Quote Originally Posted by mcmug17 View Post
Tigger, I think not being able to clear the counters / selling food fast enough to make coins all along was probably the most detrimental.
I really strongly agree with that. I think sooner or later most players will likely run into this as they move onto the higher yield recipes (lobsters etc).

So I cleared a bunch of counters and tried to work out the best combo of recipes, started doing lobsters again, and just like that, overnight I have 20 counters full and food stuck on stove with no counter to go on.

I have actually seriously ran out of reasonably priced items to buy right now, (no I'm not spending 1340k to upgrade one level in the market!) so in that sense there is no urgency to speed up food sales, it's more a matter of how they plan to work out the game in the long run, are they going to tweek sales rate, are they just going to give us more counters...

I can still expand restaurant size but waiting for parts, so while there was a coins bottle neck that I think I've gotten through (I.e. suddenly lots of coins expensive items opening up simultaneously at a certain level) I still have other game elements I need to work on (I.e. collecting parts.)

Since there's no urgency to earn coins anymore, I might rearrange the layout to favor decoration themes over speed of sales, main attraction of the game for me right now is still managing a good balance of resource etc. I'm still getting used to supplying for the cream/sugar - greedy chateau oven.