open. To purchase an event boost, click on it in your fair ground while your event day is open.

    Once you have completed your orders for the day, the event boosts are locked since you have completed your progress for the day and any additional progress does not carry over to next event day. You can start collecting from your event boosts at the next event day. The event boosts are only for the current event; they do not carry over to the next Fair event.

    Quote Originally Posted by FrozenTurtle View Post
    When you purchase a Boost, you enable one of the Fall Trees in your event space. Scroll over to check it out and collect your Acorns!
    Unlocking Fair Days
    The following are the gems required to unlock your Fair days.
    Day 2 - 10 gems
    Day 3 - 15 gems
    Day 4 - 25 gems
    Day 5 - 40 gems
    Day 6 - 60 gems
    Day 7 - 85 gems
    Day 8 - 100 gems
    Day 9 - 100 gems
    Day 10 - 100 gems

    (1) Plan and start your event wisely so your last event day (i.e. most challenging day) falls on the day when you have most time to play.

    (2) Make sure to start sending orders for Day 1 as soon as possible if the event doesn’t allow you to start later. The first day will still end at midnight PST even though the event started at 2:30 pm PST.

    (3) Before you submit your last order for the day, ensure that your new orders for the next day are doable. Refresh it till you get a doable order or an order with higher value (to hasten your progress for the next day). Once you submit your last order for the day, your orders screen is locked and you can't refresh until the new event day starts.

    (4) Ensure your machines are free at each new event day (midnight PST) so you can craft the order items for the new day, if need be.

    (1) Using gems to speed through the days doesn't help if you speed up a few days in between. Unless you speed through all days, the game will force you back to the original 10 days schedule. So either speed through all event days to the completion of your Day 10 or not at all. The last few days, usually the last 2 days, will be the more challenging days. Thus if you want to speed, its best you do so then.

    (2) Event orders and prizes may vary according to farm levels.

    (3) Your event ends just before midnight PST on your Day 11. It's important to note this and convert to your own time zone so you don't miss out. You can use this Time Zone Converter to figure out your local time. You can enter "San Francisco" for the S8 time zone (PST).

    You can check the Thanksgiving County Fair thread to read more about Fair events.

    Last edited by Paul__; 04-13-23 at 01:34 AM.

  3. #3
    Grand Emperor
    Join Date
    Jun 2014
    General guidelines for Goal events

    You need to complete a series of goals to win event prizes. These goals can be found in your Goal List (icon on the left of screen) when the event starts. Complete each goal in order to proceed to the next goal. Some goals require you to buy or craft event items, so do not buy nor craft these items until your goal prompts you to. Otherwise you may have to do it all over again and waste your resources.

    It is important for players to follow through the goals and do each task step by step as you get to it. Hold on to your event items and do not use them, especially those more difficult to find/drop items - the counters may reset once you used them up and they wont count if you made the crafts in advance. You can prepare the regular crafts needed in advance but it's safer not to use the event items until you reach the goal that asks for it. Please don't mess up your event in your rush to get ahead, we don't have much time to waste to redo things. You may end up making a detour in your rush to get ahead.

    Some of the past events goals required specific tasks like fishing and mining, so make sure you have already expanded to these farm features. See Requirements for events for more details.

    (1) Have all your machines ready when the event starts in case you have to make a special event item.

    (2) Use your Crops & Crafts Boosts to speed up your crafting times if the goal requires you to make crafts from these machines. Cowbell boosts may not work to speed up event items. However, they will help you to make regular items faster.

    (3) Make sure you have plenty of barn spaces to avoid losing event items before you do farm activities that drop event items.

    (1) Your "Make" Register counts when you craft items. It does not count during collection (e.g. "Make X items"). See Frequently asked questions in Goal Guide.

    (2) Event crafts may not be available in your machines until you reach the goal that asks for them. They will be made available when you have reached the respective goal.

    (3) You may not get some of the event items from your deliveries until you reach the goal that asks for them. They will start to drop when you have reached the respective goal.

    (4) Do not rush to upgrade your event building for those Goal events that require you to upgrade the event building.
    Fully upgrading your event building will not win you the grand prize; you have to complete the goals to win it.

