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Thread: How many neighbors can you have?

  1. #1

    How many neighbors can you have?

    Is there a limit?

  2. #2
    In CS or FS it is something like 1000 so it might be the same for BS.

  3. #3

    Question Neighbors, tipping pattern , XP?

    Norman I notice on the Community Ranking, one or two of the Leel 75's always are in the top two spots. Other Level 75's follow below. Is the position on the Community board, Where Levels are equal, determined by how much they tip, total XP, how many neighbors they have, or some other criteria?? It is very evident it is not random for the Level 75's on the Community Board. I want to know where to concentrate effort as I near Level 75. Thanks!

  4. #4


    How does the community list ranking work? If there are 6 Level 75's, how are they ranked on the community list? Good question

  5. #5

    Question Norman

    Can you please answer the last question? People are interested in that community board and there is another thread about it.

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