I had 7M coins and now I have 100k (got it back up from 21K when I was told I couldn't afford another LOL).

So worth it. I've paid for all the expansions I'm still waiting on permits for already so gold is useless to me. I've lost track of how many I've chopped in addition to the 100 in storage (probably chopped at least 100) but I've had soooooooo many feasts (6 spicy, 7 hearty and 3 simple to be precise). Im normally just one ahead to keep my kings keep and barracks in action and I use a lot of simple feasts so having a bunch in storage is super exciting.

Still got my fingers crossed for an expansion permit.

Thanks TL! Love this update! So good to have something so fun and potentially profitable for coins, a nice pat on the back for us lvl50 older players