    (5) Do not use up event items until you reach or pass the goal/task that requires them, especially those event items of rarer drops. The counters may reset once you used them up and they wont count if you made the crafts in advance.

    You can check the Purrfect Quest Event thread to read more about Goal events.
    Last edited by Paul__; 07-20-22 at 02:19 AM.

  4. #4
    Grand Emperor
    Join Date
    Jun 2014
    General guidelines for Collection events

    You need to do farm activities to collect 10 collection items. Each event day unlocks a new collection item which is found by doing a farm activity. Collect these collection items from Day 1 to Day 10 to complete collections and turn in at the Collections Gallery to win random event prizes.
    Collection Items (example)
    Day 1 - found when collecting crafts from Kitchen
    Day 2 - found when collecting from Chickens
    Day 3 - found when collecting crafts from Fryer
    Day 4 - found when collecting crafts from Chocolatier
    Day 5 - found when collecting crafts from Bakery
    Day 6 - found when collecting from Sheep
    Day 7 - found when harvesting from Orange Trees
    Day 8 - found when doing deliveries
    Day 9 - found when fishing with event bait
    Day 10 - found when mining

    The collection items normally follow one of three different sets of collection item locations. You can see them here.

    You can also buy a gem event building to craft these collection items. Buying this building at the beginning of the event gives you the advantage of crafting the locked items without having to wait to Day 10 and you can turn in more collections to win more prizes.

    Event Boosts
    You can buy the coins and gems event boosts (e.g. pine trees, lanterns, archery targets, etc.) from the Market, if available, to help with your event. They give random rewards like coins, farm items, collection items, etc. They are good for 1 time or 2 times use and disappear after.

    Frequently Asked Questions
    Why am I not getting Collection Items?
    • Check source of collection items. Sources of collection items may differ according to farm levels. To check your source, click on the Day X's box in the Collection Gallery and it will show you the source.
    • Check game version. Make sure that you are playing on the latest regular version
    • Random drops. The drops are random. It could be due to low drops. Keep trying.

    Why am I not seeing the next goal?
    Your goal will disappear from your Goal List upon completion. You'll get a new goal when the new corresponding collection item unlocks. Depending on the number of goals, you may get a new goal each event day or on alternate event days. Some Luck event does not have goals and some do.

    (1) Have all farm animals and fruit trees ready for collection at each new event day. So you can collect immediately when the new collection item unlocks.

    (2) Use your Crops & Crafts Boosts for the Event Day which requires you to collect crafts from these buildings so you can craft and get more collection items.

    (3) Expand your buildings craft slots so that you can craft more items overnight or while you're away from the game.

    (1) Sources of Collection items may differ according to farm levels. To check your source, click on the Day X's box in the Collection Gallery and it will show you the source.

    (2) Your event collection at the Collections Gallery will be removed once the event is over.

    (3) Prizes from turning in at the Collections Gallery are random.

    You can check the Easter Egg Hunt 2015 or Easter Egg Hunt 2016 threads to read more about luck events.

    Last edited by Paul__; 07-28-22 at 01:47 AM.

  5. #5
    Grand Emperor
    Join Date
    Jun 2014
    General guidelines for Prize Machines events

    This event offers 3 categories of prizes, namely Bronze Prize Machine, Silver Prize Machine and Gold Prize Machine. You need to collect event items and craft them for turning in these machines to win event prizes. Each machine offers different event prizes. Collect the individual prizes of the machine to win the grand prize of the respective machine.

    There is no order of which machine that you should start turning in. You can turn in randomly or aim for the prizes that you like. Sometimes we get Single Prize Machine event too.

    Quote Originally Posted by FrozenTurtle View Post
    My Prize Machine numbers aren't accurate.
    • When you purchase a bundle containing event currency your currency will not immediately update in the Prize Machine dialog. Force close the game and restart it to update it.
    • When you purchase items with Gems while viewing the Prize Machine dialog, your Gem amount will not update to show the decreased amount. Force close the game and restart it to update it.
    You can check the Halloween Spooktacular Event thread to read more about Prize Machines events.

