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Thread: Castle Story: 4/9/15 Mythic Mushrooms

  1. #61
    Executive Chef
    Join Date
    Feb 2013
    Yes very useful and so cute,, I'm always low on mushroom and glimmerdust
    If they were smaller I would of bought space here

  2. #62
    Executive Chef
    Join Date
    Jan 2014
    Atlanta, GA
    LMAO! When you say "small update", Pika, you ain't kiddin'! Wow, zooooom! Lol

    But, hooray! Gigantic Alice in Wonderland psychedelic mushrooms! I wish it had a blue caterpillar sitting on it, smoking a pipe! LOL

    Since I'm always making Vital Extracts (in order to make Allergy Potions to go to the Plume Hive ad nauseum, lol) and trading with Bella Donna quite frequently, I'm forever using lots of energy on mushroom collecting. So, this is a welcome addition for me! It's a bit big but the design is cute-as-can-be!

    For those who are disgruntled with the cost ... A glimmerdust trove costs 40 gems and drops 1-3 dust every FOUR HOURS. This is the same price (with the 5-gem rebate for that initial one, lol) and drops multiple mushrooms and sometimes glimmerdust every 15 MINS! Comparatively, I think that's a good value. (On my last collection, I harvested 3 'shrooms and 2 g dust! Yay!)
    Would be nice to see this as a new adventure boxdrop (hint hint, TL, lol).

    And yayyyy! ...the mysterious white paths from the app pic have appeared! (Now, when are we gonna see those RAINBOWS and ROSE BOUQUET!? lol) moly, are they briiiiiiiiight! Where's my sunglasses? Lol

    At least it's nice to know TL is still reading the suggestion polls.

  3. #63
    Executive Chef
    Join Date
    Mar 2013
    Awesome! Finally a solution to the lack of mushrooms and glimmerdust in this game and having to spend so much energy to get them! Great job, TL!

    Also love the new white tiles, they look good and fresh. Love this update!

  4. #64
    I would have gladly bought the mushroom but the size just will not fit into my kingdom

  5. #65
    Fashion Designer
    Join Date
    Mar 2014
    I am always collecting mushrooms for vital essence and trades, so an energy-efficient way to collect them is much appreciated.

    I was disappointed though that it wasn't part of a more robust quest line with multiple steps like the magic fruit tree and pet skunkupine house. This was definitely the quickest update ever.

  6. #66
    New Resident
    Join Date
    Jul 2013
    The wizard school is worth having because its a source of energy

  7. #67
    Executive Chef
    Join Date
    Jan 2013
    Also, try letting the game fully load first before you start to play and storing a few things may also help.
    Store as much as you can spare, especially animated items. I had to ask the power that be for help and it was great - no more crashes on my old iTouch. Lots of empty space so lost my incentive to expand but it's worth it to be able to play.

    Sorry, OT - I stored a lot of my mushroom patches so have no particular interest in buying mushrooms; also normally maxed out on glimmerdust. I do like the white roads because they make the prettiest items pop more against the white than the tan.

  8. #68
    Fashion Designer
    Join Date
    Feb 2014
    I have no issue with the item (it's cute and was asked for) or its cost, I'm just disappointed with the fact that the "timed goal" is actually a short, timed one off discount on a gem item. I was looking forward to an actual goal.

  9. #69
    Have to get back on my previous msg here, after a couple of collections I think glimmer drops 1 out of 2 times so definitely worth the gems for me.

  10. #70
    Rhino Keeper
    Join Date
    Feb 2015
    Quote Originally Posted by PikaSquirrel View Post
    Extra Information:

    The White roads and the Mythic Mushrooms are both permanent items.

    Posted by SW:

    Mythic mushrooms
    Found: market for 45 gems
    Drops: 3 mushrooms at a time, glimmerdust
    Collection time: 15 minutes

    Inventory Guide updated...

    In addition, they are worth 3 royal points

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