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Thread: Castle Story: 07/09/15 Update: Fickle Faeries

  1. #161
    Moderator (volunteer) SpiritWind00's Avatar
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    Jun 2013
    The Glimmerwood!
    Quote Originally Posted by ktcheetahh View Post
    Having recently returned to CS after a 6 month break, it appears that the goals have changed from those on page 1. The Usual Way goal now begins with preparing a flower bouquet and going on a faerie quest (going North to Blythewood). The Tabernum Connection goal now begins with sending a letter to Agnes via the Royal Exchange (2days). Will these and any other goal changes be updated on this Blythewood Faeries part 1 update? Sure hope so- I was all prepared for goals as outlined on pg 1 but not sure what to expect next...
    I'll move this post over to the Fickle Faeries thread. (done)

    and the goal hasn't changed at all - what you wrote is still what you need to do... have a look at the first page of this thread. good luck!
    Last edited by SpiritWind00; 10-01-15 at 03:51 PM.

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