    Last edited by Rynetory2; 08-23-17 at 03:18 AM.

  6. #6
    Grand Emperor
    Join Date
    Jun 2014
    General guidelines for World events

    This is a community event that requires the effort of all Farm Story 2 members in order to win the community prizes. There are 5 individual event prizes which you can win when you have collected the required collection items. You can also be eligible for 3 community prizes. After the Farm 2 community collects enough items to earn a community prize, all players who have collected enough items to be eligible will receive it.

    Individual Prizes: (example)
    First Prize: Holiday Pig skin : 50 presents
    Second Prize: Holiday Chicken skin : 200 presents
    Third Prize: Holiday Sheep skin : 700 presents
    Fourth Prize: Holiday Cow skin : 1400 presents
    Fifth Prize: Baby Reindeer pet : 3000 presents

    Community Prizes: (example)
    (unlocks at 500 - meaning once you have collected 500 presents, you are eligible for community prizes.)
    First Prize: Holiday Silo skin : 30,000,000 presents
    Second Prize: Holiday Barn skin : 150,000,000 presents
    Third Prize: Holiday Farmhouse skin : 400,000,000 presents

    How to play
    Purchase the event building from the Market and collect from it every interval. Send your deliveries to collect upgrade parts for your event building. Upgrade your event building as soon as you can to increase the number of collection item that you can collect. Collect as many collection items as possible to unlock and win event prizes.

    Stages of event building upgrade (example)
    There are altogether 15 stages. Collection interval is 3 hrs for all stages.
    Stage 1 gives 4 presents
    To upgrade to Stage 2 requires 2 of each upgrade part - gives 8 presents
    To upgrade to Stage 3 requires 2 of each upgrade part - gives 12 presents
    To upgrade to Stage 4 requires 3 of each upgrade part - gives 16 presents
    To upgrade to Stage 5 requires 4 of each upgrade part - gives 20 presents
    To upgrade to Stage 6 requires 6 of each upgrade part - gives 24 presents
    To upgrade to Stage 7 requires 8 of each upgrade part - gives 28 presents
    To upgrade to Stage 8 requires 10 of each upgrade part - gives 32 presents
    To upgrade to Stage 9 requires 12 of each upgrade part - gives 36 presents
    To upgrade to Stage 10 requires 15 of each upgrade part - gives 40 presents
    To upgrade to Stage 11 requires 20 of each upgrade part - gives 44 presents
    To upgrade to Stage 12 requires 26 of each upgrade part - gives 48 presents
    To upgrade to Stage 13 requires 32 of each upgrade part - gives 52 presents
    To upgrade to Stage 14 requires 40 of each upgrade part - gives 56 presents
    To upgrade to Stage 15 requires 48 of each upgrade part - gives 60 presents

    To see which stage your event building is at, click on the it and a caption will appear at the bottom right of your screen. To upgrade your event building, click on it and click [Upgrade] button at the bottom of your screen.

    Event Boosts
    You can buy the coins and gems event boosts (e.g. pine trees, lanterns, archery targets, etc.) from the Market to help with your event. They give random rewards like coins, farm items, collection items, event upgrade parts, etc. They are good for 1 time or 2 times use and disappear after.

    (1) Upgrade your event building as early as possible to maximise the number of items for each collection.

    (2) The timer resets after you upgrade your event building, so make sure you collect first before you upgrade. Otherwise you will lose your pending items.

    (3) Check Stormie shop daily and see if she sells you an upgrade part.

    (1) The collection items do not accumulate. They remain at your event building until you collect them.

    (2) Make sure you have sufficient barn space to keep building upgrade parts.

    (3) In some events, you may stop getting building upgrade parts from deliveries once you have fully upgraded your event building.

    Warning: Do not use outdated versions of your Farm Story 2 during the event as we had past reports from members that they lost their collection items when they used both the latest and outdated versions together. Use only the latest version for the duration of the event.

    You can check the Holiday Harvest World Event thread to read more about World events.

    Last edited by Rynetory2; 08-23-17 at 03:18 AM.

  7. #7
    Grand Emperor
    Join Date
    Jun 2014
    Recommended items to buy prior to events

    1. expand to the pond
    2. expand to the mine
    3. get at least 1 bait shop, 2 bait shops if possible
    4. get these buildings (kitchen, bakery, windmill, fryer, dairy, chocolatier, studio)
    5. get at least 2 sheep pens, 3 sheep pens if possible
    6. get maximum number of apple trees available at your farm level
    7. level up to at least level 14. (Most events require you to be at least level 14)

    Note: These recommendations are based on past events and are subjected to changes.
    Last edited by Paul__; 07-20-22 at 02:14 AM.

  8. #8
    Grand Emperor
    Join Date
    Jun 2014
    Get your farm ready to participate in events

    Is your farm ready for an event?... An event is like a marathon, you need to train for it way way ahead. You don't start training for a marathon a few days or a week before it starts, so neither do you for events. Therefore start your event preparation today or as soon as you can.

    Every event is time critical and has challenges like goals, luck element or drop rates etc. While we cannot control these factors, we can certainly put ourselves in better ("fitter") position by building up our farm resources. Farms lacking resources have higher odds in finishing the event.

    1. earn coins
    2. stock up gems by sending trains or buy while on offer
    3. stock up mining tools
    4. stock up difficult to find craft items
    5. stock up bronze cowbells

    Time is also a resource - members who don't have much play time can make up for it using coins and gems.

    1. Coins
    Coins give you the luxury to purchase crafts for deliveries instead of having to craft. The more deliveries you sent, the better your chances of getting drops. You can buy more coin event boosts to get more collection items to make up for the shortfall for your collection.

    2. Gems
    Gems give you the luxury to gem an upgrade part, through a goal or advance goal days etc. When the grand prize is pet, I think it's worth using some gems to get it than not at all. After all, a gem pet in the Market or tree house easily costs minimum of 180 gems, what more is a limited edition event pet? Ok, some members may not be able to afford to buy gems, send your trains instead to earn gems.

    3. Mining Tools
    You can stock up mining tools by doing deliveries, buy from newspapers/neighbours or collect from your pets.

    4. Difficult to find craft items
    Stock up on these items since most events require you to do deliveries. Having a good stock in your barn enables you to send more deliveries and saves you time for seaching for these items. See next post for a suggested list of difficult to find craft items.

    5. Stock up Bronze Cowbells
    Stock up your bronze cowbells so you can buy Crops & Crafts Boosts during the event to shorten your crafting times. They are especially useful during a Goal Event or Luck Event when crafts from these machines are needed for goals or collection items.

    From my past experiences, having these resources does put my farm in a better and fitter position to compete in an event. If you don't, you will need to put in more effort or be realistic of your odds. I hope sharing this will help those struggling farmers to be better prepared for future events.

    Discussion thread: Is your farm ready for an event?
    Last edited by Rynetory2; 08-19-18 at 06:25 AM.

  9. #9
    Grand Emperor
    Join Date
    Jun 2014
    Suggested list of difficult to find crafts

    Difficult to find crafts depends on...
    1. your current farm level and what you can craft
    2. what you can't find in your neighbours' shops and newspaper

    Here are some suggestions highlighted in blue. You can adjust to your situation accordingly. Fellow members feel free to add your suggestions too.

    Scroll sideways to see the items on the right.

    Alpaca wool
    Goat milk



    Black truffle
    Brown truffle
    White truffle

    Bush & Trees
    Coffee bean
    Green grape
    Purple grape
    Maple leaf
    Maple syrup


    Sugar cane
    Tea leaf

    Blue orchid
    Pink lily
    Red tulip
    White daisy

    Water Garden


    Apple pie
    Busy bee cake
    Chocolate brownie
    Chocolate chip cookie
    Cranberry bread
    Lemon tart
    Maple bread
    Peach cobbler
    Raisin bread
    Rice cracker
    Strawberry cobbler
    Maple cotton candy meringue
    Chocolate frosting
    Cake batter
    Chocolate cotton candy cupcake
    Cotton candy cake

    Bed & Breakfast
    Maple cookies
    Maple bacon and eggs
    Maple gift basket

    Cafe latte
    Cafe mocha
    Caramel coffee
    Coffee chai latte
    Cotton candy soda
    Cup of tea
    Honey lemon tea
    Peach iced tea

    Sweet tea

    Candle Maker
    Apple cotton candy candle
    Blackberry candle
    Lemon candle
    Peach candle
    Pear candle
    Pink candle
    Vanilla candle

    Candy Maker
    Caramel apple lollipop
    Honey lollipop
    Maple candy
    Orange cotton candy taffy
    Peanut brittle
    Simple syrup

    Chocolate banana
    Chocolate pudding
    Chocolate strawberry
    Dark chocolate
    Milk chocolate
    Orange chocolate

    Cider House
    Apple cider
    Grape cider
    Grape cotton candy cider
    Honey cider
    Orange cider
    Peach cider
    Pear cider

    Brown truffle butter
    Goat cheese
    Maple cream

    Deep Fryer
    French fries
    Fried banana
    Fried eggs
    Fried fish
    Maple donut
    Stuffed peppers

    BLT sandwich
    Breakfast sandwich
    Brown truffle egg
    Catfish sandwich
    PB&J sandwich
    Seared tuna salad
    The Elvis sandwich

    Floral Shop
    Hanging orchid
    Lily candle
    Red vase
    Romantic bouquet

    Tulip candle
    Wild bouquet

    Ice Creamery
    Chocolate ice cream
    Chocolate sundae
    Cotton candy ice cream
    Goat milk ice cream
    Ice cream sandwich
    Ice cream sundae

    Strawberry popsicle
    Vanilla bean ice cream

    Jelly Maker
    Apple butter
    Blackberry jam
    Cranberry jam
    Orange marmalade
    Peanut butter
    Pear jam

    Wood necklace

    Apple pear juice
    Citrus juice
    Cranberry juice
    Tomato juice
    Veggie juice

    Baked potato
    Black truffle polenta
    Corn bread
    Corn syrup
    Granola bar
    Grape tart
    Hiking pack
    Maple nuts
    Peaches and cream
    Rice pudding
    Salmon quiche
    Watercress soup
    White truffle risotto

    Pizza Oven
    Anchovy pizza
    Black truffle pizza
    Chevre pizza
    Dessert pizza
    Pear pizza
    Pepperoni pizza
    Watercress pizza
    White pizza

    Sauce Maker
    Caramel sauce
    Chocolate sauce

    Smoked tomato
    Smoked cheese
    Smoked bacon
    Smoked salmon
    Smoked peanut
    Smoked peach

    Alpaca blanket
    Alpaca plushie
    Cargo net
    Fancy handbag
    Linen flower
    Wooden button

    Sugar Spinner
    Apple cotton candy
    Blackberry cotton candy
    Blueberry cotton candy
    Chocolate cotton candy
    Cotton candy flower
    Cranberry cotton candy
    Grape cotton candy
    Lemon cotton candy
    Maple cotton candy
    Orange cotton candy
    Strawberry cotton candy
    Vanilla cotton candy

    Sushi Shop
    Egg sushi
    Salmon roll
    Salmon nigiri
    Seaweed salad

    Steamed rice
    Wasabi paste

    Toy Maker
    Doll house

    Rocking horse
    Toy train

    Corn starch
    Truffle shaving
    Apple sugar
    Blackberry sugar
    Blueberry sugar
    Chocolate sugar
    Cranberry sugar
    Grape sugar
    Lemon sugar
    Maple sugar
    Orange sugar
    Powdered sugar
    Strawberry sugar
    Vanilla sugar

    Last edited by Rynetory2; 12-27-17 at 01:31 AM.

  10. #10
    Grand Emperor
    Join Date
    Jun 2014
    Good Advise from Members

    There had been good advise from members posted in various event threads. I thought I would start compiling a list here for easy reference, so we could learn from each other.

    If you spot any good advise or tips that you think is useful for events, please let me know so I can add it here.

    Quote Originally Posted by generalmadness View Post
    I am at level 56 after approximately two years of play. I play consistently, with very sporadic gem purchases of low dollar amounts. My barn is at 680, and it is ALWAYS full. That is just the game. Juggling space and storage needs is a big part of it, but I think barn expansions should be a major priority in your game play. Just realize that it will always be a problem, since as your farm gets more complex, there are more things to store, like animal feed, expansion parts, sugar, flour, etc.

    Plane deliveries are crucial in this game, especially in this kind of event. My advice is to go through the plane deliveries and discard any that you can not fill. Fill any you can, and then wait for them to reload, rather than trying to craft or buy the missing items.

    When you find yourself saying "It's not fair!" Remember this is a FREE GAME. Of course they want you to buy gems! That is how they pay people to build and maintain these things! Of course the goals and events are challenging! That is the POINT. That is what makes it a GAME and not just a kindergarten block puzzle. Take a deep breath, and decide if you want to continue. I find this particular game to be the most engaging, and it can actually be quite generous with the free gems, from pets and the butterfly/otter/mole opportunities, compared to other games.

    Final advice: READ THE EVENT THREADS, before you post. There is great advice being given here all the time. This one didn't get Rynetory's event advice spiel, but you can read that on the last event's first page. It is really good advice about how to be ready to play this type of event.

    Good luck, everyone! Have fun!
    Quote Originally Posted by Candreozzi0115 View Post
    Thank you general madness for posting this... if everyone would read the event treads, understand that the events would be challenging, etc., this would solve a lot of the issues. Thanks for this post!!
    Quote Originally Posted by judyandthecat View Post
    A suggestion for future events.
    I never give ores to plane or train deliveries I hoard them for events.
    I refresh all plane orders and as for trains I fill up to the two gem mark if the trains wants gold, iron or silver
    I also delete jewellery orders and wait thirty minutes for a new order.
    Quote Originally Posted by rynetory2 View Post
    Likewise, I dont give my deliveries nor trains these ores so I can conserve them for events. I also stock up about 10 of these ores plus mining tools during non event days cos no one will sell them during an event that needs it. I buy whenever I see from the market. I mine some before the event so it takes off the stress of not finding what I need in the mine.

    I would suggest that you sit out an event or two to stock up your barn, coins, etc. Once your barn is well stocked, then join the event when you are ready or up to it. It is stressful and frustrating to do an event with limited resources especially when time is the essence. You can also read this thread (Is your farm ready for an event?) and see if it helps you. Post your difficulties there so fellow members can also give you advise for future events.

    Events are optional. If you enjoy this game for the game itself, play on and do the events only when you feel up to it. Hope this helps. All the best.
    With regards to upgrading the event building for World Event.
    Quote Originally Posted by capitalcee View Post
    You don't have to fully upgrade your event building to win the pet. Just do the math to see if it can get done for the remaining duration of the event.
    Quote Originally Posted by rynetory2 View Post
    IMHO Farm 2 has 2 wonderful features that make this game easier than other Storm8 games. We can send trains which let us earn gems every day and we have the newspaper and sideshops to buy/sell things needed for upgrades, expansions and events. These are our resources guys, use them to help with your events and farm expansions.

    Dont forget your neighbours - they are your best assets. Not every farm lack the same event upgrade part. It's important that you have one or a few good neighbours who will help you. Work out a buddy system with a good neighbour who can trade stuffs with you during events or day to day farm activities like sending your trains. If you need more help, use the buy/sell thread and the community will help you out too.

    I know events can be challenging but with help from good neighbours, they are more doable and more fun. Keep sending your trains whenever you can; those gems sure come in handy during events. So if you havent a buddy system today, be sure to keep an eye.
    Quote Originally Posted by judyandthecat View Post
    I took time and checked my entire farm for hidden empty squares and THEY were there.
    Like perhaps behind a tree by a machine etc
    I did this in first couple hours of the event.
    I then covered every empty square with a stepping stone, decoration etc
    I created a GNOME JAIL
    Only place the sneaky little Sherlock GNOME could appear
    Attachment 43204
    Last edited by Rynetory2; 03-25-18 at 09:12 PM.

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